The First Tree

The First Tree

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Remedy 5 May, 2017 @ 3:02pm
YouTube Policy?

Since this game is very story driven, I wanted to check your stance on Let's Plays of The First Tree. Would love to share this game, as it looks like a work of art!

Thank you for your time!
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Whelly 12 May, 2017 @ 8:47am 
Yes, absolutely Let's Plays are allowed! I'm working with my music licensing partners so that copyright flags are kept to a minimum. If they do happen, the dispute process should be fairly quick and painless. I'll update more as I get closer to launch.
Remedy 12 May, 2017 @ 8:47am 
Thank you very much!
Kelrycor 13 Jan, 2019 @ 3:23pm 
Hello - is there any important thing about the outcome of the copyright flags with your music licensing partners you spoke about I should know before publishing a Let's Play on YouTube? Thank you.
Last edited by Kelrycor; 14 Jan, 2019 @ 10:05am
Kelrycor 21 Jan, 2019 @ 12:48pm 
For your information:

I wrote Josh (Kramer) and Jerome (Message to Bears) myself over Bandcamp and they reacted pretty fast. They both gave me their ok for streaming. Seems they don't bother much and were both nice. Josh has activated content-ID on YouTube, so your video will get evenutally monetized. If you don't wanna, write Josh and ask kindly about putting your video on the whitelist (send the URL to your video with it).

I didn't ask the artist of Lowercase Noises since his music is skipped in my video. So I don't know his opinion on that.

As soon as the software bug is solved that hinders me from rendering the final version of my video, I will upload it and publish it on Steam :)
4tado 9 Dec, 2023 @ 1:02pm 
Wish I could just turn the music off to avoid YT contentID when uploading my playthrough, volume/audio controls are a widely requested feature. I might have to skip it because of this unfortunately, I already have a copyright strike on my channel from forgetting to mute the music in GTA, I can't risk even contentID claims (I never monetize anything on my channel, I upload only as hobby, I'm just fond of my collection of playthroughs/longplays) I was going to just mute the game during the parts with music, but it looks like it's woven in with the dialogue etc. Really frustrating
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