Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms

Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms

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Edhrin 3 Jul, 2018 @ 11:18am
What's your favourite/least liked route?
So now that everyone has had time to play both Winds of Kyoto and Edo Blossoms, I wondered what your favourite and least liked route(s) ended up being, and why?

I had played the old version of the game and at that time, my favourite was Toshizo Hijikata, because his story is a brilliantly tragic insight into what it means to be on the losing side of history. He leads a brave, lucid and unwinnable fight to cling to the remains of a world he's built his whole life upon - and does so with an integrity and a sense of honour that demand admiration. Chizuru's position as a sort of military wife rang sadly true.
Even in the good ending, I never could bring myself to believe that Hijikata had survived past his fight with Chikage. He is part of a dying world, and Chizuru follows him into it. That's the poignancy and the beauty of it, but it's also heart-wrenching.

But now, there's another route that's competing for first place for me, and that's the Ryoma Sakamoto one. Possibly because his worldview makes more sense to me, or how he makes Chizuru act more thoughtful and smarter, as opposed to just more dedicated and braver. He offers a well paced and more modern storyline that feels as inherently optimistic as Hijikata's is tragic. It felt good to have an ending where the characters had gained something and had an exciting future, as opposed to simply living on borrowed time or settling down into boredom. And his transformation from reckless womaniser to honest lover was moving, I thought.

On the other end of the spectrum, the Hachiro Ita route felt like a lot of nonsense to me, although I'm glad we saw more of Sen.
Also, while I loved Shinpachi in Winds of Kyoto, in Edo Blossoms his character development was terribly rushed, so it ended up being a letdown. So much unrealised potential when switching from brotherly to romantic love... I mean, they're used to supporting each other as friends, there's no sexual tension whatsoever, then suddenly they get hitched? Bah! He is a very funny and touching character, and deserved a more thoughtful arc, imo.
I didn't hate Sanan, but his route felt somewhat forced, which bummed me out because I had been looking foward to playing him since the old game.

What about you? What did you take away from the games?
Last edited by Edhrin; 4 Jul, 2018 @ 7:03pm
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Princess Vera 7 Jul, 2018 @ 5:18pm 
Not much to say, but Iba was my favorite in the first game, and then in the second game here... ditto on what you said. You never see any of the other demons again and the whole plot with the Furies becomes unimportant. The whole thing is just romantic fluff because everything is fixed with the POWER OF LOVE.

Harada is in my top 3 in both games, so far.

I don't like Sakamoto because his 'modern attitude' brings a lot of betrayal and destruction from the historical even if it's for a 'good end' and results in the history we have today. I never really find him trustworthy and he just never really owns up to what I said in the spoiler, IMO.

I've yet to play Sanan but I can't imagine his ending being anything other than utterly absurd, kind of like Iba's.

Oh, and the "normal" route with the protagonist alone gets points for its pathetic realism. I hate it but I like it, too.
Last edited by Princess Vera; 7 Jul, 2018 @ 5:21pm
mariaofthedesert 21 Jul, 2018 @ 4:32pm 
I have almost finished the game now. I have to say my favorite route is Okita's (even though it was pretty pessimistic). It's just so cute how you take care of him when he's sick. I guess I am biased because I love Okita as a character. I like playful boys. The ending felt pessimistic though :( I was worried he wouldn't live for long.

My least favorite route would be Iba. It was just creepy how he seemed obsessed with Chizuru since the beginning. Also, the demon arm was nonsense. I almost wish they had gone all the way and made Iba a yandere character. He already has some yandere characteristics, so if they gone all the way, then at least his route might have been more interesting.

I have mixed feelings about Kazama. On the one hand, I felt he didn't have a lot of chemistry with Chizuru. On the other hand, I liked his route because it was one of the only routes in Hakuoki that don't feel completely pessimistic. I guess I kinda have a love/hate relationship with Kazama, especially since he's kind of a prick.

Harada's route was another one that didn't feel completely pessimistic. I quite liked it as a route even though Harada just didn't do it for me as a character for some reason.

I liked Hijikata as a character, but his route was too sad and I also feel that there just wasn't enough romance.

Souma's route had similarities to Hijikata's, but I just couldn't feel any chemistry between him and Chizuru. His good ending was so nice though, I loved the scene where he reunited with Chizuru.

Sannan was alright. His route was actually quite interesting and different than most other routes. However, again my problem was that I didn't feel enough chemistry.

