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Never Found a Way to Park and Get to Sinwave City
I don't know if people are looking at this board anymore. I think I tried for at least two hours to deliver the package to SinWave Nightclub. The problem? I tried multiple times to park and get there and never managed it. I saw two places to park. One small, one large. Looks like playthroughs are showing that the large one gets you there. Except in MINE it doesn't. I walked around that part of the city hundreds of times. I give up.:steamsad::steamthumbsdown:
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
Bjørn 20 Jan @ 2:43am 
Is this delivery part of the DLC? I haven't played that yet.

But if it's for the main game, I didn't have any issues with deliveries, although I remember having to search a bit sometimes, and also tried different landing spots, but all were completed.

This isn't very helpful, but just wanted to share. There should be a way to deliver all :dssmile:

Good luck!
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