Shenmue I & II

Shenmue I & II

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SEGA Dev 17 Sep, 2018 @ 8:14am
Shenmue Patch 3 is now live - 17 September 2018
Hi Shenmue fans,

We've moved Patch 3 from the beta branch to the main branch. Thanks to everyone who provided valuable feedback. We are continuing to support Shenmue on PC, so please report any issues you experience post-patch in this thread, along with your system specs. The other patch threads will be locked.

PC Patch Notes v1.03

· Fixed an issue that caused volume settings to be applied inconsistently between games.

· Fixed an issue where Excite QTE button prompts would appear blank when bound to W, A, S, D.
· Fixed various issues with help screens.
· Fixed UI issues after viewing items.
· Fixed some issues with pawnshop fliers.

· Fixed issues with the left stick during the Shenmue 1 bike race.

· Fix for a crash that would occur when detaching a sound device on some platforms.
· Further CPU load optimisations.
· Fix for various instances of localisation issues.
· Fixed a crash when transitioning to evening while listening to music at Tom’s Hot Dog Stand.

Thank you,

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Showing 1-15 of 38 comments
Monk 17 Sep, 2018 @ 8:21am 
Thank you very much Devs, great work!

Anybody know if I opt out of the beta now, will this update automatically begin?

WinterzShadow 17 Sep, 2018 @ 8:29am 
Thanks guys!
Chris_Chocobo 17 Sep, 2018 @ 8:53am 
Originally posted by josher_09:
i just want to be able to win my mini harrier from the you arcade :(

Me too. So, we have to wait to another patch T_T i dont want to start working at the Harbor until i get the Space Harrier prizes.
-__- 17 Sep, 2018 @ 9:09am 
Audio mix in Shenmue 2 is way improved now, thanks. Glad to know this isn't the last patch either.
JefferyNothing 17 Sep, 2018 @ 10:42am 
Mouse cursor is STILL on the screen all the time...
PenjaminButton 17 Sep, 2018 @ 11:03am 
Could you guys add Playstation buttons? I use a PS1 controller and the XBOX button prompts really annoy me with the QTEs.
Doom Socks 17 Sep, 2018 @ 11:37am 
*Thumbs up* (o.<)
JefferyNothing 17 Sep, 2018 @ 11:43am 
The sound is still messed up on the PS4 version. Still can’t hear the footsteps. Worked fine when the 1.02 patch hit the Pc version.
Hiei- 17 Sep, 2018 @ 2:03pm 
The color of the font when loading saves have been modified, right?

Edit : Maybe a bug. After I closed and restart the game, the font is now black and white again (the previous time, it was outlined in blue).
Last edited by Hiei-; 17 Sep, 2018 @ 2:24pm
Hiei- 17 Sep, 2018 @ 2:16pm 
When I encountered Mai at the harbor and once the cinematic ended, the game started to make weird sound (as some lags) and then returned to the title screen.

Edit : The second time, it worked. Maybe it's related to the font color problem I talked about in the previous message (maybe the game got a bug when loading something in memory).
Last edited by Hiei-; 17 Sep, 2018 @ 2:26pm
Keep it Cool 17 Sep, 2018 @ 2:18pm 
Having problems to run first game. Can't get forward from floating launcher (same results trying from instalation folders). Any help would be appreciated
Hermit 17 Sep, 2018 @ 2:33pm 
Originally posted by Hiei-:
The color of the font when loading saves have been modified, right?

Edit : Maybe a bug. After I closed and restart the game, the font is now black and white again (the previous time, it was outlined in blue).

The font is supposed to be white and red for NPC's and white and blue for Ryo. It should never be black and white.
Hiei- 17 Sep, 2018 @ 2:37pm 
Originally posted by TurtleHermit0:
Originally posted by Hiei-:
The color of the font when loading saves have been modified, right?

Edit : Maybe a bug. After I closed and restart the game, the font is now black and white again (the previous time, it was outlined in blue).

The font is supposed to be white and red for NPC's and white and blue for Ryo. It should never be black and white.

I mean for the save texts (and money text). It has always been black and white except when I played a few minutes ago. For the other colors, yeah, Red for NPC and Blue for Ryo.
Hermit 17 Sep, 2018 @ 4:03pm 
Originally posted by Hiei-:
Originally posted by TurtleHermit0:

The font is supposed to be white and red for NPC's and white and blue for Ryo. It should never be black and white.

I mean for the save texts (and money text). It has always been black and white except when I played a few minutes ago. For the other colors, yeah, Red for NPC and Blue for Ryo.

Oh, ok, I understand now. You're right, it should be black and white.
Pesebrero 17 Sep, 2018 @ 6:27pm 
My gamepad isn't supported yet.

Where should I report this in order to get support?
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