Broken Sword 1 - Shadow of the Templars: Director's Cut (2009)

Broken Sword 1 - Shadow of the Templars: Director's Cut (2009)

Mr. Lambert 11 Nov, 2024 @ 8:28am
Delisted? F U Revolution
Seriously WTF. So now new players can only legitimately buy the inferior latest remaster (the 3rd GD barely changed version of the same game!)? The new version that cuts content that's only contained in the DC? This decision guarantees I will never buy another game by Revolution. And this coming from a fan for 20+ years who owned box copies of the original BS1, 2, and, 3.
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"inferior latest remaster"?! LOL

Your argument is invalid, troll! :zaglol: :mimir_lol:
Mr. Lambert 12 Nov, 2024 @ 7:45am 
Completely cut out the new sections in DC where you play as Nico = inferior
Axonteer 15 Nov, 2024 @ 11:54am 
wow the salz, but i can at least agree that i dont get why they didnt just also remaster the added content
Camerooni 15 Nov, 2024 @ 8:07pm 
what's actually sad is that the original version is now completely gone - was listed as a free download under the old director's cut. anyone getting a copy from a third party retailer who is after this version will never know the original.. and that is sad.. they might actually think this director's cut was the original.
Originally posted by Camerooni:
what's actually sad is that the original version is now completely gone - was listed as a free download under the old director's cut. anyone getting a copy from a third party retailer who is after this version will never know the original.. and that is sad.. they might actually think this director's cut was the original.

I realised that I probably added the DLC when it was still available, since it appears in my library in the game's DLC area. But, for the people that didn't, it's such a shame! Even if they wanted to remove this from steam, at least they could have left the DLC active to add for whoever owns the game, so they could still be able to play the original version...
FYI, you can get a key for the all three of Director's Cut of BS1 plus BS2 and BS3 for just $1 (or less if you buy other games in the bundle) in a current Fanatical bundle:

If you ask me, the extra content in the DC version, which is missing from this latest money grabbing remake, is very much worth playing and a positive contribution to the game and the series.
Originally posted by Mr. Lambert:
Seriously WTF. So now new players can only legitimately buy the inferior latest remaster (the 3rd GD barely changed version of the same game!)? The new version that cuts content that's only contained in the DC? This decision guarantees I will never buy another game by Revolution. And this coming from a fan for 20+ years who owned box copies of the original BS1, 2, and, 3.

Do you have a digital copy of the DC version?
Originally posted by Mr. Lambert:
FYI, you can get a key for the all three of Director's Cut of BS1 plus BS2 and BS3 for just $1 (or less if you buy other games in the bundle) in a current Fanatical bundle:

If you ask me, the extra content in the DC version, which is missing from this latest money grabbing remake, is very much worth playing and a positive contribution to the game and the series.

Thank you for the link. As a proud owner of the DC version (which I have completed), I can understand why delisting it comes accross as a low blow, but for those of us who have it, and there are many of us, the loss is a lot less impactful. The fans had time to buy the game, so mostly, this version did not fade into the annals of time.

By the way the game is still available as a default purchase...
Last edited by pauldiazberrio; 28 Feb @ 2:52pm
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