Nakagura was surprisingly nice, I expected a lot worse. However, I agree with the OP that him and Chizuru felt more like friends than a couple.

Saito was very sweet. He was a quiet type , but still seemed very perceptive and empathetic. However, I found it hard to believe that he was in love with the protagonist for some reason. I know I say this often, but I didn't feel enough romantic chemistry with most of the characters, but I did feel it with Okita.

Yamazaki was hot with the ninja outfit, but otherwise his route felt pretty boring to me.

I haven't played Heisuke and Sakamoto yet.

I would rate the boys as characters like this:

Okita>Saito>Hijikata>Souma>Nakagura>Sannan>Harada>Yamazaki>Kazama>Iba (I'm sorry Iba, you're kinda weird with your creepy obsession with the protagonist and your rapey demon arm)

I would rate the routes like this:


Last edited by mariaofthedesert; 21 Jul, 2018 @ 4:34pm
mariaofthedesert 25 Jul, 2018 @ 7:58pm 
Just finished Sakamoto and Heisuke. Not that I have anything against Sakamoto, in fact he was quite interesting and quite "different" from the other characters. However, I didn't like his route, because I just couldn't understand why he grew fond of the protagonist. It's one of these cases where you can't see why they fell in love and it seems forced.

For Heisuke, it was the opposite. I didn't care about his character very much, but I can see why he grew to like Chizuru and the chemistry was there.

i would say that our of the two, I prefer Sakamoto.
Last edited by mariaofthedesert; 25 Jul, 2018 @ 8:18pm
D's Journal 25 Sep, 2018 @ 9:06pm 
I am biased for Heisuke so he's all that matters lol, literaly all I'ma say about that.

As for Shinpachi, I bought Kyoto Winds for him and honestly? He isn't as good as I wanted it to be...He was more of a best friend or big brother the entire time. As much as I wanted him to have a bigger role or part in the story, I think I woulda been happier with him just there as "your big brother" like he was in the mobile. As a matter of fact, it just feels like they expanded him into the story to amplify the big brother role, not in a romanctical way. I'm curious how it pans out in the game, but someone else mentioned his transistion was kinda weird and awkward...So I can see how people are like ehh...
That's the fault of the developers already having him set in mind originally
in that big brother role, then added his route and STILL put him in that role, and tried to break out of it in this game only for it to of failed I guess...

I hope I'm not too upset when I do it. I'll update this once I do his...right now I MUST do Heisuke. -Rubs hands together.- u//u
Last edited by D's Journal; 25 Sep, 2018 @ 9:11pm
I recently finished the 2 games and my favourite routes are, Souji, Harada, Iba, heisuke, souma, Hijikata, Okita, and Kazama. least favourite is Sanan.

The other routes are alright as well, just can't stack up to my favourites haha. probably played

Harada and Heikuke route twice cos they are my favourites and have the best endings for me.

I watched the anime first though, and found out it was visual novel and was in a bundle XD so before this never played much visual novels before.
Huntok4r 6 May, 2019 @ 5:20pm 
I'm not entirely done with the game, still working through them but what from I've got done so far
Hijikata was always a favorite from my very first run in Stories of the Shinsengumi due to it's tragic nature and the acknowledgement of his now fleeting existence and his love for Chizuru despite it. I do think he'd live in the world but it's canon it wouldn't be for long. Maybe it's not the world he fought for but I like to think he would enjoy it because Chizuru was there. But with the new game, Kazue Souma runs veeerrry close because I can't help but find his passion for the Shinsengumi endearing and I liked that his story wasn't wrapped so wholly around Chizuru's story but around his own growth as a person and his fitting into the world and finding his place among warriors. His parting with Hijikata broke me down like nothing else.

I also have to say I was delighted to see Sanan with a route though must confess I have some mixed feelings on execution thought inevitably found it enjoyable but it wasn't as good as it could have been. I kinda feel they didn't do the routes based on the already existent characters all that well since Shinpachi wasn't that well executed either.
I'll have to come back when I finish off.
ruruji.kaze 31 May, 2019 @ 1:46am 
I am having a hard time to decide which is the best route here.

For me, based on the experience of the previous version of the game, I'd say my very first trio Hijikata-Saito-Okita (I'm thinking about adding Kazama, though). Their routes have pulled out all of my emotional tears over and over again no matter how many time I replayed them.

