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Finished The Game
End was pretty good. I noticed they gave us a choice between 2-3 options on what to do.
I was surprised how you didnt earn that much money through the gsame. Their were times when you were low on cash and even doing drop offs, passenger drop offs etc you woudlnt earn that much and yet the price of fuel and repair was expensive.

I never ran out of cash which was good. Towards the end they gave you quite a bit of cash with $2000 and $1500 around there. I didnt see the point of upgrading your apartment with things like a fridge, plant etc. I did buy a plant pot and a fridge at the end.

The great thing about this game was I experienced no crashes, no glitches from start to finish it worked fantastic in this game. It was hard to see when the game saved however and I noticed there was a bar for fuel which was good but no bar for car damage, i just had to take a guess when smoke was coming out of the hova.

Great game though. I guess down the track I will get City of Ghosts DLC although it looks totally different with in car dash etc
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CalmDownTom  [developer] 16 Jan @ 12:44am 
Glad you liked it! The first person mode isn't only in City of Ghosts, it's in the base game too. You can switch to the interior view any time you want.
Yeah i came across that. I hadnt heard of this game until few months before xmas when I discovered it by accident. I didnt think I would like it but upon playing a few hours enjoyed flying around in the hover car and helping NPCs.

I havent played or got City of Ghosts DLC so I might wait until it drops on the price, and then get it. It looks totally different.

I think the game took me around 10.5-11.5 hours to finish so I was happy with that.

Originally posted by CalmDownTom:
Glad you liked it! The first person mode isn't only in City of Ghosts, it's in the base game too. You can switch to the interior view any time you want.
Originally posted by CalmDownTom:
Glad you liked it! The first person mode isn't only in City of Ghosts, it's in the base game too. You can switch to the interior view any time you want.
I was meaning to mention a game issue i had at end game for the first time all game.

At the top of the spire after talking to CORA and having to make my decision as i walked down the stairs my character got stuck on the stairs. 🥺. I couldn't unstuck myself...i thought I'd have to reload the game but in the end after mashing the arrow movement Keys my character was able to move again so I could make my decision for end game.

Did you notice any glitches with the staircase developer?
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