KARDS - The WWII Card Game

KARDS - The WWII Card Game

Rage and other stupid mechanism.
Hi :mgoat:,

I usually play US-France and really liked this game for a very long time, but since a couple of months now I'm having trouble enjoying playing this game.

I mean, I'm one of the players who have only one of each card in my deck and get into the officers club, but it is just not fun anymore to try it simply because of a repeating pattern of strategies my opponents use.

For example, I avoid the "Rage" Mechanism at all in my deck and does not even use the Tech-Tree-Card, just because I find it to be a very stupid playstyle. It has too much power.

Like other overpowered Card-Combos things like "Rage" are too powerful and as such get abused by other players constantly, which makes a battle not very fun anymore. Instead of a real fight, you get stuff where you can't even play a card anymore on your side, or loose even when you have fought your way up, just because one card says "Every damage your HQ took will be inflicted on the opponents HQ" or so... Where's the logic in that?

I really really liked the relaxing playsessions I had with this game, but it is getting too repetitive and I find myself playing other games much more entertaining these days.

I hope this will change some day, but since those cards are in play, I just don't like playing for longer than a match because I get reminded about the same loop of opponents to face.

It does not make much difference if the opponent has 13 Kredits or 23 Kredits. The Rage/Retribution-Mechanism is just too powerfull even under 10 Kredits, because it can be so easily implemented by just having units to sacrife and is so rich in lethal potential.

Have fun and I had a great time with real good opponents which I respect. :MMForFun: :handhorns:

Edit to list some things that are too weird to be fun:
The Rage/Retribution system is mostly stupid because of the high outcome plus the replicating process. But other mechanism like duplicating some gold cards that wipe the entire field, the US-Nuke in general or like I said the russian perversion of hitting their own HQ to destroy the opponents... Where in history is that founded? Or other mechanism depending on how many cards have been played on each side and the opponent gets the damage, which leads to a turn where all of the sudden the opponent drops a bunch of cards and you have no way to counter it because you are dead.

Alright, I can understand the scorched earth theme, but if just some of those mechanism would be more complementary and not ultra-power, it would bring in more diversity, instead of everybody trying to go for that one combo.

If such mechanism like Retribution rule a field that hard because of the high output, then you can be assure that it will be abused by some players and create an environment that people don't have fun to play in.

I would say that you are not allowed to copy golden cards would be a huge win for more fun in a game. And like you guys hinted maybe an Energy-Cap at 15 or so. I had once a match where I had to survive 3 or 4 Nukes. How's that any fun?

I'd say maybe a finite pool of retribution-cards without having the one that gives you 2 would be helpfull, aside from a Kredit-Cap at like 15 or so. If the opponent has many credits but not getting enough cards, then what use are the kredits...

I mean, the battle should be like a conversation going forth and back, not like a one sided monologue of one player while the other can play their cards without being an influence to the opponent, because their strategy does not involve the opponent in other means than destroying your units.

That's just no fun.
Last edited by WakWak; 30 Jan @ 6:18am
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Showing 1-15 of 58 comments
Z0mbie 3 Jan @ 6:45pm 
I hear ya. You’re more into an “engaging” play style. You want to play it like chess where stats and an actual brain are involved. I’m the same way. My favorite rounds are the ones where both players are down to 5 or so cards left in their deck.

But unfortunately, it seems like the brain dead meta decks aren’t going anywhere. Japandicap which requires just simply playing cheap cards and letting them die to inflict damage aka zero skill, Jagro and the all the other quick rush decks, that’s how you get to the single digit levels but from what I’ve seen, the experienced players use those guys as stepping stones. It’s just boring dealing with the same meta crap over and over, but at least it’s predictable.
WakWak 4 Jan @ 5:58am 
Yeah, but me and my single-card-decks have a very good prevention against those japan/german decks. For example a card that reduces any damage to your HQ by one helps alot or having just a few rush cards in the deck. It aint helping every time, but I dont really fear a material battle^^

I just have no fun with those strange mechanics that you can't really fight. I mean, I can't play other card games because they are even worse with the "I-Win-Without-A-Counter"-Mechanism, but this game had such a good balance in actual Unit-Variation, giving some great battles as if you would fight a real battle, not a magic simulation where "Every Thing is possible" and you win in the end even if you just pounded yourself. So strange...
Navin 4 Jan @ 7:44am 
Any deck that is heavily order reliant are boring to play against, in hindsight commonwealth wasn't so bad, at least you had to get to turn 12 before they won.

These days it's really common to lose to aggro on turn 4 if you don't play with many guard units.
Originally posted by WakWak:
Yeah, but me and my single-card-decks have a very good prevention against those japan/german decks. For example a card that reduces any damage to your HQ by one helps alot or having just a few rush cards in the deck. It aint helping every time, but I dont really fear a material battle^^

I just have no fun with those strange mechanics that you can't really fight. I mean, I can't play other card games because they are even worse with the "I-Win-Without-A-Counter"-Mechanism, but this game had such a good balance in actual Unit-Variation, giving some great battles as if you would fight a real battle, not a magic simulation where "Every Thing is possible" and you win in the end even if you just pounded yourself. So strange...

The Retribution mechanic (what you call Rage), has been quite polarizing. Some people like it, many play the cards because of their potencial, but many loathe the concept and/or execution. I personally did not like it from the beginning, at least in its current form. Had the cards been more thematic or less powerful it might have been an interesting machanic. As it stands, I find it over-the-top. But 1939 Games went with it for the summer expansion and so we are stuck with it for at least another 6 months. Maybe they listened to the criticism and will change something or leave it as is, because other strategies become more meta. We'll have to see.

