Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

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The Baba storyline is so stupid.
The Baba (The Plague Witch) clearly being abused by her manipulative scumbag bodyguard, and Aiden's like "Sure, pay me" and nothing further. Why is Aiden curious and intrusive in other quests and in the main questline, but not for this questline?

The way the Baba brushes off Corvus' sh177y attitude and behavior towards anyone that even stares at him for a milisecond, paranoid grumpy bastard. When Aiden calls out Corvus jokingly, Corvus goes "Speak to me at your own peril". I'm more irritated than scared by that typical british medieval phrase. And Baba, this plague b17ch, goes "I wouldn't tease Corvus like that, take your payment and go", and in such an annoying tone as well. Well screw you, dam paleolithic shaman "mAh-jeek" b17ch.

And in the last quest of hers, the Baba willingly sends you to the lion's den and expects the lion to win ("I thought Corvus would be the one to come through that door"). Then the audacity, the audacity of this tribal tw@t, goes "When you killed all the monsters, I knew you'd be the one to face Corvus and win". I'm sorry, CAN CORVUS KILL BOTH A GOON AND A DEMOLISHER AT THE SAME TIME? NO? THEN HOW THE EVER LIVING COW MANURE WOULD I NOT BE ABLE TO KILL A DOUCHEBAG?

What a cowardly toxic-relationship loving see-you-and-tee of a woman.
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The first time I did this quest, I drank with Corvus, but I realized, this man just got me drunk... I still beat him up though. This time, I refused his drinks, he didn't like that very much, still beat him up though... I didn't like Corvus from the start.
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Date Posted: 26 Jul @ 12:45pm
Posts: 1