The Darkness II

The Darkness II

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Xilent 14 Jul, 2014 @ 12:20am
Is The Darkness 3 confirmed?
No spoilers, but seems like the game left off on a major cliff hanger. . .i don't think the whole story should deserve another full game for it. I played about 6 hours of this game and they could have added another 6 to finish the story!!!! Y U DO DIS?
Last edited by Xilent; 14 Jul, 2014 @ 12:20am
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Showing 1-15 of 52 comments
Warlord 14 Jul, 2014 @ 9:27pm 
Doubt it.

Digital Extremes hasmoved on........before they finished the game.
Tayzor Azul 15 Jul, 2014 @ 6:06am 
Starbreeze can still pick up this game and make it like the first one, even if Digital Extremes moved on. Also 2K will find a way for a third game.
Yisus 15 Jul, 2014 @ 7:37am 
No, but I have hopes :(
PlayaOfGames 15 Jul, 2014 @ 9:34pm 
took them 5 years to make a number 2 may take 5 years to make a number 3 so i have hopes for a number 3 i mean the games story in my book was a bit better then number 1 maybe i do know the gamepaly with combat and graphics are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad ass i didnt get far in dakrness 1 need to pick up sometime on it
Last edited by PlayaOfGames; 15 Jul, 2014 @ 9:35pm
Tayzor Azul 16 Jul, 2014 @ 1:15am 
Originally posted by PlayaOfGames:
took them 5 years to make a number 2 may take 5 years to make a number 3 so i have hopes for a number 3 i mean the games story in my book was a bit better then number 1 maybe i do know the gamepaly with combat and graphics are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad ass i didnt get far in dakrness 1 need to pick up sometime on it

Are you kidding me ? The Darkness 2 was so short and had some visual bugs that makes me sick. All that thing with the comic style graphic is stupid why not make it realistic ? They made 2 like Borderlands.
Wayne 16 Jul, 2014 @ 6:56am 
Originally posted by Tayzor Azul:
Originally posted by PlayaOfGames:
took them 5 years to make a number 2 may take 5 years to make a number 3 so i have hopes for a number 3 i mean the games story in my book was a bit better then number 1 maybe i do know the gamepaly with combat and graphics are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad ass i didnt get far in dakrness 1 need to pick up sometime on it

Are you kidding me ? The Darkness 2 was so short and had some visual bugs that makes me sick. All that thing with the comic style graphic is stupid why not make it realistic ? They made 2 like Borderlands.
Boy, I about because the game is based on a comic?
Tayzor Azul 16 Jul, 2014 @ 7:29am 
Originally posted by Monstrance:
Originally posted by Tayzor Azul:

Are you kidding me ? The Darkness 2 was so short and had some visual bugs that makes me sick. All that thing with the comic style graphic is stupid why not make it realistic ? They made 2 like Borderlands.
Boy, I about because the game is based on a comic?

Dosen't mean it has to be comic style the first one wasn't and it looked far better.
PlayaOfGames 16 Jul, 2014 @ 7:33am 
Originally posted by Tayzor Azul:
Originally posted by Monstrance:
Boy, I about because the game is based on a comic?

Dosen't mean it has to be comic style the first one wasn't and it looked far better.
actully i find the combat and all bad ass compared to darkness 1 and the graphics i wish darkness 1 was here on pc :( consoles just bore me i like pc better
Tokyo Banana 17 Jul, 2014 @ 11:18am 
Originally posted by Mister Reaper Heall It All:
Originally posted by PlayaOfGames:
took them 5 years to make a number 2 may take 5 years to make a number 3 so i have hopes for a number 3 i mean the games story in my book was a bit better then number 1 maybe i do know the gamepaly with combat and graphics are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad ass i didnt get far in dakrness 1 need to pick up sometime on it

Are you kidding me ? The Darkness 2 was so short and had some visual bugs that makes me sick. All that thing with the comic style graphic is stupid why not make it realistic ? They made 2 like Borderlands.

