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Bug/Feedback Thread
Would be great to have a pinned topic for any bugs or suggestions that people have.

Great work on the launch guys! Really enjoying what I've played so far :)
Last edited by dazed and confused; 13 Dec, 2017 @ 10:53am
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
Firefly_Studios  [developer] 13 Dec, 2017 @ 10:24am 
Good idea, thanks¬
dazed and confused 13 Dec, 2017 @ 11:07am 
Some feedback that I have so far:

-In level 2 when you are ambushed in the side room, the door did not open once I had killed all the enemies. However, once I restarted it worked the second time through no problem. This issue may be caused by enemies not being properly registering as killed when knocked off the stage or when hit by the Ogre's knockback ability. I have tried to recreate this bug but it has only happened to me once so far, so it may quite difficult to track down.
EDIT: Having tried to recreate this some more, it appears the issue may be that enemies are sometimes prone to getting stuck in werid parts of geometry (tight corners, along the edge of walls, etc.) that are difficult to see from the player's perspective. They appear to get stuck in these positions and struggle to find a way out. This issue seems to be most prevelant when enemies are pushed around by the Ogre's knockback, as it appears this causes their collisions (and subsequent pathing) to be unreliable.

-It would be nice to be notfied every time you unlock a new skill. You are only told once when you initially unlock the Rabbit's hop. It took me quite a while before I realied that I had unlocked the Ogre's rock form ability, for example.

-Some of the levels are quite dark and it can be a little hard to see what is going on when this is the case. Increasing the amount of light around the player could help with this.

-You can currently path through destructable pots as they seem to have no collision detection for walking. I don't know if this is intentional.

-Having some music while playing through levels would be nice.

Last edited by dazed and confused; 13 Dec, 2017 @ 5:11pm
I have found a bug that crashes the game. It appears to occur whenever you start a level if the Fire Nymph is put in the first (top) slot of the character select screen. Below is the error message that is given. I have also provided a screenshot of the error screen if that helps too.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index

Version: v1.0.0.864
Scene: GameScene

Stack Trace:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
Last edited by dazed and confused; 13 Dec, 2017 @ 1:31pm
Firefly_Studios  [developer] 14 Dec, 2017 @ 3:29am 
Originally posted by Fake Frogs Only:
Some feedback that I have so far:

-In level 2 when you are ambushed in the side room, the door did not open once I had killed all the enemies. However, once I restarted it worked the second time through no problem. This issue may be caused by enemies not being properly registering as killed when knocked off the stage or when hit by the Ogre's knockback ability. I have tried to recreate this bug but it has only happened to me once so far, so it may quite difficult to track down.
EDIT: Having tried to recreate this some more, it appears the issue may be that enemies are sometimes prone to getting stuck in werid parts of geometry (tight corners, along the edge of walls, etc.) that are difficult to see from the player's perspective. They appear to get stuck in these positions and struggle to find a way out. This issue seems to be most prevelant when enemies are pushed around by the Ogre's knockback, as it appears this causes their collisions (and subsequent pathing) to be unreliable.

-It would be nice to be notfied every time you unlock a new skill. You are only told once when you initially unlock the Rabbit's hop. It took me quite a while before I realied that I had unlocked the Ogre's rock form ability, for example.

-Some of the levels are quite dark and it can be a little hard to see what is going on when this is the case. Increasing the amount of light around the player could help with this.

-You can currently path through destructable pots as they seem to have no collision detection for walking. I don't know if this is intentional.

-Having some music while playing through levels would be nice.

Hi thanks for these. Some notes

-For getting stuck in level 2, we are aware of this issue happening on occasion and will look to make the game more robust to avoid this from happening.

-For the new skills feedback, we will definitely improve this so that players are more aware.

I've noted all the rest and we will look at them all over development.
Firefly_Studios  [developer] 14 Dec, 2017 @ 3:30am 
Originally posted by Fake Frogs Only:
I have found a bug that crashes the game. It appears to occur whenever you start a level if the Fire Nymph is put in the first (top) slot of the character select screen. Below is the error message that is given. I have also provided a screenshot of the error screen if that helps too.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index

Version: v1.0.0.864
Scene: GameScene

Stack Trace:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've found the issue and will have a fix for the next update.
Have some more feedback, hopefully some of it is useful:

-Sometimes an enemy's model becomes invisible, and all that can be seen of it is its health bar and the targeting circle that appears at its feet.

