The First Tree

The First Tree

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Whelly 13 Sep, 2017 @ 7:22pm
Bug Reporting/Issues
Here's the place to tell me about bugs and issues you're having. Please also tell me the specs of your machine like OS, processor, video card, etc., and the more details and images you can include, the better! This is a one-man show here, but I'll try my best to fix them in a timely manner.
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Showing 1-15 of 254 comments
Fallenleaf 14 Sep, 2017 @ 10:24am 
The game really lags for me. I don't know if its my computer or if its just the game itself. The resolution AND the graphics are really low.
Tantari 14 Sep, 2017 @ 11:19am 
On the first level, it is very easy to get stuck in the crevaces in the mountains and not be able to get out. I was forced to restart. This might be considered a bug in a game that is all about rewardinng exploration.
exterminat 14 Sep, 2017 @ 11:43am 
Left analog stick (movement) stops working in the game's final chapter - switched to kb/m to finish and wasn't a big deal, but wanted to let you know :)
Stexred 14 Sep, 2017 @ 1:16pm 
put in a save game at exiting the game please
Kaiberus 14 Sep, 2017 @ 2:52pm 
the "toggle to run" button doesnt work whenever i try to play i'm playing with keyboard and mouse btw
BlahDiDah 14 Sep, 2017 @ 2:56pm 
I can't interact or toggle to run (Keyboard or controller) I've restarted the game several times (I am on like... attempt 10 or so?) All I can do is jump and walk.
Kaiberus 14 Sep, 2017 @ 2:58pm 
Originally posted by BlahDiDah:
I can't interact or toggle to run (Keyboard or controller) I've restarted the game several times (I am on like... attempt 10 or so?) All I can do is jump and walk.

i'm having this problem aswel
Last edited by Kaiberus; 14 Sep, 2017 @ 2:58pm
Kalmankieli 14 Sep, 2017 @ 3:38pm 
On the level that has water I fell though gound so :D .... there's that (I have screenshot on my profile :') )
Last edited by Kalmankieli; 14 Sep, 2017 @ 3:38pm
foxyjoshua 14 Sep, 2017 @ 3:54pm 
I find that the camera is way too sensitive with the mouse controls. It's like the tiniest movement woll spin the view 180 degrees.
Originally posted by foxyjoshua:
I find that the camera is way too sensitive with the mouse controls. It's like the tiniest movement woll spin the view 180 degrees.

I had this problem with my mouse at it's default 1200 DPI speed. I hit the toggle button and switched it down to it's slower 800 DPI and it has no more issues.

Neogreenyew 14 Sep, 2017 @ 4:14pm 
Issue immediately when gaining control of fox where it acts like both my W and A keys are pressed. Facerolling keyboard doesn't fix this issue so I'm not sure where to start on this. Any thoughts?
AzleKayn 14 Sep, 2017 @ 4:51pm 
I might be stupid, but is it meant to have 16:9 support or is it meant to run in 4:3
Originally posted by Azlekayn:
I might be stupid, but is it meant to have 16:9 support or is it meant to run in 4:3

Running fine in 1920x1080 here (16:9) you have to select it in options menu.
Crevis 14 Sep, 2017 @ 5:06pm 
Found floating trees on the second level.
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Showing 1-15 of 254 comments
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