Albion Online

Albion Online

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AO_Evoque 24 May, 2018 @ 10:58am
[Information] Albion Online Abbreviations and Acronyms
Hey everyone,

Here are some abbreviations and acronyms for our newer players that are not quite familiar with some terms just yet.


GM: Leader of guild, Guild Master / or Game Master
OW: Open world, refers to non-instanced content
SBI/SI: Sandbox Interactive, the studio that develops Albion Online
ZvZ: Zerg versus Zerg, fights between bigger groups of players (generally 30+)

Albion Online

AH: Auction House / Marketplace
BM: Black Market, a special market in Caerleon/ or Battle Mount/ or Bad Manners
BZ: Black zone, the area also known as Outlands that yields the highest rewards, accessible via the Caerleon Realmgate
Cap: Capturing a monolith in a territory fight/GvG or the Arena
CV: Circling Vultures, the center zone in the Outland continent Mercia
GvG: Guild versus Guild, the fights for territories in Albion Online.
HCE: Hardcore Expedition
HG: Hellgate
IP: Item Power, the base measure for strength of equipment
LP: Learning Points, can be used to progress your mastery levels quicker
MoC: Master of coin
MP: Masterpiece, refers to the highest quality items
WC/SC: War camp/ Siege camp

Weapons/ Abilities

gig: Gigantify Potion
Meatball: Magma Sphere
Pierce: Armour pierce from curse staff that reduces armor
SOB: Staff Of Balance, a quarterstaff weapon
T/4.3 etc.: Tier 4 with enchantment level 3 - There are 8 Tiers/levels of gear in Albion Online. Using enchanted resources while crafting results in higher enchantment gear that have more item power

Feel free to post[] missing ones so we can add them to the list! ​​