About Hijikata route, may be it was because of that they have made an anime out of his route, or might be because of the importance of his role toward the development of Shinsengumi and the game have entitled following his oni's name - "Hakuouki" (given by Kazama) that served him having the most refined story line; and the character Hijikata was designed to be a leader carrying a great burden upon him, his existence stand for Shinsengumi and their ideal, his route has them all well wrapped up. Upon playing his route, I felt like Chizuru was destined to be his page and his mental supporter, who's stubborn and determined enough to chase after Hijikata, trying her every abilities to aid him and those around him. Tbh I love how she has the ability to nag the Demon Commander Hijikata to take a rest (and he listened). Needless to say, I think that his route is completed.
About Saito route, it was the very first route I played because I adored Saito at first sight while watching the anime (just like his name "Hajime" meaning "the beginning"). His route turned out to be quite well wrapped, too. Especially, I like how romance slowly evolving from the stage of complete strangers bound by orders then become trusted ally, finally bloomed into a strong bond of unchanging mutual affection. I love how Chizuru developed her trust with Saito by the way they interacted. I'd noticed that, while in Kyoto (before everything went upside down) whenever Chizuru wants information, she always turn to Saito (even in a different route). He is kinda like her Google :))). Since Saito is rather quiet all the time, that's why Chizuru turned out to be a good observant to get to know him, guessing what he need. And she have always look up to him, following him everywhere, then looking out for his health and lead him out of his own shadow when he was doubting his own existence as a warrior. In return, he has always looking out for her as well (ofc at first was because of his duty). Saito Hajime stood out to be a calm, collected character, his way of getting the job done is very professional, but on the emotional side, he's just too pure XD (gosh I've always wanted to tease him). I must say his seiyuu (voice actor) - Toriumi Kohsuke has done a great job illustrated a character like Saito.
About Okita, I believe this is the most heart-wrenching route ever, considering Okita Souji, in both reality and fiction, has a very tragic fate that he'd die from having TB coming to his mid 20s. Eventhough, I've braced myself for this fact, I couldn't stop feeling devastated especially when he said something like "the only place for us to be together is 6-feet-under". However I love playing his route because despite of the predictable tragic end, Okita is an interesting and complicated character to the extend that Hijikata called him twisted to begin with. He devoted his life solely on the purpose of becoming the sword of Shinsengumi, he held a high (overload) respect for Kondou, I like how he make fun of Hijikata, and sometime he acted quite a child-adult pouting like a child, picky about food, demanding attention from Kondou (and later on is Chizuru as well), holding grudge with kids, etc I especially like how he playfully pried out Chizuru's "secret" affection toward him, teasing her to cheer her up, or showing his own way of caring for her (by saying he would kill her). Tbh Okita has a very strong tendency to become a yandere here :| . As for Chizuru, I think she has grown to love him although she scared of him at first, then because of her worries as a doctor's daughter tangled with guilt, toward the end I strongly believe that once Okita passed away she would end herself to go along with him She said something like he completed her and I think they have a hidden intention when making Chizuru become a fury while none other route did.
For Kazama route, I like it because it explored an overall view of history events relating Shinsengumi, samurai, politic and history during a crucial transition period of Japan. None other than Kazama route could provide that point of view mostly because he is a Demon (a Lord of Demon clan to be exact), he only served as a minor (almost 0) role of the conflict of mankind, and he is well educated about politic, culture, etc. He is too prideful of a person which is his only flaw, he is kind of cute at times (I think he is a kind of Tsundere). I like how Chizuru gradually changed his point of view toward Shinsengumi just by being loyal toward her friends and it was heart-breaking for her (and for me as well) to see them gone one by one due to the war and illness. When she finally reunited with the Shinsengumi, everything has already ended. In the previous version "Demon of the fleeting blossom", the scene Chizuru collapsed on the ground hugging the torn Makoto Flag crying hit me hardest. Idk why they removed it in this version though. However, I felt an uncompleted feeling toward the end of Kazama route though, might be because of the Open ending, and their late confession to each other.

Despite from the 4 above, I did enjoy playing the other route as well (I haven't touch Sanan, Shinpachi, Yamazaki and Sakamoto Edo Blossom route though).

