

FIX to infinite loading screen bug
Hi there folks! Since seems most people can't search or even read the comments in other threads complaining for this problem, i create one.

If you try to join a game and end up in an empty background infinite, with no sign of loading a single sad meteor, here is the solution:

1.- Uninstall game
2.- Delete the game folder left by Steam. In windows 10-11 folder is in:
"Users\|YourUser|\AppData\Roaming\Starblast" AppData is hidden, you need to show by selecting "See hidden files" in Explorer, or writting the route directly. Users might be in your language, in the main directory, and |YourUser| is to be replaced by YOUR computer user name.

3.- Install Starblast again

4.- Cheers
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Fixed it! Thank you!
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投稿日: 9月12日 23時45分
投稿数: 1