Dungeon Painter Studio

Dungeon Painter Studio

ctkalipso 10 May, 2024 @ 4:24pm
Error in Export to PNG / PDF
Hello. I've been working with your program for some time now and have had very few problems with it until now. I have at least two large files ... 1.2 MB & 356 KB which load fine, but when I try to export them to PNG, the vertical members are not showing up in the final file. The 356 one has previous exported to PNG with no problems, but now is having difficulties. Also, I tried to export the 1.2 MB file to PDF and was receiving the same problem.
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ctkalipso 12 May, 2024 @ 10:25am 
After a bit of trial and error, I have found a solution to my problem. In the DPS folder, there is an zip file for the 32-bit version of the program with instructions on how to install it. For me, I copied everything to another folder and ran DPS from there. It works for me!
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