-It is unclear if the Nymph's focus ability works, if it does some more visual indication as to what it is doing would be great.

-The visual effect when the player is frozen does not always appear.

-If gold collected is moving from the game world to the UI while a level is exited, it does not appear to be given to the player.

-If activating the Rabbit's charge abilit while attacking, the player can become stuck doing these attacks instead of using the ability.

-There doesn't appear to be any description of how the Rabbit builds up focus.

-Arches sometimes lose aggro from the player and don't seem to ever get it back, even if you attack them.

-In the first main room of level 12, I didn't have to kill all the enemies for the doors to open.

-Both enemies and the player can clip through walls made out of rock, this can sometimes make it hard to see what is going on.

-At one point I encountered an enemy that was stuck in its idle animation. It seemed to be classified as killed however, as it could not be damaged and did not need to be killed to trigger opening the next room.

-In the first main room of level 10, there is a door in the bottom right that doesn't seem to be able to open. I don't know if I'm missing something obvious.

ivanmadness97 15 Dec, 2017 @ 5:02pm 
This message appeared the first time when I made the second access to the game forcing me to quit. then I died once in the 7th level and the message goes out again so I copied and pasted it here:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Version: v1.0.0.864
Scene: TitleScene

Stack Trace:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Today when i open the game and push start button appearead this message:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Version: v1.0.0.864
Scene: MenuScene

Stack Trace:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

-The game needs as soon as possible music that accompanies the player in the dungeons.
-The animations in the initial menu are blocked continuously.
-The game seems to be suitable for playing with controllers, will you add this support?
-When the life indicator is low the audio starts to disengage and the game has a slight lag.
Last edited by ivanmadness97; 16 Dec, 2017 @ 4:34pm
Firefly_Studios  [developer] 18 Dec, 2017 @ 3:12am 
Originally posted by Patience from Zhou:
Have some more feedback, hopefully some of it is useful:

Hi, thanks, we are aware of these issues and they will be fixed in due time.

Some individual notes...

Originally posted by Patience from Zhou:
-If gold collected is moving from the game world to the UI while a level is exited, it does not appear to be given to the player.
We cannot recreate this issue. Do you mean if you collect gold then exit the level through the final door, you do not receive gold?

Originally posted by Patience from Zhou:
-It is unclear if the Nymph's focus ability works, if it does some more visual indication as to what it is doing would be great.
It does indeed work, but we agree that it isn't clear, so in the next update it will give more visible feedback to show this.

Originally posted by Patience from Zhou:
-If activating the Rabbit's charge abilit while attacking, the player can become stuck doing these attacks instead of using the ability.
THis is usually caused by trying to charge through an unpathable object (barrier/edge of a bridge) but we will be working to improve this feedback.

Originally posted by Patience from Zhou:
-In the first main room of level 10, there is a door in the bottom right that doesn't seem to be able to open. I don't know if I'm missing something obvious.
While I don't want to give it all away, look for extra ledges which may require a certain loadout to reach.

Last edited by Firefly_Studios; 18 Dec, 2017 @ 3:36am
Firefly_Studios  [developer] 18 Dec, 2017 @ 3:16am 
Originally posted by pazzogamer97:
This message appeared the first time when I made the second access to the game forcing me to quit. then I died once in the 7th level and the message goes out again so I copied and pasted it here:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Version: v1.0.0.864
Scene: TitleScene

Stack Trace:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Today when i open the game and push start button appearead this message:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Version: v1.0.0.864
Scene: MenuScene

Stack Trace:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Hi, could you submit a ticket to Firefly support about this crash? You can do so at or by emailing


Originally posted by pazzogamer97:
-The game needs as soon as possible music that accompanies the player in the dungeons.
-The animations in the initial menu are blocked continuously.
-The game seems to be suitable for playing with controllers, will you add this support?
-When the life indicator is low the audio starts to disengage and the game has a slight lag.
-We are still working on many audio elements of the game
-I am unsure what you mean?
-Controller support will be added during Early Access development
-We have not experienced this lag? The audio changes to that of a heartbeat to indeicate you are close to death, is this what you are experiencing?

