Dungeon Painter Studio

Dungeon Painter Studio

DaVinci 31 Dec, 2024 @ 1:32pm
FA's Packs are gone
Hi everyone,
I traveled for a couple of weeks and when I came back all my mods from FA's packs were gone. Someone knows what happend or when can I get it?
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iLLuuMi 13 Jan @ 7:23pm 
Forgotten Adventures has a stipulation in their Copyright and Commercial FAQ that their Assets are not meant to be loaded into mapmaking programs. So loading the assets in the DPS Marketplace, even if they were free, isn't legally permitted to be redistributed.
Originally posted by iLLuuMi:
Forgotten Adventures has a stipulation in their Copyright and Commercial FAQ that their Assets are not meant to be loaded into mapmaking programs. So loading the assets in the DPS Marketplace, even if they were free, isn't legally permitted to be redistributed.
What actually happened was that FA used to allow them on DPS. But the Dev used their assets while making showcases for DPS2. This made FA angry as it showed the assets in a bad light, and they ended all support for DPS as they didn't want their assets to be used for promotional material like that. So the stipulation was most likely added after that whole event.
Would there be any way I could get the packs someone else has so I can finish a map I was working on?
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