gl1tch2gh0st 5 Jul, 2018 @ 12:26pm
Unity3D bug: Pink textures
So... here screenshot: imgur.com/ZV7gtxP
PC specs: pastebin.com/5QvmAHKT [imgur.com/sUBNf8d]
And this bug not new: google.com/search?q=unity3d+pink 👌

I can't relax, plz fix it :)
(or If somebody know any solutions glad to hear it)

By the way here too bug: If I pressing Alt + Tab game don't maximized back and I must at Console:
taskkill /pid 12345 /f

Because game somehow take focus and GUI becomes useless.
But that bug don't matter — just don't minimizing game... :)
Last edited by gl1tch2gh0st; 7 Jul, 2018 @ 7:11am
Originally posted by u&i:
I'm disappointed the reset isn't successful.

Thank you for investigating the formerly released versions!

I keep a thought to look for a solution.
< >
Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
u&i  [developer] 17 Jul, 2018 @ 8:57am 
I haven't seen this yet. I have followed a suggestion to fix this from one of the search results. If and when I release the next update, this will hopefully not occur afterwards anymore.

Try "Alt + Enter" for game maximisation and Windows key (twice) to make game active again.
gl1tch2gh0st 17 Jul, 2018 @ 9:57am 
Yep, when I start game and then once press "Alt + Enter" (game make window mode) and again "Alt + Enter" (back to full screen), then I can safely use "Alt + Tab" and "Win + D" and game don't freezes... Thanks!

About pink textures: OK, will wait next update! I'll write here later... 👍
u&i  [developer] 11 Aug, 2018 @ 9:41am 
I released an update in which I performed the steps of a suggestion telling how to fix the pink textures. I hope this update #10 solves this issue for you
gl1tch2gh0st 15 Aug, 2018 @ 4:31am 
Nope. Still pink textures.

But there is new little problem :HaHaClassic:
But it's solved by starting old beta versions...

By the way I tried all beta versions and saw it:

So pink textures only here:
10_update8version - the version of update #8
11_update9version - the version of update #9
8_experimental - 3D flowers, new lighting
+ update #10

On other old beta versions textures not pink, but have problem with textures too...

But thanks for try. I appreciate it. :)
Last edited by gl1tch2gh0st; 15 Aug, 2018 @ 4:33am
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
u&i  [developer] 20 Aug, 2018 @ 10:40am 
I'm disappointed the reset isn't successful.

Thank you for investigating the formerly released versions!

I keep a thought to look for a solution.
u&i  [developer] 2 Aug, 2022 @ 7:14pm 
pink textures might now be resolved due to changing back to the build process of the original released version
< >
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Date Posted: 5 Jul, 2018 @ 12:26pm
Posts: 6