Stuck in Red Level
Due to my slowness, I missed the orb inside the walking rock so when it reached the end of its walking & latched onto the platform I had JUST got to the top& could no longer get to the orb. I went forward to get the stomp command, but I find now I can’t get back to that orb I missed. I’m not sure what to do and I don’t know how to restart the level or if there are any save points to work off of.
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DNB 28 Jan @ 10:44pm 
Exit out of the Game to the Menu, then select Continue - this should reset the game back to the last Save point.
rdbury 29 Jan @ 2:12am 
If you're talking about a memento, then you're sure to miss a few of them anyway. (Unless you're playing with a guide, but what fun would that be?) You don't need them to finish the game and they're there purely for replay value.
Yup, this is just a memento, and I had the exact same thing happen to me when I played it first time. It doesn't matter, just move on in the game and you can collect it later if you want to.
Like @rdbury says - as you play through more of the game there will most likely be other mementos you will miss in a specific level too. But that does not stop you progressing in the game.
And when you've been through the whole game and reached the ending, then a Chapter Select opens up in Main Menu, and you can go back in to a number of different points in the levels and redo anything you missed. If you want to.

Since you are in Red now, and therefore quite early in the game as yet :
If you haven't noticed it yet, perhaps (?) - then note that there are two different kinds of 'orbs' to collect. The 'pulsing' stars that you need to move forwards in the levels and get from one level to the next. And a different kind of 'orb' (looking a bit like an orbiting ring planet) that is a memento, and something you can choose to collect, (or not), and which are not necessary to move forwards in the game.

Hope this helps - and hope that you're having fun in the game :-)
Originally posted by oldladygreybun:
Yup, this is just a memento, and I had the exact same thing happen to me when I played it first time. It doesn't matter, just move on in the game and you can collect it later if you want to.
Like @rdbury says - as you play through more of the game there will most likely be other mementos you will miss in a specific level too. But that does not stop you progressing in the game.
And when you've been through the whole game and reached the ending, then a Chapter Select opens up in Main Menu, and you can go back in to a number of different points in the levels and redo anything you missed. If you want to.

Since you are in Red now, and therefore quite early in the game as yet :
If you haven't noticed it yet, perhaps (?) - then note that there are two different kinds of 'orbs' to collect. The 'pulsing' stars that you need to move forwards in the levels and get from one level to the next. And a different kind of 'orb' (looking a bit like an orbiting ring planet) that is a memento, and something you can choose to collect, (or not), and which are not necessary to move forwards in the game.

Hope this helps - and hope that you're having fun in the game :-)

This helped tremendously. Thank you so much for the detailed and informative explanation! I'll be moving forward with the game!
Last edited by TheBardIsABird; 29 Jan @ 8:02pm
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