Broken Sword 1 - Shadow of the Templars: Director's Cut (2009)

Broken Sword 1 - Shadow of the Templars: Director's Cut (2009)

The Traveler 18 Mar, 2024 @ 3:24am
Question about the 25th anniversary pack
I have all 5 fives a while, bought it here and there no sale, etc. I just one speicific question which raised for the news post:

"Furthermore, we have a brand new Broken Sword: 20th Anniversary Collection, containing all Broken Sword games, soundtracks, and a fascinating documentary looking at the history of Revolution and the making of Broken Sword. Complete the saga with a 30% discount!"

Where or how I can get that documentary? The 25th Anniversary pack only includes the game which I own the the soundtrack of the 5 games.
Last edited by The Traveler; 24 Aug, 2024 @ 9:57am
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The Traveler 24 Aug, 2024 @ 9:56am 
OK, since no answers or others noticed this I did a search in SteamDB and found out these 2 Broken Sword related DLcs or content removed from Steam:

Revolution 25th Anniversary Documentary:

Broken Sword 3: Soundtrack

I jsut wonder: why? Both of them they own IP, rights and everything. Why they removed? Sadly I miss them, espcially the documentary and I would like to get it. I just hope it will purchasable once again.
nafcom 29 Oct, 2024 @ 11:35am 
Yes, they own the IP but not the right on the picture of the people involved in the Documentary. Also Broken Sword 3 and 4 weren't self-published but done under THQ who went bankrupt and re-established when Nordic bought their assets and rebranded as THQ Nordic, so guess for the Broken Sword 3 OST, those assets were either not included, or Revolution couldn't stike a deal to renew the license to continue selling.
Last edited by nafcom; 29 Oct, 2024 @ 12:00pm
The Traveler 29 Oct, 2024 @ 11:53am 
Originally posted by nafcom:
Yes, they own the IP but not the right on the picture of the people involved in the Documentary. Also Broken Sword 3 and 4 weren't self-published but done under THQ Nordic who went bankrupt and re-established when Nordic bought their assets and rebranded as THQ Nordic, so guess for the Broken Sword 3 OST, those assets were either not included, or Revolution couldn't stike a deal to renew the license to continue selling.

Thank you for your answer! I'll think that's answer all my questions and the "why". Broken Sword 3 OST just removed from Steam so sudden, I know I should grab anything till I can and avalaible.
nafcom 29 Oct, 2024 @ 11:56am 
That THQ Info bit directly comes from Charles Cecil himself, as I had spoken to him Monday last week. And the documentary is still available if you know how to use Google and buy a retail key for Steam.
nafcom 31 Oct, 2024 @ 7:32am 
Originally posted by nafcom:
That THQ Info bit directly comes from Charles Cecil himself, as I had spoken to him Monday last week. And the documentary is still available if you know how to use Google and buy a retail key for Steam.

Additonally to what I said before, the Broken Sword 3 OST has been given away by Revolution in 2005 as free download, an active mirror can be found here:
The Traveler 31 Oct, 2024 @ 7:33am 
Originally posted by nafcom:
Originally posted by nafcom:
That THQ Info bit directly comes from Charles Cecil himself, as I had spoken to him Monday last week. And the documentary is still available if you know how to use Google and buy a retail key for Steam.

Additonally to what I said before, the Broken Sword 3 OST has been given away by Revolution in 2005 as free download, an active mirror can be found here:

Thank you again! For the infos and the link too!
nafcom 31 Oct, 2024 @ 7:37am 
You are wecome!

Also, Revolution announced today, the Director's Cut (and so the Broken Sword 1 Original game DLC and the Soundtrack too) will be delisted Nov 4th:

Originally posted by Revolution Software:
Broken Sword: Director's Cut is being delisted from Steam, GOG, App Store, and Google Play Store.

