Through the Ages

Through the Ages

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Tip for Solo players against AI
I've been doing this a while when I wanna kill some time. If you want the AI to have a chance, make it a rule to completely skip your 2nd turn. I noticed that skipping only the first turn (picking cards) doesn't handicap you enough.

turn 1: pick your card(s)
turn 2, just hit end turn, skippping all CA (no picking cards, no electing leader, nothing)
turn 3: play rest of the game as usual.

It also makes you think outside the box a bit, like considering if you should grab a leader or a wonder, the different balancing (notably: 1 less turn of confucius/boudica benefit, big issue with alexander and home because of the civil action lost) Not saying you won't still win most of the time, but you gotta make an effort at least.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Ail 14 Mar @ 7:47am 
Erm... there's dozens of challenge-szenarios you can play. Some of them with the odds heavily stacked against you.

Nevermind, I just checked your account and saw you have 2,2k hours in this game. I guess at this point you've probably beaten all of them and actually need new ways to challenge yourself with it.

I just think there's probably not very many people in your situation. :D
Ah true I forgot about those. I guess I mostly did them and was happy to have finished them and didn't think about it. Yes they are very well-designed indeed.

I was just really excited that I finally found a good way to play a quick time-waster game against AI while still being challenging, but yeah youre right maybe it's not a great "general tip" :/
How much of a difference is there between medium and hard AI?

I'm starting to win at a decent rate on medium now. Still having fun without the expansion.
The difference is quite small.
dcain3456 31 May @ 12:59pm 
I disagree. Hard AI is an absolute beast.
I've only played 2 games on hard now but I could tell it was a noticeable step up.
kory 31 May @ 11:59pm 
I think people who have played this game a ton can forget how strong the AI actually is. Once you are a good player the AI is not very strong, but if you are still learning its very impressive compared to most digital implementations of board games.
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