The Darkness II

The Darkness II

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DARKLAW316 5 Feb, 2021 @ 4:08pm
bug in vent
i just got this game and the first time u play as the darkling i cant progress cause theres some invisible barrier blocking me in the vent
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Happen to me sometime in a tunnel or vent, we just need to use jump key to move in further. That's all.
Gear Grinder 6 Feb, 2021 @ 12:16pm 
its seems if vsync is off you cant go though the vents for some reason
DARKLAW316 6 Feb, 2021 @ 12:29pm 
im completely stuck on the grate in the vent
Garrett Aelito 7 Feb, 2021 @ 5:08pm 
Originally posted by DARKLAW316:
im completely stuck on the grate in the vent
Turn on Vsync. No clue why it works and it shouldn't, but I got completely stuck in the vent too over the grate part, but once I turned on V-sync, I could walk over the rest of the vent.
JamzoUK 17 Feb, 2021 @ 5:49pm 
Turn on VS
Last edited by JamzoUK; 17 Feb, 2021 @ 5:49pm
FadedAssassin 18 Feb, 2021 @ 12:51am 
if you turn V-Sync on and it still doesn't work try Auto V-Sync or I had to go into the nvidia control panel and tweak the 3d settings max fps 60 and v sync on
Ted 13 Mar, 2021 @ 8:42am 
I had the same thing but thankfully I just tried a few times and managed to get past it. Had the same thing a bit later on in another area. I just backed up and tried again and again several times until I got through.

It's stupid that it is there though
Can get through most of the vent by Jumping but right at the end I'm absolutely stuck. Tried tinkering with the v-sync settings even opening nividia panel and changing settings still no luck.
Same thing happened to me. So I gave it a thumb down.
VladimirDemonyk 21 Aug, 2021 @ 9:20am 
same thing here. stuck in the vent, nothing seems to be working
Doctor Gouache 23 Aug, 2021 @ 9:09am 
Hello, Had the same problem my fix is just turn off fullscreen and whole vent is clean for me now.
Doctor Gouache 23 Aug, 2021 @ 9:12am 
but really strange is my spamming method worked for Non Campaign +, but my second playthrough is totally bugged.
Mr. Barco 9 Mar, 2023 @ 9:09am 
So, I was having the same trouble, i tried somethings that i saw in this forum but still no luck, after that a realized that there is a pattern to this bug, i think it happens because of high frame rates or graphics, try turning v-sync on, setting your fps at 60 on your gpu panel, putting the game in windowed mode and turning all grapichs into low, also, disable dynamic decals and put your fov at minimum.
Then after that try jumping on the parts where you get stuck, luckly this changes will unstuck you.
Last edited by Mr. Barco; 9 Mar, 2023 @ 9:11am
Samikaz 7 Jun, 2024 @ 5:55am 
Can't fix the bug. I have tried all the settings
VS on/off
FOV reduced to zero
Window mode
Shame, I was having a good time.
If anyone is still playing this game and having this issue with the vent here is the solution that worked for me. This was done on NG+ that seems to be worse then new game.

1) Put game into windowed mode
2) Turn V-Sync on (Not auto)
3) Go to your monitors settings and change your refresh rate to 60hz.

You still have to jump a little bit to get over the lip like the earlier vents but after doing all that I was able to clear it just fine. Change all your stuff back to the way it was and continue playing.
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