If you already own Broken Sword: Director's Cut on these platforms, nothing will change.
At the moment platforms like Steam, GOG, App Store, and Google Play Store allow you to access unlisted games through your game library or app purchase history. For as long as that is a supported feature you will be able to re-download Director's Cut, however buying the game will no longer be possible.

This was not an easy decision to make, but Broken Sword: Director's Cut has been neglected for the last few years, and knowing that we won't be able to spend any significant dev time on it for the foreseeable future, it didn't feel right having this game actively up for sale anymore. This might change in the future, but for now we are delisting it.

The Traveler 31 Oct, 2024 @ 7:56am 
That's bad, I have both Steam and GOG and even Android platforms. I know the Reforged edition has the OG visuals, so game preservation wise nothing will be lost.
nafcom 31 Oct, 2024 @ 7:58am 
Originally posted by Tomb Raider:
That's bad, I have both Steam and GOG and even Android platforms. I know the Reforged edition has the OG visuals, so game preservation wise nothing will be lost.
You are mistaken because the end scene has been remade and so have been all cut-scenes. the original cut- scenes are not preserved

Also the extra scenes with Nico and re-recorded audio lines are only to be found in the Director's Cut
Last edited by nafcom; 31 Oct, 2024 @ 9:12am
The Traveler 31 Oct, 2024 @ 9:12am 
Originally posted by nafcom:
Originally posted by Tomb Raider:
That's bad, I have both Steam and GOG and even Android platforms. I know the Reforged edition has the OG visuals, so game preservation wise nothing will be lost.
You are mistaken because the end scene has been remade and so have been all cut-scenes. the original cut- scenes are not preserved

That's... bad. I wonder they can't add the OG as a DLC for Reforged? This way it will not lost, also The Director's Cut content will be gone. I know most old fans dislike it, I mean the DC which changes lot of stuff. But still Nico's story is good. I personally encountered first time with the game when it was a giveaways at GOG for the 15th anniversary and as a newb in point and click games I welcomed the hint system.
nafcom 31 Oct, 2024 @ 9:14am 
Originally posted by Tomb Raider:
Originally posted by nafcom:
You are mistaken because the end scene has been remade and so have been all cut-scenes. the original cut- scenes are not preserved

That's... bad. I wonder they can't add the OG as a DLC for Reforged? This way it will not lost, also The Director's Cut content will be gone. I know most old fans dislike it, I mean the DC which changes lot of stuff. But still Nico's story is good. I personally encountered first time with the game when it was a giveaways at GOG for the 15th anniversary and as a newb in point and click games I welcomed the hint system.

Right! We did mention the preservation aspect when we interviewed Charles Cecil for our podcast, he said he will make an effort but this seems to be a step in the wrong direction, I am afraid :(
󠁳⁧⁧? gare 1 Nov, 2024 @ 8:42am 
Originally posted by Tomb Raider:
OK, since no answers or others noticed this I did a search in SteamDB and found out these 2 Broken Sword related DLcs or content removed from Steam:

Revolution 25th Anniversary Documentary:

Broken Sword 3: Soundtrack

I jsut wonder: why? Both of them they own IP, rights and everything. Why they removed? Sadly I miss them, espcially the documentary and I would like to get it. I just hope it will purchasable once again.
The reason the documentary was removed was due to Steam discontinuing selling paid videos
nafcom 1 Nov, 2024 @ 8:49am 
Originally posted by 󠁳⁧⁧? gare:
The reason the documentary was removed was due to Steam discontinuing selling paid videos

Oh wow, thanks for letting us know!
The Traveler 1 Nov, 2024 @ 10:43am 
Originally posted by nafcom:
Originally posted by 󠁳⁧⁧? gare:
The reason the documentary was removed was due to Steam discontinuing selling paid videos

Oh wow, thanks for letting us know!

Hm, sounds like, but I just checked when that stuff get removed from Steam. And SteamDB says '22, so 3 years later! Seems even it was on sale 2 years ago!
Also, that video was a videofile, like extras in other games or The Final Hours or it was streamable?
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