So are you completely forgetting Darkness 1 and 2 ran on different engines
and they wanted it to look like the comics?
PlayaOfGames 17 Jul, 2014 @ 11:21am 
Originally posted by Chicken Dinner:
Originally posted by Mister Reaper Heall It All:

Are you kidding me ? The Darkness 2 was so short and had some visual bugs that makes me sick. All that thing with the comic style graphic is stupid why not make it realistic ? They made 2 like Borderlands.

So are you completely forgetting Darkness 1 and 2 ran on different engines
and they wanted it to look like the comics?
exactly i think the engine on darkness 2 and the graphics fit the game style better and all i like it compared on how it looked in darkness 1
Last edited by PlayaOfGames; 17 Jul, 2014 @ 11:21am
Ajay 17 Jul, 2014 @ 3:27pm 
lets hope platinum games makes a the darkness 3 xD i guess then you would play Angelus
♦Pieramyd 24 Jun, 2015 @ 7:53pm 
Originally posted by Tayzor Azul:
Originally posted by PlayaOfGames:
took them 5 years to make a number 2 may take 5 years to make a number 3 so i have hopes for a number 3 i mean the games story in my book was a bit better then number 1 maybe i do know the gamepaly with combat and graphics are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad ass i didnt get far in dakrness 1 need to pick up sometime on it

Are you kidding me ? The Darkness 2 was so short and had some visual bugs that makes me sick. All that thing with the comic style graphic is stupid why not make it realistic ? They made 2 like Borderlands.
Yeah Starbreeze uses lighting and specularity very well, sometimes they make their games look years ahead of their time. The gunplay used slight auto-aim and it was very stylized, and the atmosphere they were able to create was just awesome.
Has anyone played the remake of Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, which was bundled with Assault on Dark Athena? Amazing game, amazing atmosphere, same amazing lighting, awesome use of limited scope, terrible default PC port settings (which are easily fixed by lowering obnoxiously high LODs in the ini, and then it runs silky smooth)
And that game used to be on Steam! Why isn't it on steam anymore? Same with Mafia, that game never asked for CD keys, but it's no longer on Steam.
Steam just doesn't have the classics anymore. Where is Prey? Where is Riddick?
Last edited by ♦Pieramyd; 24 Jun, 2015 @ 7:56pm
Overlord_Noctis 26 Oct, 2015 @ 6:12pm 
Originally posted by Ajay:
lets hope platinum games makes a the darkness 3 xD i guess then you would play Angelus

Hell no ! I want the darkness back. I hope if and when they come out with number 3 you still play as Jackie Estacado, whose been trapped in hell for years since the end of the last game, and has been driven insane and the darkness power in him has grown immense by the amount of slaughtering he has done to remain existing in hell and the game stats with you ripping your way out of hell with the darkness into a now sandbox version of the darkness universe to wage an apocalyptic war against the angelus, to the backdrop of a world ravaged by her wrath with no one around to stop her for years until Jackie rips his way outta hell !

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YES !!!!!!!!!! lol
DavideSlipknot 1 Nov, 2015 @ 8:40pm 
As I see I am not the only one waiting for a new Darkness comeback!
PanosD 2 Nov, 2015 @ 4:16pm 
Originally posted by holydragon91:

Hell no ! I want the darkness back. I hope if and when they come out with number 3 you still play as Jackie Estacado, whose been trapped in hell for years since the end of the last game, and has been driven insane and the darkness power in him has grown immense by the amount of slaughtering he has done to remain existing in hell and the game stats with you ripping your way out of hell with the darkness into a now sandbox version of the darkness universe to wage an apocalyptic war against the angelus, to the backdrop of a world ravaged by her wrath with no one around to stop her for years until Jackie rips his way outta hell !

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YES !!!!!!!!!! lol

As the rest of the people here, I would love to see Darkness 3 happening....

However, I don't think pure sandbox would be a good idea for that kind of game mainly because too much freedom can ruin an entire concept and destroy the story. I would prefer a more like "Mass Effect", "Human Revolution" kind of world, rather than a "Fallout", "Skyrim" open world.

It solely depends on the approach of creating such a game. I agree that in case there is a third installement (let's not give up hope) in the series it required more content and definitely more freedom.

Also some missions playing as Angelus would be interesting...
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