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Eve 29 Jan @ 11:41am
[SPOILER] Thank you!
If you clicked this despite spoiler tag, this pertains to ending E.

If you opt to "help a complete stranger", you end up sacrificing your saves, and get told that it might end up helping someone you dislike, or not receive thanks for your sacrifice, so I simply wanted to say thank you on my own behalf, no way I would've beaten those few last waves without help.

Much love! :LIS_pixel_heart:

Yes I know you can just backup the files, but that's besides the point!
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xenos 29 Jan @ 12:11pm 
Thank you to those who help me.
I find it a nice game mechanic that is consistent with the game and ties the community together more, such as the items that you can leave around for others on Death Stranding.

I honestly didn't use backup because I wanted to replay it to platinum it, and I think not using it made the gesture even better
Eve 29 Jan @ 12:14pm 
Originally posted by xenos:
I honestly didn't use backup because I wanted to replay it to platinum it, and I think not using it made the gesture even better

I just finished all the main endings for the very first time, and I'm thinking I might do the same one day with this one, even if I rarely do it for games. Only those that feel exceptional to me.
Last edited by Eve; 29 Jan @ 12:14pm
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