KARDS - The WWII Card Game

KARDS - The WWII Card Game

Nixx 20 Sep, 2019 @ 7:35pm
Manifesto : World Championship for dummies
Hey guys !

What's worse than breaking the meta just before a world championship? Well, what about changing more cards DURING the world championship?

Whoever's surprised that the game can't reach 200 players average/month should understand that not everyone has 10 free hours a day to build and playtest decks (on a sh***y interface may I add). And start all over again because the developpers suddently decided to break 3/4 of the working builds by nerfing a dozen cards in one patch.

Nerfing sudden strike (among others) right before the start of a competition is unfair to people that can only put so many hours in gaming and wanted to have a chance. It only allows the players who have the time and the reactivity (and the cards) to succeed by building and testing new decks in very short notice.

Changing more major cards right now, during the competition, is just silly. What about the player that is rank one today? How fair is it that the other players must now catch up with him with nerfed panzers?

Such a beautiful game, such cool mechanics ruined by a group of short sighted devs saddens me.

I could talk about this subject for hours because I' ve loved Kards deeply before getting sick of its development team. The game will now remain a niche one, for elites, that keep matching and theorycrafting against each other after each poorly timed and abherrant change. It will never go farther.

I feel like I've wasted too many hours on this game, and that it is less and less fun (this remark is purely subjective). All my decks have been made obsolete in two patches. I haven't yet unlocked any of the major broken cards (although the devs would like you to believe you can climb high with no Elite cards). I'm always facing the same players, sometimes three times in a row. I alway see the same three decks that work.

I don't have fun any more, especially with this blitz/use-four-orders-on-two-units-and-win-turn-three meta. I'm just done. And considering my experience here, that does mean something.

Enjoy fighting repeatedly against each other, my friends. Some of you have been fierce opponents that made me sweat and cry. I won't forget you !

Farewell !
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baby 20 Sep, 2019 @ 10:37pm 
I love Kads, my only issue is once I've reached Officer Club, the game became extremely hard for me (a new player) where I was being matched against top 50 players who got Elite/Special cards all around and is impossible for me to climb through the ranks anymore due to the level gap between me (a new player) vs players who got top decks.

I understand that the playerbase is low and that might affect who I'm being matched with, but the game is never the same once I reached OC for some reason (Feels impossible to win, most of the games aren't even close when they got cards that seem unfair unlike before.. and it's like 8x times harder).

Right now I'm playing a lot of Draft, as that's where I can have a chance vs other enemies by using cards that I don't generally have unlocked.

People had your same complaints on other card games too, and one thing I always told them is "play Draft", it's not something that fixes your issues, but it let's you stay away from them atleast :P

Nixx 23 Sep, 2019 @ 4:18am 
You're kind of right, and your opinion on this is quite interesting. Problem is, when you try to involve your small playerbase into a World Tournament (with cash prize) and change the meta twice (right before and during the qualifiers), you're pretty much dooming yourself, credibility-wise.

Broken cards is a thing in KARDS, I've seen very stupid decks revolving around Commonwealth, and you can't really have a fair game in high ELO if you don't have B-17. At the end of the day, only a few specific decks have a very high win chance.

I've never complained on Gwynt or Heathstone, they have their own issues but are far from the disaster that is KARDS' management. Man, just look at the deck builder and tell me these guys are serious.

Bottom of this is : you (and probably me and so many others) are in OC because the ten rich payers (or dead hardcore players) that have all the cards can't play all the time against everyone. So I've learnt to admit that it doesn't mean that much about my skill. I've even accepted it. But I've committed so much to this world cup, to see my decks ruined again by anbother meta switch, this one is too much.

Good luck on your Drafts btw ;)
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