Maniac Mansion

Maniac Mansion

AURORA 13 13 Aug, 2023 @ 10:23am
Blinking cursor on Tandy 1000RLHD
Alright, so, strangely enough, i didn't buy this on steam, but i did buy an actual Tandy 1000 to play this game on, however, whenever i boot it up via Deskmate, it doesn't load, all i get is a blinking cursor.
Does this mean I accidentally installed the enchanced version? As far as i'm aware, the Tandy 1000RLHD has the specs to run this.
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AURORA 13 13 Aug, 2023 @ 10:33am 
UPDATE: found another pirated copy, now i'm getting a run-time error
AURORA 13 13 Aug, 2023 @ 10:40am 
UPDATE 2: Attempted using that same one again, now I just get a blue screen.
AURORA 13 13 Aug, 2023 @ 10:54am 
UPDATE 3: Got it working using the enchanced edition, this thread is useless lmao
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