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why is it so hard to add a text chat in game? not everyone has a headset or wants/can talk
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Outsider 29 Jan @ 6:35am 
There's enough ingame marks and calls to use. No one will ever look at text chat.
Crackkid 29 Jan @ 6:36am 
no, other games can do it!
Hexoplex 29 Jan @ 6:38am 
There is a chat option, it's just used in the lobby. If mid-fight you are stopping to try to type to me, I'd try to report you for Intentional Team Killing :steamfacepalm: :lunar2019laughingpig:
Outsider 29 Jan @ 6:55am 
Originally posted by Crackkid:
no, other games can do it!

This is not about how hard it to implement. Text chat is just useless in that type of games.
Crackkid 29 Jan @ 7:35am 
Originally posted by Outsider:
Originally posted by Crackkid:
no, other games can do it!

This is not about how hard it to implement. Text chat is just useless in that type of games.
how is it usless if i want to tell my teammates " lets go for that airdrop" for example?
Outsider 29 Jan @ 7:55am 
Originally posted by Crackkid:
Originally posted by Outsider:

This is not about how hard it to implement. Text chat is just useless in that type of games.
how is it usless if i want to tell my teammates " lets go for that airdrop" for example?

You have waymarks for that. Much faster than dumb typing. And can you even read? NO ONE WILL USE OR CHECK TEXT CHAT.
Makam 29 Jan @ 9:38am 
More options, like chat, more ways to communicate, I am with you
Outsider 29 Jan @ 9:44am 
Originally posted by Makam:
More options, like chat, more ways to communicate, I am with you

Add telegraph then too.
Originally posted by Outsider:
There's enough ingame marks and calls to use. No one will ever look at text chat.
How will you tell the team if the person you're aiming at is x meters without the need for voice chat?
Outsider 29 Jan @ 9:53pm 
Originally posted by FegelMenace:
Originally posted by Outsider:
There's enough ingame marks and calls to use. No one will ever look at text chat.
How will you tell the team if the person you're aiming at is x meters without the need for voice chat?

So after all these hours on record, you still don't know there's specific pings to enemies and map marks that count distance?
if they add text chat . The toxicity will be flood by words from keyboard warrior
Originally posted by Outsider:
Originally posted by FegelMenace:
How will you tell the team if the person you're aiming at is x meters without the need for voice chat?

So after all these hours on record, you still don't know there's specific pings to enemies and map marks that count distance?
Doesn't say how many meters, only degrees and description on how far (long distance, medium distance).
Last edited by FegelMenace; 30 Jan @ 3:28am
Frolich 30 Jan @ 8:16am 
cant wait till im in a fight and my teammate dies because hes typing for me to flank lol
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 6:32am
Posts: 13