ivanmadness97 19 Dec, 2017 @ 3:19am 
Bug in Level 10, if you die in the last room when you press the Retry button, life drops by about 100 life points and instead of having for example 119 life points I find myself with 29 life and flashing red screen. It's a sure bug that happened to me many times making the level unnerving and almost impossible to finish.
Firefly_Studios  [developer] 19 Dec, 2017 @ 9:50am 
Originally posted by pazzogamer97:
Bug in Level 10, if you die in the last room when you press the Retry button, life drops by about 100 life points and instead of having for example 119 life points I find myself with 29 life and flashing red screen. It's a sure bug that happened to me many times making the level unnerving and almost impossible to finish.
Thanks, I will look into this.
Skillen 20 Dec, 2017 @ 12:42am 
Completeing the level on the second does not award a star as seen here:

I'm assuming the time gets rounded up or it counts miliseconds but does not display it.

Oh and a suggestion: add randomly generated maps perhaps as it's own mode i think it would work pretty well with a game like this.
Firefly_Studios  [developer] 20 Dec, 2017 @ 2:13am 
Originally posted by Skillen:
Completeing the level on the second does not award a star as seen here:

I'm assuming the time gets rounded up or it counts miliseconds but does not display it.

Oh and a suggestion: add randomly generated maps perhaps as it's own mode i think it would work pretty well with a game like this.
Hi, the timer is a known issue which we'll be addressing.
Quadric- 20 Dec, 2017 @ 12:47pm 

1. Level between (9 and 10), (19 and 20) missing navigation which is always on top right corner. After completing the level you don't see how you did no stars rewarded.
2. Experienced 4 crashes, 1st one was when I entered goblin room and tried to hit the top skull that summons minions, second crash was right after completing the level on chest opening animation, 3rd one was after finishing lv17, 4th one was doing the star level between lv19 and lv20 just before the end of level stairs.
3. When new character unlocks you get no notification about where you can equip it, but the moment you go to loadout you get a tutorial thing that says "go to loadout" when you're already there and you can't continue until you press it again.
4. Level 17 timed task where you need to get 4 goblins, on the tracker of top right corner it shows that you got 4/4 but after completing the level it shows only 3/4 tried replaying 4 times same result.
5. Completed 19 levels, Charge never got a single upgrade from the chest since receiving it even though it's my most used skill. Other skills that I don't even use get regular upgrades.
6. Level 22 played the level more than 10 times couldn't see the goblin, don't know if that's a bug or it's well hidden, but I thought I'll mention.
7. Between lv34 and 35 no crashes experienced, navigation still missing. Camera angles are messed up at some points of the game which caused me to die 4 times.


12/20/2017 Completed 43Levels. Few things to mention:
1. When you get coins during the level the sound is nice but the animation of a giant coin going to your top right corner doesn't fit well.
2. Earlier levels are harder but the more you progress easier it gets due to gold.
3. TOO MUCH GOLD given overall(doesn't require you to go back to previous levels to grind gold you just go further and you get more and more gold) Having at least 1-2 levels that are x10 harder but way rewarding would be nice.
4. Can complete all levels with Giant auto attack and rabbit jump+dash. Third class doesn't have any purpose at all.
5. Giant auto-attack too strong when you get him to lv5 he can 1 shot all summoning towers and big mobs.
6. At the beginning of the map or entering a specific zone of the map it would be nice to get a quick glance where the goblin is, because people are going to miss a lot of them for sure due to them being timed.
7. enemies overall should get 1 shotted at higher levels, you just stack them and use Dash and all the minions die and large minions get stunned where you then switch to giant and just 1 hit them as well.

Final Words: So far I am really enjoying the game, I would love a bit of a challange but everything comes with time. I hope this helps you improve the game, if you would like more detailed feedback, contact me.
Last edited by Quadric-; 20 Dec, 2017 @ 4:08pm
Native Steam/Xbox controller support would be appreciated.

As well as the ingame ability to compare level stats with your Steam friends. :)
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