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One day ban for cheating?
So seems like anyone hacking that gets caught gets a one day ban. A one day ban. That's it. Every game, aim hacking, wall hacks, every game and they give a one game ban. Wow.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Makam 30 Jan @ 5:05am 
I think one day is for the first time. If that account gets caught again they ban him for more time
Kraft sells the cheats themselves (leak them). It would be foolish to ban financially. Be nice if people actually had consciences, wouldn't it?
yabai 30 Jan @ 10:07am 
hey you're lucky they even got that!

just got killed by level 20 that was complete BS - checking their stats pretty much confirmed it ...and nothing is done ever
I encounter cheaters every day, I report it and sometimes I get a message. It's a shame!!
SingaBeer 30 Jan @ 10:55am 
Yep it's bad for cheaters, is ranked just as bad for cheaters anyone?
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 4:00am
Posts: 5