Asteroids Millennium

Asteroids Millennium

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geoff.nagy  [developer] 23 Jul, 2017 @ 6:43pm
Hello! Thank you for checking out the Asteroids Millennium forum.

If you have any issues, suggestions, or comments about Asteroids Millennium, please feel free to start a new discussion to bring it to my attention. Whether it's a bug report, feature suggestion, or anything else, I'll be sure to have a read and address your request.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
robertblane 3 Aug, 2017 @ 6:18pm 
How does this game differ from the other asteriods variant, Solaroids: Prologue? I am a big fan of Asteroids, Defender and Galaga since the arcade days back in the early '80's and your game could be compared to Super Stardust or the aforementioned Solaroids: Prologue...
Your game has been added to my wishlist and as such it will be another welcome addition to my ever expanding library of games. Good luck with your game when it launches and a nod of respect to one who likes old school games brought back with a vengeance for the 21st Century. Cheers and thanks for reading.
geoff.nagy  [developer] 3 Aug, 2017 @ 6:43pm 
Hi Robert. Thanks for your interest and support! I checked out Solaroids: Prologue and the two games indeed have many similarities. Solaroids seems to have more of a focus on enemies while I tried to keep the focus on asteroids (as well as adding new twists such as realistic asteroid collision physics, for example). My concern was that if I departed too much from the original feel of Asteroids by adding a lot of extra mechanics/features, it wouldn't be Asteroids any more. I've played modern variants of Asteroids and they feel very differently than the original, and the original feel is what I wanted to preserve. (That said, I wouldn't be averse to adding more features if there were strong requests for them.)

Thanks again!
robertblane 5 Aug, 2017 @ 6:06am 
Dear Geoff, many thanks for the reply regarding your Asteroids Millenium, a title that I will be adding to my Steam library when it is released. I used to play the pants of the arcade version back in the late '79 and the early 1980's. Centipede and Missile Command were also great favourites but as Asteriods was really the first arcade game I "got into" the nostalgia has stuck with me over the passing decades hence my serious interest in your title. As you say there have been countless reditions over the years on literally every computer/console format with the most notable and recent entries being from the Housmarque stable. And they were graphically superior to just about every other entry until either Solaroids or your project. I am looking forward to playing your game with great expectations and I also hope it sells well and in doing so gets excellent reviews the same as Solaroids has done. Another game worth mentioning again is Defender and with that mention - here is a link to the VERY BEST clone ever made and coded by an Amiga music legend. The link is: Enjoy and tell me what you think?
puNDuKE 5 Aug, 2017 @ 2:46pm 
Please achievements - would love to buy this game if it has them.
geoff.nagy  [developer] 5 Aug, 2017 @ 3:34pm 
Hi Robert. I will definitely check out those games. Thanks for suggesting them!
geoff.nagy  [developer] 5 Aug, 2017 @ 3:35pm 
Originally posted by puNDuKE:
Please achievements - would love to buy this game if it has them.

Hi puNDuKE. I'm actually in the process of testing an online global leaderboard and achievements right now---I plan to have those features ready for the release on Monday.
puNDuKE 5 Aug, 2017 @ 4:34pm 
Originally posted by geoff.nagy:
Originally posted by puNDuKE:
Please achievements - would love to buy this game if it has them.

Hi puNDuKE. I'm actually in the process of testing an online global leaderboard and achievements right now---I plan to have those features ready for the release on Monday.

Awesome, looks amazing I just have a knack for achievements in my games. Makes it more fun to play imo. Thanks for the response I appreciate that!
geoff.nagy  [developer] 5 Aug, 2017 @ 4:49pm 
Originally posted by puNDuKE:
Awesome, looks amazing I just have a knack for achievements in my games. Makes it more fun to play imo. Thanks for the response I appreciate that!

Thanks for your interest! Happy to make the game more fun for everyone.
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Date Posted: 23 Jul, 2017 @ 6:43pm
Posts: 8