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NosTale Steam FAQ
What does it mean to play NosTale on Steam?
Steam offers an easy and straightforward way to play NosTale. Once you are logged into the gaming platform, you can launch and play NosTale – without any subsequent logins.

What will happen when I open NosTale on Steam for the first time?
When you open NosTale for the very first time on Steam, the client will start. If you don’t have a NosTale account linked, it will automatically create a new one. If you have previously linked your NosTale account to Steam via our website (more information below), you will be able to play with this one.
Once either a new NosTale account has been created or your existing one has been linked to Steam, the launcher will log you in automatically and start the client on every subsequent start (you won’t be prompted to enter your account details again).
If you accidentally create a new account instead of linking your already existing one, please go to our website to unlink it from Steam and link a new one (more information below).

Is it possible to use several NosTale accounts via the same Steam account?
No, it is not possible to use several NosTale accounts via one Steam account. You can however continue to use the standalone NosTale clients.
If you have one account linked to Steam and you wish to link a different one, you will first need to unlink the current one and then either login via Steam with the account you wish to play, or link the account you wish via our website (more information below).

How will I be able to link my steam account to my existing NosTale account?
You can link your account via website. Just log in on the website for your country (for example, for EN: ). You can use the normal login or the Steam log in button:
If you use the normal login, you will see your account settings (if there is an already linked account, you will need to unlink it first). You will see a button to link it to Steam.
If you use the Steam login, you will see if your Steam account is already linked or not. In case it’s not yet linked, you will be given the option to either link an existing account or create a new one.

Is it possible for me to unlink my NosTale account from Steam?
Yes, it is possible to do so via website. Please log in on the website for your country (for example, for EN: ). You can use the normal login or the Steam log in button. If your account is already linked to Steam, you will see an unlink button in the account settings overview. It is also possible to upgrade your account so you can play with the standalone client. Warning: If you unlink your account (without upgrading it first), it will become unusable!

You can only unlink an account once every 7 days.

What if I unlink my account by mistake?
If you unlink your account it will become unusable. If you do it by mistake, please contact our game support to recover it (for example, for EN: ).

You have created a new NosTale account via Steam instead of linking it to your existing account?
No problem, you can unlink the new account from our website, and then link your existing one. Just log in on the website for your country (for example, for EN: ) and follow the instructions above.

I have created a NosTale account on Steam. Can I use it to log in on the NosTale website?
Yes, you can. You can login on our website (via normal login or Steam login). Afterwards you will be able to manage the link/unlink, see your account settings, and also upgrade your account so you can play via standalone client.

Can I switch from playing via Steam to playing via standalone clients?
Yes, you can, but you will need to upgrade your NosTale Steam account via our website first. Just login on the website with your credentials and in the account overview, click on the upgrade account button (more below).

What is an upgraded account?
An upgraded account is an account that can be used in both Steam and the standalone client. In order to upgrade your account just log in our website. If your account is not yet linked, you will need to link it to Steam first. Once it’s linked, you will see the option to upgrade your account in your account settings overview on the website. To upgrade your account, you will need to provide a valid email and password (you will need it to play via standalone client).

Is it mandatory to play via Steam? Do I have to switch to Steam?
No. Steam is completely optional. You can still continue to play without Steam, using the client from the website as before.

Does Steam fully install the client?
Steam will download the full NosTale Client. The launcher on Steam will not patch the Client anymore, but all client updates will be patched by Steam instead.

If I have already been playing NosTale, will I have to re-download the game if I want to play via Steam?
Yes, even if you already have the game installed, you will need to download the client again via Steam and link your NosTale account to your Steam account.

Are accounts going to be transferred?
No, everything stays the same. Steam is only another launching platform. You will still use your regular credentials to log in to the game.

How can I change the game language / server?
The language you play in is defined by your Steam client language. If you change the language in your Steam client settings, the NosTale server/language you are shown will be changed accordingly.

To change the language of your client, right-click “NosTale” on your steam library, choose “Properties”, then go to the “Language” tab and choose the version you’d like. The language you choose, defines the server you will play on.

Is there any country restriction in place?
There is no limitation and you can choose any of the languages available.

Will there be a new server for Steam?
Steam players will use the regular NosTale servers. However, with the launch of Steam we will launch some new servers (check the latest news). Those servers are for all our players, regardless of whether they play via Steam or not.

Will NosDollars be purchasable through Steam?
Yes, NosDollars will be purchasable through the Steam Wallet. More information on how to top up NosDollars will follow.

Please note: The "Collector's Edition Bundles" are not yet available for purchase via Steam. If you wish to purchase those, you can do so via website (keep in mind that you will need to upgrade your account first, read above "What is an upgraded account?").

Will NosTale remain free-to-play?
Of course! You can play NosTale completely for free. If you decide to make purchases from the item shop, the NosDollars you buy in the Steam version are worth exactly the same.
Editat ultima dată de Nostale Official; 18 sept. 2017 la 6:10
Data postării: 11 sept. 2017 la 4:27
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