Souma route is good, Souma is a sweetheart, but sometimes I kind of feel like he is a reflection of Hijikata may be that's why Hijikata passed the torch of the Shinsengumi to him at the end. Upon playing through that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling of deja vu, because it's so familiar when I played Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core when Zack passed his sword to Cloud before he died, saying that Cloud was his living legacy. In Souma route, Chizuru also played a great part as a crucial supporting role as well as being one of Souma's motivation (actually I think that they support each other, one of the reason which made this route a great one) their bond is strong, might be because of how they were close in age, their relationship as mentor and student, and the time they joined Shinsengumi. But Souma my dear, you keep calling her senpai even when you're in relationship, I think it is a wonder that you are not "kouhai-zoned"

However, I'm kind of disappoint about Iba's route in Edo Blossom. The story writer really spoiled it though. I have the impression that Iba was built as a knightly figure coming out of an old typical folktales of Knight's romance, which I'm looking forward to the most in this new suitors pack after playing his route in Kyoto Winds. He is an idealistic hatamoto and a gentle childhood friend and a long time secret admirer. Iba has a pure loyalty of a knight, and a strong sense of duty giving the fact that he is a noblemen. I anticipated that he would have a conflict between his keeping his vow of being strong enough to protect Chizuru at the same time fighting alongside his comrades on the battlefield fulfilling his duty as a bakushin and keeping the promise not to use the Demon hand to interfere the history, but in Edo Blossom, they did not exploited all of his route potential, and left behind a lot of plot holes. I guess either they are just lazy or just too rush for the ending. I'd vote for rewrite Iba's Edo blossom route when they make the next version of the game though.

That's all of my opinion,and I didn't realize I've been writing a whole essay, sorry for the long note XD
Last edited by ruruji.kaze; 21 Jan, 2021 @ 7:46pm
Rika 29 Jan, 2022 @ 5:10am 
Resurrected this Thread again :Hanzou: XD
Well, I don't play all Routes, because i can only play the Game little by little, because am such a crybaby.
After finished Hijikatas Route I was so shoked, that I never want play both Games again. 3 years later, am playing it again (but a crybaby again XD)
In my opinion, Ibas and Haradas Routes feeling like true Route, dunno, but the point of their Story Iba is like a demon, more or less, not only a fury that can die any moment, like Hijikata and Haradas is like a dream (buts thats only my dream)

My favorite Routes are Okita, Harada and Iba. Kazama is interesting, and I like him, but like Hijikata it's too tragic.

Okita: I love his Route, I adore his Char, well told, also the bittersweetness. He is a complex Char. Because of the complexity am so interested in Sanans Route too.
Harada is best boi, overall
Ibas Route was bittersweet, full of kindheartedness and suffer, oh my gosh, it was so great.

Now I wanna play Heisuke, Sannan (*blush*), and finaly Seito. Seito is so adorable, but I am feared how tragic it will be Q__Q Oh and Yamazaki at last :D Dont wanna play Shinpachi, maybe in 3 years XD

At the last: OMG the Seiyuu are sooooo good. I Love the Seiyu of Okita, best in Piofiore and Code: Realize too.
Last edited by Rika; 10 Apr, 2023 @ 3:21am
SIGGYLEI 8 Apr, 2023 @ 11:29am 
i believe this thread is dead, but i still wish to just fangirl over these men somewhere, and this is where i ended up. i honestly believe that every single character and route is well written, and there is a man for every taste in this game. i absolutely loved every single route, however some more than others of course.

i've played both kyoto winds and edo blossoms several times now and my opinions stays the same. my least favorite character is probably sanan, don't know why, there's just something that quite do it for me. i do like however, that in his route, he's not this lovey dovey guy, he's most of the time, the same as in the other routes. after him, i think it's saito. only because the quiet and overly loyal kind of guy isn't what i usually go for. i do love them tho, just less haha.

for my favorites, i can definitely say that sanosuke is my number one guy. one of the biggest thing is him not being turned to a fury, but also the only one that i feel have like a concrete ending, everyone else is like just waiting for the day they turn to ash u know i just love his witts, charm, looks and his VA. i'm absolutely certain that i could marry that guy. i think that his friendship with shin makes him even better. ooof, what a man. also ryouma and chikage are shared seconds. very different characters, but equally enjoyable.

i think i would place the characters/routes like this:

sanosuke - chikage - ryouma - souji - hijikata - souma - iba - yamazaki - heisuke - shinpachi - saito - sanan

i actually dont have that strong opinions on yamazaki, heisuke and shinpachi. i love their characters, however i cant really see them as an love interest. shinpachi is just brother from another mother you know.

well, now im gonna play it again, because i need to experience the thrill again. ahh
Last edited by SIGGYLEI; 8 Apr, 2023 @ 11:26pm
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