Darwin Project

Darwin Project

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B 20 Nov, 2018 @ 7:38am
Code of Conduct
Hello Inmates,

Players have expressed strong appreciation for the positive, fun-loving community that’s developed around our game. As this community grows, our goal is to maintain those good vibes forever.

The Code of Conduct applies in-game and across all our official channels. The Code of Conduct may be updated from time to time and we encourage you to check back here regularly.

If you see inmates or Show Directors violating any of the terms below, you can report them either mid-match (through the Pause Menu) or at the end of the match. We will consider these reports seriously and take appropriate action when needed.

Code of Conduct
  • Be nice
    We value a safe, positive, and fun gaming environment for all. Hate speech, profanity, discriminatory language, obscenity, threats, spam, abuse, and other forms of harassment or illegal behaviour are strictly prohibited.

  • Do not cheat
    Using hacks or software of any kind that gives you an unfair advantage, as well as promoting said software, are serious offenses and are automatically subject to suspension. For more on this topic, please refer to Easy Anti-Cheat’s Darwin Project cheating policy[www.easy.ac].

  • Do not team up with other players or teams
    Teaming is a premeditated effort to ally with an opposing player, team, or the Show Director to defeat another player or team.

    Teaming is NOT spontaneously deciding not to engage another player or team upon encountering them, allowing an opponent to warm up at your Fire, or helping a player become acclimated to the game as the Show Director.

  • Do not sabotage duo mode matches
    Match sabotage is intentionally disrupting your ally in Duo Mode (such as by repeatedly striking them with the Axe), being inactive, or engaging in other activities that sabotage the match for your Duo team.

    Sabotage is NOT making mistakes that negatively affect your ally in Duo Mode, staying silent in voice chat, or not speaking the same language as your ally.

  • Do not stream snipe
    There is no honor in deliberately using information in a player’s stream to defeat them.

  • Do not exploit bugs and/or glitches
    When you encounter bugs or glitches in the game, do not use them to your advantage―instead, report them to us! There is no fulfillment in this kind of victory, only shame.

  • Do not share private information
    Personal details about you or other people, including account information, should remain private to ensure yours and other players’ safety.

  • Do not impersonate others
    Do not claim to be another person, such as a Scavengers Studio employee. (This includes adding "SCAV" in front of your name.)

  • Honor your sanctions
    Player misbehavior will not go unpunished. If you have been issued a suspension, it is your responsibility to serve your sanction. Circumventing punishment will only incur more penalties.

    Players who violate the Code of Conduct are subject to the following:

  • Warning
    Continuing to violate the Code of Conduct after receiving a warning will result in a temporary suspension.

  • Temporary voice chat restriction
    In the event that players are making continued inappropriate use of voice chat, they may lose access to voice chat for a number of matches.

  • Temporary loss of show director privileges
    If players use the Show Director role to violate the Code of Conduct, they may temporarily become unable to play as the Show Director.

  • Temporary suspension
    Players may lose access to Darwin Project for a number of days, with the exact length depending on the severity of the violation.

  • Permanent suspension
    Repeated violations of the Darwin Project Code of Conduct, as well as the End User License Agreement, may result in a permanent ban from the game and its community.

    Private Matches
    Players are welcome to create their own game modes and rules in private matches, as long as there is consensus from all its contestants and Show Director.
Last edited by B; 20 Nov, 2018 @ 7:47am