Grey Hack
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Kurouzu  [Разработчик] 10 мая. 2018 г. в 16:52
Early Access Roadmap

In the roadmap I have focused mainly on the core features.

The more secondary features such as improvements in already made systems, such as the terminal, chat, map, UI elements, trace system etc, and new ones like tutorials or accepted player suggestions, I have left out of the roadmap for the moment.

Of course this type of features not listed here will be completed throughout the development in different versions.

Version 0.6 - Completed
  • Network simulation improvements
    You can install more than one same service on the network, (two or more ssh servers for example) for this you will have to enter the configuration of the router using the web browser and configure the ports you want.

    The network generation will be improved during startup to allow new features like firewalls and switches and will be create more natural and varied networks.

  • Player missions
    In this version will be available the first iteration of missions created by players.

  • Traffic cameras
    Initially the traffic cameras were going to have a much simpler role. But as the development has progressed I have new plans for it.

    The objective is that every npc that lives in the world and, for example, when he has to go to work, you can see how he takes the car, drives and arrives at his destination. Hacking the traffic cameras can cause accidents to cause the npc to arrive late to its destination, or perhaps if you have gone over the line, he will die.

    During version 0.6 the first iteration of this system will be implemented, which will be extended during the updates until it reaches its final state.

    Note: Accessing the traffic cameras will have more uses apart from hacking the traffic lights.
    For example they will have an important role in the assistance missions of bank robbery.

  • Reputation system
    The reputation system is independent of karma. It will serve to "measure" the player's experience. Therefore, the more missions that are resolved will increase the reputation. Or the contrary, if you fail.

    The available missions will be classified according to their reputation, so a player with a low reputation can only perform the missions of his rank.

  • UI customization
    The UI colors are customizable.
    In next updates you will be able to modify the font size and use your own desktop background images.

  • Hardware
    The hardware system will have an impact on the gameplay. From this moment, the player has to manage his hardware to be able to perform certain actions faster, prevent any piece from getting damaged and buy peripherals that allow him to perform certain types of missions.

    - Hard Disk: The default hard drives will have a small capacity and will be slow. You can improve the disk to increase its capacity, speed and reliability.

    - CPU: Do not buy cpus too cheap or they may not last long and maybe your computer became slow and unstable.

    - GPU: The graphics card will be important to perform certain hacking operations such as password cracking or coin mining.

    - PSU: The power supply will be essential for all your components to work properly. A defective PSU can be fatal to all components if it is not replaced in time.

    - Motherboard: Certain motherboards will not support some models of network cards, cpu, peripherals. Choose well when you buy one.

    - RAM: The more ram, the more programs you can keep open.

    - Fans: It is a good idea to keep the computer cool, especially if you are going to do heavy work for a long time. (Delayed for next updates)

Version 0.7 - Completed
  • Scripting/Coding
    Now you can program your own tools and exploits.

    The game scripting completely changes the internal operation of the programs, since instead of being "hardcoded" in the game, now they will use the same APIs that players can use to create their own programs.

    The intention is that although people who have some knowledge in programming may have an advantage, a player who has no experience in this field should be able to advance the game through other techniques thanks to the sandbox style and the large number of options available to advance.

    If you do not know how to program, there is no problem, you can enjoy the game normally, and in any case if you decide to learn, a few basic lessons will be enough to build something cool.

  • New Exploits System
    The Exploits System has been completely renewed, with a deeper and more dynamic system.

  • World secrets
    I do not want to spoil, but exploring the net can have its rewards.

  • Hidden missions unlocked by exploring
    It is important to keep in mind that not all available missions are carried out by accessing a hackshop or police station and accepting a mission from the list.

    Many missions are going to be hidden in the world and to be able to unlock them you must explore the network, investigate anything suspicious and it may take you to one of these missions.

    These missions will be completely different and more complex from normal missions. They will be divided into different parts and they will have a plot to solve.

  • Players guilds
    You can also call them clans. Players can organize themselves in groups, share software and perform missions together. You can also configure a system of hierarchies within the clan.

    In version 0.8 the clans will have a greater importance.

  • Karma system
    The karma system will evaluate what type of hacker you are. It will be influenced mainly with the type of missions you do.
    This value will be taken into account when accepting certain types of missions.

    A negative karma will indicate that you are a black hat hacker, but this does not mean that you are at a disadvantage to a white hat player and therefore with positive karma. It is an indicator of your status.

    You can always modify your karma at will, this means that you are not limited to doing only missions that report negative karma even if you are a black hat and vice versa but certain special missions will be limited to players who have a certain level of karma in a specific moment, both negative and positive.

