Graveyard Keeper

Graveyard Keeper

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Bloodpain 13 Oct, 2019 @ 4:38am
[gamebreaking bug] you can get stuck in church the first time you visit.

you can trigger it by talking to Episkop and very quickly clicking with the mouse through the conversation. This way he does not follow you into the church and the 2nd conversation is not started.

see screenshot

With me, if the scene has run normally, you can load the save and it will work. But if you quit the game, restart and reload the save before talking to Episkop, the error will occur again.

@devs: I can also upload the save if necessary and I hope the report helps you further.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Lazy Bear  [developer] 14 Oct, 2019 @ 3:13am 
Originally posted by Bloodpain:
you can trigger it by talking to Episkop and very quickly clicking with

Unfortunately, we can't open screenshots. Can you load them again? And save files can be helpful too.

You can find your save/log files in the folder:
C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Lazy Bear Games\Graveyard Keeper\
The savefiles look like "1.dat". The log filename is "output_log.txt". There are also ".info" and ".sqlite3" files, but you don't need to send them.

please send the report to our e-mail: gk @ lazybeargames . com
Bloodpain 14 Oct, 2019 @ 3:56am 
Hey no problem :D

mail is out
Last edited by Bloodpain; 14 Oct, 2019 @ 4:29am
Lazy Bear  [developer] 15 Oct, 2019 @ 3:10am 
Originally posted by Bloodpain:
Hey no problem :D

mail is out
We can't find your message.
Bloodpain 15 Oct, 2019 @ 4:05am 
OK I have now sent the mail 2x new. 1x with the save backups in it about 9mb and 1x only the affected save those are about 3.5mb.


Bloodpain 23 Oct, 2019 @ 10:48am 
do you got my mails and can say something about the report?
for ex. you need more infos etc
GlassDeviant 23 Oct, 2019 @ 12:53pm 
With some effort I was finally able to view your directupload images. This is unusual and definitely a bug, but if you can't exit and start the day over from your last save (sleep) to avoid the bug, you can go to the folder where the saves are, select the game number that corresponds to your game, and do this (using game 1 as example):

Delete 1.dat
Rename 1.dat.backup.1 to 1.dat
Rename 1.dat.backup.2 to 1.dat.backup.1

This takes you back two saves rather than one, or three if you have to use the second backup, but it should get around the bug eventually without having to start a new game.

Some advice: Next time you start a new game, play until your first save/sleep then exit the game and back up the save files for that save number. From then on when you want to start a new game you can restore those files to skip the long, boring intro and initial conversations with Gerry, Episcop and CommuDonkey.

Oh, also: Don't start a new game after exiting an old save. Always start the app fresh before making a new save file. This, I have found, clears out memory issues GyK seems to have that can lead to at least one if not more possible bugs, including the infamous Donkey stuck bug. I don't know if it really fixes anything or it just minimizes the actual cause of the bug, but it's worth taking that small precaution.
Last edited by GlassDeviant; 23 Oct, 2019 @ 12:58pm
Lazy Bear  [developer] 25 Oct, 2019 @ 6:21am 
Originally posted by Bloodpain:
do you got my mails and can say something about the report?
for ex. you need more infos etc
Yes, we got the e-mail. But we can’t reproduce the bug yet.
Galahead 26 Aug @ 11:51am 
Today my Hero stuck in the same situation (first visiting of church).
As you can see on screenshots of topic starter NPC not followed Hero to the pedestal (same situation for me). I suppose NPC not entered in church at all (because his voice faded as the hero moved away from the entrance). Therefore, there was no proper dialogue near the pedestal.

My solution: Alt+F4, reload savefile and try again. My second try was successful.
Last edited by Galahead; 26 Aug @ 11:52am
this is still an issue. just bought the game and this scene is freezing on me
Bloodpain 14 Sep @ 12:26am 
I can only speak for myself. I replayed the scene (i.e. loaded the last savegame) and then it worked. So I can understand the statement: cannot be reproduced.

I never encountered this bug again.
Last edited by Bloodpain; 14 Sep @ 12:26am
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