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L1verTwitch 14 Jul, 2022 @ 9:54am
PUBG Crashes on Windows 11 Home.
I have tried everything, from making sure my graphics drivers are updated, to my PC Being updated, to making sure the files on Steam are validated, uninstalling and RE-installing. I have googled PUBG on Windows 11 and it states that PUBG works on windows 11, It did for like a day last week on Windows 11 but it constantly crashes and now won't even load up. I just get the same constant crash error Message.

I don't know why, but for some reason, PUBG keeps constantly crashing on Windows 11 Home. Yet, Works fine on Windows 10 Home. I keep having to revert back to Windows 10 home. but when I do, My PC keeps wanting to update to Windows 11 Home. but when it does install Windows 11 Home, PUBG doesn't work???? I just want to play my F*cking game FFs.

I'm a Streamer on Twitch, and it's what I Prefer to stream on Twitch yet I am constantly unable to as I keep having to switch back and re-install Windows 10 Home just to be able to play and stream the game. this causes me not to be able to stream as I'm constantly now switching back n forth from windows 11 home and windows 10 home.

so, to put it shortly...

PUBG on Windows 11 Home = BAD.

PUBG on Windows 10 Home = GOOD.

Please update and fix this annoying, frustrating and aggravating issue. I would like to see this game get patched soon as possible, so that PUBG will work on Windows 11 Home like it should.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Lynh Phương 14 Jul, 2022 @ 10:31am 
I have the same problem like you. The only way is reverse the Window back to 10
ArthiX 14 Jul, 2022 @ 11:40am 
Same thing here, Windows 11 and PUBG doesn't launches.
Bodycount. 16 Jul, 2022 @ 7:12am 
had the same problem, go to
C:\Users\(yourusername)\AppData\Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor and delete everything, game should now launch.
✠RADIKAL✠ 28 Dec, 2024 @ 10:27am 
same problem in 2024
Warp159 30 Jan @ 6:29am 
Originally posted by ✠RADIKAL✠:
same problem in 2024
any fixes?
BloxSlot 30 Jan @ 9:39am 
ok, seems like this is the problem. somehow, dx12 broke. Revert to dx11. to do so, go into the following and change the line from

GraphicsAPI=DX12 to GraphicsAPI=DX11

in your settings folder:

change the line in that file.

%appdata% might take you to the roaming folder, have to go up a level then click on Local
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Date Posted: 14 Jul, 2022 @ 9:54am
Posts: 6