Shenmue I & II

Shenmue I & II

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Shenmue 1 vs Shenmue 2 my thoughts
Shenmue 1 is the best games i played like 21 years ago Shenmue 2 in my opinion is not so good i think 1 will always be the best i tried
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Nebgama 25 Jan @ 12:31pm 
2 is just as good as 1
KenW77 2 Feb @ 8:11am 
They are quite different games but i love them both equally.
2 grew on me but then it switched to Kowloon and at this point I feel like I'm just powering through to get to 3.
Cameron 16 Feb @ 6:29am 
Why don't you like 2 as much?
Nebgama 16 Feb @ 8:38am 
2 is great Ryo hits mainland China and the plot expands right outwards into new grounds i think it was just as well made as 1 if not better, the systems improved and there is more intractable items in the game than in 1.

i may be biased because i did first play Shenmue 2 on classic Xbox and it was the first time i had played a Shenmue game i loved number 2 at the time and then i went back to play 1 later on, i like 1 just as much but it feels a lot smaller than 2 in terms of "Universe" imo.
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