  • Enabled Police Stations websites
    The police websites will have missions available in a different field from the missions of the hackshops. The police will seek the help of the players to catch others who take unauthorized actions.

  • More diverse hacking techniques
    In addition to the use of exploits, there will be various ways to access a computer if certain requirements are met, depending on the type of intrusion that you want to perform. For example backdoors or the possibility to setup sniffers to catch important data as credentials.

Version 0.8 - In development progress
  • Extended npc behavior
    All npcs will have different lives, friends and daily routine. They will communicate with their friends continuously by mail or any type of messages.

    If you can access the details of the life of a npc, you can see who is related, and perhaps this step to a hidden mission. Or simply need to access an npc through a friend of his.

  • More Hidden and Karma missions
    During the development, more direct and indirect missions will be added in addition to lore and more secrets.

  • Player shops and services
    The player is allowed to build an online store and put a price on the items.
    In addition, an SMTP service can be run on rented servers to allow players to run their own mail servers.

  • Network speed
    Depending on the provider you hire or the network you are connected to, you will have different download/upload speeds.

  • Impacting world by players
    Eventually a player or a clan may be able to buy companies or negatively influence them to force their bankruptcy. Or just the opposite, depending on the interests you have at that time.

    For example, continued attacks on a company can make them always cover news, causing their fall in the stock market.

    Therefore finally a clan or a player with sufficient power could be able to manipulate the economy as he wants on a large scale, influencing the world and the rest of the players.

  • More hackeable hardware
    Not only computers are vulnerable to attacks. Also other devices, such as printers, switches, smartphones or smart refrigerators.

    The vulnerabilities that these devices have, can help you reach your goal.

  • More diverse hacking techniques (2)
    You will have the ability to have zombie computers to create an army with which to carry out DOS attacks, or take advantage of its processing capacity to crack passwords faster.
    Other examples are viruses with defined behavior, ransomware, etc.

    The social engineering system will be completed with a variety of systems that the player will learn.

  • Sound
    Sounds added during the gameplay

Version 0.9 - Beta
  • Dedicated server
    The option is enabled so that anyone can create their own dedicated server, public or private.

  • Modding
    During the development process I will expose more parts of the game to prepare the modding support.

  • Music
    It must be special, I can not give more details. It is possible that this feature is implemented earlier than expected.

  • Game balancing
  • Depth bug fixing & optimization
  • Finishing the missing secondary features

  • Version 1.0 - Beta period Ends
    All core features completed.
Отредактировано Kurouzu; 15 ноя. 2023 г. в 19:52
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Did you set launch prediction for each patch?
how many people work in this game?
it es pretty cool..
All I want to do is to be able to launch the nukes like the movie wargames, or skynet :D. The ultimate insane blackhats endgame.

More seriously this is a great list. I am watching the title closely. I am hoping that government and such can be effected in various countries by your activies in the later stages of the game. Both positively and negatively of course.
Отредактировано The Hat; 16 июл. 2018 г. в 11:53
You need to implement wardriving. This would allow an individual to have more than 6-8 entry nodes.
Отредактировано DResgard; 27 авг. 2018 г. в 19:22
WTF thats my dream game,its has so many fetures and you can act as you want and crate your own path,the only thing i would say to the developers is that it is hard to pick up the game when i started i was flaming af but i wanted to learn so i asked the community in multiplayer wich is very helpfull,so if anyone has questions go ask them they are really friendly and they help you good,abyway this game needs to be regognized because it has so much potential and other games are jsut too simpler,this one has everything,anyway keep it up with the roadmap plans icant wait to get out of early access
<3. Love this game so far. Keep it up!
This seems great and im really looking forward to the last release. but you said something in a discussion about making dictionaries more accessible im just wondering when that's gonna be released or is it under the more hacking techniques?
Отредактировано mossy; 12 дек. 2018 г. в 5:17
I am looking to purchase the game but I need to know at which level this game is at the moment as far as this road map is concerned.

some different types of wireless cards maybe aswell, some can go on 2.4ghrtz whilst others on 5ghrtz and both yagi antena ect. also please give some thought to how you have aircrack set up its making a few of us cringe yeah airmon for monitor mode but then you would search for stations,mac adresses bssid's, clients ect with airodump then maybe you would deauth with aireplay get a handshake then crack the handshake with aircrack ect also setting up some rouge aps ect with the rest of the air crack suit would be awesome. thanks heaps
Some very exciting stuff! :2018bestaward:
Kurouzu  [Разработчик] 16 апр. 2019 г. в 7:26 
Sorry, I don’t understand the question.The roadmap was updated recently.
Автор сообщения: KuRouZu
Sorry, I don’t understand the question.The roadmap was updated recently.
I completely misread that. So sorry about that!
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