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Ion  [developer] 6 Jun, 2020 @ 3:03pm
If you need help - Read this first!
We have done a lot of testing on different hardware, but with thousands more players, some of you will likely run into technical issues.
If you experience any technical issues, please send us a message to and we will try to help you as fast as we can. Please include your system specs and a log file called output_log.txt, which you can find here:
%userProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Ion Lands\Cloudpunk\

For City of Ghosts the path is:
%userProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Ion Lands\Cloudpunk - City of Ghosts\

City of Ghosts DLC Update:
1. To launch the DLC, you need to start Cloudpunk from within the Steam library. There will be a launch option dialog, which lets you select whether you want to play Cloudpunk or City of Ghosts. If you don't see the launch option, you can alternatively launch Cloudpunk as usual and start the DLC from within the main menu.

2. Camus and other people are following you in the game. They also need to follow you on the elevators. If elevators don't launch right away, that is because your followers still need to join you.

Here's what you can do before contacting us:

1. Check the minimum requirements on Steam and verify your game files on Steam first.

2. The game is very demanding, especially on the GPU. If you notice your GPU heating up, please consider removing/reducing overclocking and adjusting the fan settings to compensate. You can also try to enable VSynch to reduce the stress on the GPU if it runs really hot.
Under 3D Settings of your graphics driver control panel under Power Management make sure stick to the default "Optimal Power". You can also try to limit the maximum framerate in the game to 60. This setting only works when VSynch is diabled, so only use it if you want to use a lower framerate than your display's refresh rate.

3. Keep your graphics driver updated to the latest stable version

4. If you have 2 GPU's on your system, like one integrated on your mainboard and one dedicated one, please make sure that the dedicated one is used. The integrated GPU's don't have enough processing power to handle the game. Go to your AMD or NVIDIA control panel and start the game from there.

5. If you have trouble getting the game to launch without even a log file in the folder mentioned above, please contact us right away. It might be a networking issue related to Steam license validation.

6. If you're having trouble with your controller, please check this thread:

7. Occulus software. Some users mentioned that when the Occulus Rift was connected or even just its software installed, that would cause game stutters. If everything else fails, try uninstalling the Occulus software and let us know so we can investigate this further.
It seems to be related to the Oculus SDK service. If you stop this or set to manual, then reboot the game will run fine.

8. Exclusive Fullscreen
By default the game uses a borderless fullscreen window. If you want Cloudpunk to use exclusive fullscreen, you can add the following command line parameter under "Set Launch Options" in the Cloudpunk Steam properties:
-window-mode exclusive

9. DirectX 11.1 on Windows 7
If you are still running Windows 7, make sure that DirectX 11.1 is installed (and not just 11.0). It is not an automatic update. Search for the patch KB2670838.

10. This is rare, but in case you run into a blocking issue, you can restore an older savegame. The game stores backup save files in this folder:
%userProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Ion Lands\Cloudpunk\
or for the DLC:
%userProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Ion Lands\Cloudpunk - City of Ghosts\
Try to copy one of the backup .sav files over your Slot0.sav (DLC.sav for the DLC). We can assist you if you contact us vis email at

Furthermore, if you have suggestions on gameplay related issues, please join our Discord Server [].

Thank you <3
Last edited by Ion; 16 Jun, 2022 @ 7:27am