Jaggro on the other hand has been a thing since the beginning of the game. The risk of beeing rushed early on is the reason why guard units and cheap removals exist. There will always be a nation that has the best chances for an early rush victory and people will use it for that reason. Take away the rush tools from Japan and two months after that people will be complaining that they face boring no-brain German rush all the time. Or boring no-brain Soviet rush. Or boring no-brain USA rush. Or boring no-brain Britain rush...
Last edited by sushi_komplett; 4 Jan @ 8:48am
uncleed 4 Jan @ 9:35am 
Waiting for mindless combo to gather: The Game
WakWak 4 Jan @ 9:53am 
Yeah, those Speed-Decks are really heavy sometimes, but managable if I get the right cards, which is quite satisfying and alright in over all.

The Rage/Retribution system is mostly stupid because of the high outcome plus the replicating process. But other mechanism like duplicating some gold cards that wipe the entire field, the US-Nuke in general or like I said the russian perversion of hitting their own HQ to destroy the opponents... Where in history is that founded? Or other mechanism depending on how many cards have been played on each side and the opponent gets the damage, which leads to a turn where all of the sudden the opponent drops a bunch of cards and you have no way to counter it because you are dead.
Originally posted by WakWak:
... the US-Nuke in general or like I said the russian perversion of hitting their own HQ to destroy the opponents... Where in history is that founded?.

I think the nuke itself is okay, since you need time to get there. Also, the soviet self-damage theme makes sense, in my opinion. Think about scorched earth tactics or soviet officers shooting their own soldiers to "motivate" others.
I like it that the game has certain themes going with all nations; it differenciates them in a good way. That's why I don't like the Retribution cards. They are too generic and all over the place, with one artwork for 12 completely different cards.
Last edited by sushi_komplett; 4 Jan @ 10:31am
WakWak 4 Jan @ 10:54am 
Alright, I can understand the scorched earth theme, but if just some of those mechanism would be more complementary and not ultra-power, it would bring in more diversity, instead of everybody trying to go for that one combo.
Yeah. Currently I often find myself thinking "Oh, it's THAT deck again. Can my deck counter it? Not it can't, let's quit here." Might be the wrong way to approach things, if you want to be a competitive player but that's not what I play for. I really miss some interesting single-player challenges like the ones you have in the campaigns.
WakWak 4 Jan @ 11:41am 
My single card deck has multiple combos and I like the way it's keeping me entertained, I never quit, because I never know which card might be next that gets me out of a bad situation. Quite fun to play.^^
I shall play more single-card decks, I think. It sounds fun. :)
Last edited by sushi_komplett; 4 Jan @ 12:40pm
puschit 4 Jan @ 4:07pm 
My highlander deck is also my favourite. There was a highlander tournament once but it's quite a while since then and they never repeated it. Maybe we should found an informal club/league where we only play highlander?
WakWak 6 Jan @ 3:07pm 
Long-Time-Fun should be in a game's best interest, so a wide variety of possibilities of combos with most different cards is kinda the optimal structure.

If such mechanism like Retribution rule a field that hard because of the high output, then you can be assure that it will be abused by some players and create an environment that people don't have fun to play in.

So if those cards are in the main cycle, people start to stay away.
puschit 6 Jan @ 4:07pm 
Yeah, but first, there is a lot of variety in last 6 ranks and "low" FM ranks (don't know what it looks like currently in the FM hundreds), retribution decks are rare enough so that it isn't warranted to metagame against them. And secondly retributions isn't the problem anymore. Those decks aren't retribution decks (they only run very few of them nowadays, they are Ramp decks, and the true problem here is actually the ramp - more precisely the abundance of quality ramp like America at War that also draws cards. Recent additions like the Sherman package means they don't need to pack retribution beyond 121st Infantry and Blue And Gray , many don't even play Yank anymore. A secondary problem is that, across their power cards, these decks have basically all aspects covered and the typical card covers two of them at once. For example Bomber Mafia kills all weenies while developing a fatty (of which one of them has mass-suppress ) ... that's just too much. All those cards are properly costed, but when you can ramp mana that easily, that's a non-issue - except against cheap aggro decks.
And that's the last problem: Decks like Jaggro aren't actually good and you see them less and less the higher you climb. Ironically they are the best way to beat greedy ramp decks before they get rolling.

To sum it up: We are way past the point where nerfs to retribution would change anything about that. These decks do not have any single problem card, it's a structural problem and the heart of it is ramp. But since ramp is one of the defining characteristics of the US you just can't nerf them into the ground or take them away entirely because the US would then become unplayable outside supporting aggro decks with some weenies. It's a very VERY difficult task to properly balance ramp in any CCG and devs notoriously underestimate the problem or worse often fail to realize that it's ramp. It took Hearthstone forever to recognize and admit this until they finally and reluctantly raised the cost of Wild Growth to 3. And 1 or 2 years later they were back business as usual and even created a ramp card that also drew you an extra card for just 2 mana (you needed a dragon in hand to get both but that wasn't a problem). And it took Magic about a decade to get it right. At least, they got it (unlike Hearthstone) even though Magic's mana system is way more complex and despite being the first CCG.
So, I am eager to see when Kards realizes that it has a problem here. The big advantage: That one weired japanese combo deck aside It's only a single nation (colour in Magic, class in Hearthstone) that has ramp, so it's a local problem and not a general one.
Maybe the game would profit from some dedicated anti-ramp effects. Some cards texts like

- Your opponent cannot gain additional Kredit slots through card effects
- Your opponent's Kredit slots cannot go beyond X
- Gain an additional Kredit slot unless your Kredit slots are 3 or more above your opponent's
- Gain two additional Kredit slots if this is the first [insert card name] you play, otherwise gain 2 Kredits
- etc.
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