KARDS - The WWII Card Game

KARDS - The WWII Card Game

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Thomas  [developer] 2 Jul, 2019 @ 7:54am
Rules and posting guidelines
We would like to friendly remind everyone on the rules and guidelines for discussions. These rules apply to KARDS in specific and Steam in general: Rules and Guidelines For Steam.

Besides the general rules (e.g. being polite to your fellow gamers and forum users, not posting personal information, not posting illegal content), we would like to point out some specific implication of those rules:

  1. This forum is about KARDS.
    Quite obvious. :) Off-topic content will be removed. Please be constructive with your feedback and discussions.

  2. Respect your fellow KARD gamers.
    Don't flame or insult other forum members. Don't harass or threat other forum members. Any instance of threatening or harassing behavior is grounds for instant forum bans.

  3. Don't post personally identifiable information.
    Posting personally identifiable information is a serious offense and can result in legal action against you.

  4. Illegal content is not allowed.
    Illegal content includes phishing or pyramid schemes. Porn, inappropriate or offensive content is not allowed either.

  5. Use KARDS Support for reporting bugs or cheating suspicions.
    For bug reports, suspicions about cheating and similar inquiries, please contact KARDS Support[support.kards.com]. Don't accuse specific players on the forum of cheating, contact KARDS support instead.

Happy posting!
Last edited by Thomas; 2 Jul, 2019 @ 7:55am
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
Lt.Moravcuk 10 May, 2020 @ 6:35am 
Dear Thomas,

please be so nice to introduce in the earliest conveniece something like to avoidance of players. May be each player can avoid max. 20 players or like this. Same as to add to friend so avoid this player for future. The reason is simple. As in many game all on Globe also in this one some of them are acting against good behavior, against the flow of the game and brainwashed. May be this is holding this game popular on the other hand you will loose slowly slowly a part of community. Some game has this kind of option and especcially for this kind of game it is necessary. Thx for your understanding. I am sure that many players will appreciate this option and ignorats will be slowly extracted from the community.
Last edited by Lt.Moravcuk; 10 May, 2020 @ 6:37am
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