Xenon_1777 30 Dec, 2024 @ 6:38am
Stuck in tree area because little block guy didnt follow me
Im going to have to delete my progress because its impossible to progress,
I'm in the section with the trees where you have the bridges and you teach the little guy to turn into a box to break some pillars. Thing is, the dude didn't follow me from the last section and I'm stuck without him.
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
rdbury 30 Dec, 2024 @ 8:11am 
I'm not quite sure where you're stuck (a screenshot might help), but there are one or two places there the "apple guy" takes a different path and you kind of have to adjust for that. It's a puzzle game, and sometimes the puzzle is how to get the guy to go the right spot, even if you can't get there yourself.
Or check out a playthrough guide in the Guides section here on the game forum, to see if there's just plain something you're misunderstanding. Happens...

For example, the one from CarrotHelper is a good one:
There are places like that, yes, but when I check playthroughs on YT, for this section Apples just follows behind you, whereas mine is stuck in the previous section
Ah, sorry for you then, don't know what might help to fix that.
Apart from doing a file integrity check (if you're on Steam?) and a possible uninstall and reinstall , maybe.
snoopy 22 Jan @ 11:13pm 
I think I'm in the same boat... the little guy didn't follow me out from the underground part after he opened up the tree for me to get out and slide down. The game automatically saved after I slid down without him there. When I go over to the slide and "heavy," I can hear him copying me but he's still in the underground place :( can anyone help me? Op did you figure anything out?
Last edited by snoopy; 22 Jan @ 11:37pm
Xenon_1777 26 Jan @ 12:59am 
I'm afraid the only solution I found was to start a new save. Verifying steam files didn't work. You could try reinstalling the game, but I don't know if that will keep your save. It's worth a try though.

If you can't find anything, start anew and take the opportunity to find any mementos you missed.
Just to be doubly sure - some people have had trouble with how the 'little apple-eater' friend renders because of FPS issues. Try lowering to 60 FPS (60 mHz) just to be sure that you've tried everything before starting over again ...
As in he disappears? I did have him stuttering frequently and in cutscenes. Pretty sure I was 60fps though.
well, I haven't seen it myself but if you do a search on the Discussions here, you'll see that quite a few people have had troubles with the 'apple-eater' friend : seeming to disappear, or get stuck, or in other ways not behaving as expected.
I'm not techie at all, but noted that some seemed surprised that lowering resuolution/FPS was the fix to their problem... If it works, it works, I guess...
how can i limit my fps? i try with the command "fps_max 60" but didnt work, steam say 200fps in the screen and the eat-friend still bug
Originally posted by Pardypanda:
how can i limit my fps? i try with the command "fps_max 60" but didnt work, steam say 200fps in the screen and the eat-friend still bug
I'm not techie at all, but search around a bit on here in what other people have done, might help.

for example this one:
Or try making a separate thread just for this question - and hope more techie players out there can help better. Good luck!
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