The First Tree

The First Tree

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joshcrabtree 15 Sep, 2017 @ 3:14pm
Request for in-level save game
I'll start off saying I don't play games much. I'm very just starting this game and so far I enjoy it. I love the soundtrack, the scenery and the play. Finally a game that isn't just blood and gore!

But the "only saving at the beginning of a level" is something I'd love to see an option to switch off and add the ability to save the game any time in the middle of a level. I just spent 30 minutes on a level, but I need to shut the game down for now and I have run out of time to try to finish the level (some of the stars are really hard to get to). So next time I start the game I have to start that level all over again. It brings me to a place of needing to commit to probably an hour per level to be able to solve it and not have to start over. Can you please add a save game feature for slow pokes like me? Thanks
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Soldromeda 15 Sep, 2017 @ 8:40pm 
I support this!
gotch 16 Sep, 2017 @ 5:28am 
same for me,pointless me buying it if its a "complete level to save game" thing as life often gets in the way of gaming.
That would be cool but Iheard the game is only an hour at most.
gotch 16 Sep, 2017 @ 5:58am 
yeah only just found that.

not so much of a problem in that case really.
我是花花 17 Sep, 2017 @ 12:07am 
Sometimes my image freezes but the game still goes on, especially in the last level, don't know why. I have to shut down the game when the problem occurs, And I play the last level for 6 times...maybe more...:BEgloomy: Because there isn't checkpoints in the level.
AStrangeSheep 17 Sep, 2017 @ 9:58am 
I would love it! The game is good, but it definitely need more checkpoints.
joshcrabtree 17 Sep, 2017 @ 10:35am 
That would be cool but Iheard the game is only an hour at most.

Hah! I've spent over an hour on it already! I've never been very good at games. Hence a savegame feature would really help me speed along. There was one star in Level 2 that took me probably 15 minutes to finally figure out how to get.

I remember the original Legend of Zelda on NES took me several months to finally win.
Lympe13 24 Dec, 2020 @ 3:21pm 
34 minutes in, i enjoyed the game when the screen just froze.I have to restart the game bcause i lost all my progress.
I think this is crucial for short games like this to have a save option.People maybe want to complete the game in just one playthrough and sometimes they are trying to squeeze it in their schedule just for that reason.
juliejayne 18 Apr, 2021 @ 3:12am 
And there is no indication of how near/far from a level end you are.
And the music volume has no controls and is way too loud.
Destroyed the ambiance of what might otherwise been a nice idea.
Fiona the Gamer 6 Jul, 2021 @ 9:45pm 
It's annoying just to save at the start, but not at the middle of the game. It feels more like a marathon than a relaxing game.
LaRose 15 Dec, 2022 @ 3:09am 
Originally posted by Soldromeda:
I support this!
I'm agree. Please, give us savegames when we quit the game with all flashlights we collected !
Yorleen 24 Apr, 2023 @ 12:57pm 
Hi! I support this too. I started playing the game yesterday and am really enjoying it. I like to take my time with this type of games, discovering the environnement and all, as it relaxes me.
Yesterday I played about 50 mins and thought the game would save when I quit... But now I have to restart from the very beginning. Sometimes I can only have about 30 mins gaming sessions so it means my progress won't save. Thanks in advance! ^^
craig.russell535 15 Mar, 2024 @ 11:26pm 
First, I must say this is a very good and quite unique game. Highest kudos to David Wehle. I hope he continues making games. We need more developers who are willing to experiment and try new things.

I completely agree an option to save on-demand needs to be added. I like to take my time on games where the experience and the story are the focus. I really enjoy taking in a game at a relaxed pace that I can enjoy over many evenings. But the requirement to complete a chapter to save forces me to complete The First Tree much faster than I would prefer.

I also agree that a separate volume control for the music would be useful. I absolutely love the music, but it often overpowers the voices. And turning on subtitles takes away from the immersion.

But these are minor quibbles. I would heartily recommend this game as-is.
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