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Abs-a Main 22 Nov, 2024 @ 1:36am
Is there any side plot romance in this game?
Lol, was my favorite thing in Mass Effect, feel like it'd be a good motivator to sink my weekend into this game as well.
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asarokk 22 Nov, 2024 @ 2:34pm 
There are companion quests, yes. They're not romantic in nature though, but if you're interested in starting a relationship with one of them, you need to unlock their romance by selecting the right options during their quests.
ArchAngelLnK 24 Dec, 2024 @ 1:44am 
Yes sort of but nothing as advanced as Mass Effect or Dragon Age games, I'd say its kind of like Fallout 4's "Romances" its there but not much.
withered 24 Dec, 2024 @ 5:04am 
Personally i wouldn't compare romance quest here to Bugthesdas games, where characters are wooden and there are no designed cutscenes.
ArchAngelLnK 24 Dec, 2024 @ 5:48am 
Originally posted by withered:
Personally i wouldn't compare romance quest here to Bugthesdas games, where characters are wooden and there are no designed cutscenes.

Well the changes in the story are almost nothing depending on who you go with which is why its just like Fallout 4 other then some dialogue changes there is really no change in overall story, the Romances in Greedfall felt sort of last minute add ins or after thoughts, IMO.
Jon.Topps 31 Dec, 2024 @ 7:55am 
Basically you increase general relationship with companions by doing things they like, while they're in your party. Eventually, they will hit on you, essentially asking if you want to have sex with them. If you say no, there is absolutely no negative effect at all. If you say yes, they say meet me in your bedroom. If you go to the bedroom, they confirm again you want to have sex, then it plays a brief cutscene where they kiss, you both go on the bed (fully clothed), and it fades to black. After this point, they refer to you in a romantic way, but there is nothing different about the actual gameplay or anything.

It's cringey, totally unnecessary, detracts from the overall flow of the story, and could be left out completely with no detriment to the game whatsoever. They added it in because they know there's a demand for this sort of thing and will increase sales, even though they put zero effort into it. I really hope in GF2 they just leave out romance entirely, but I doubt they did.
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