The Darkness II

The Darkness II

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I guess were never going to get to see the ending to this story???
i know this game was based off comics, did they even bother trying to tie up the story with a couple comics? or it just ends like that and thats that. gotta problem with it? blow me? is that how it is? :BL3Shrug:
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There are 2 volumes released with a 3rd volume being released soon (it was already published just the collection will be out soon), and they are rebooting The Darkness in 2025 starting with the Witchblade reboot (he'll appear in #7).
Jamie 6 Jan @ 2:10am 
Originally posted by OkayHearMeOutItWasAliens:
There are 2 volumes released with a 3rd volume being released soon (it was already published just the collection will be out soon), and they are rebooting The Darkness in 2025 starting with the Witchblade reboot (he'll appear in #7).
so what comics and all do i need? do they pick up after TD2? and where did you hear that they are rebooting TD?
Originally posted by Jamie:
Originally posted by OkayHearMeOutItWasAliens:
There are 2 volumes released with a 3rd volume being released soon (it was already published just the collection will be out soon), and they are rebooting The Darkness in 2025 starting with the Witchblade reboot (he'll appear in #7).
so what comics and all do i need? do they pick up after TD2? and where did you hear that they are rebooting TD?
You could just start with the new one. It's a remake. If you want the originals, just look for the first two volumes of the original series and the third one when it comes out. After that, the new 2025 Witchblade (#7) will have the first appearance, followed by The Darkness new series. You could probably just start with The Darkness #1 when it comes out of you really wanted to. I like the old Michael Turner art style so I haven't kept up with any of Image Comics' properties (used to be Top Cow, but he left and started Aspen Comics before he passed away). Image makes Invincible, which is playing on Amazon now.

But yeah, just Witchblade #7 and the new Darkness series if you want to keep up with the remake.

If you want the old stuff, look for the first two volumes (sometimes called an Omnibus), and the third will be out sometime soon probably. That'll be the last of the old series, and they might do something else with the new one.
Bleh just wait for payday 3 to flop so bad the ip holders sell this one to someone that actually makes games and not glorified pyramid schemes
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