Conflict of Nations: World War 3

Conflict of Nations: World War 3

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Why do you play this game?
Truly, why do you play this game or any other Pay-To-Win?

If you really want to experience the gameplay and want to win a few matches it costs +100$ (a year)....

I have comprable games in my Library that 1) look a lot better 2) have way less bugs 3) only cost me about 30$ ... ONCE. And yes, they also have DLC's with extra maps or factions, but they are optional. You don't need them to win or spend +500 hours in-game.

So my question : WHY do you play this?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Incragew 29 Jul @ 2:44am 
I play CON on a regular basis and I had almost never a problem with payers. Of course spending money on a game gives you an advantage but you have to overcome that with knowlegde and skill.

I dont like spending money on games at all. So CON is the best free-to-play strategy game my friends and I can find and thats we keep playing it.

I hope that answers your question.
Paust 31 Jul @ 2:03pm 
If you really want to experience the gameplay and want to win a few matches it costs +100$ (a year)....

That is nonsense.
You can play and win totally free. But yes, it is higly recommended to get "Security Council".
This cost you 39 € per year, in my eyes a fair price for a very very good game that is hosted and very activly suppported by the devs.

I have comprable games in my Library that

Which games ???

1) look a lot better
Which game has this tactical depth, so many active players ? Look is good in my eyes, would be the most unimportant point for this kind of games.

2) have way less bugs

CON has more or less no relevant bugs.
And if there are bugs ( they occure sometimes after new units or patches) they are normaly fixed very fast.

3) only cost me about 30$ ... ONCE. And yes, they also have DLC's with extra maps or factions, but they are optional.

Which games ? With such a big online games community such a very very well balanced setting... I don´t know one that is competitiv.

You don't need them to win or spend +500 hours in-game.

Ok, you need to be active in CON to be succesfull, but I mean, yes, it´s a game without AI, only humans... so for sure an active player has big advantages to players that are only online once a day.
I won´t call that a disadvantage.
If you don´t like it, fair enough.
Last edited by Paust; 31 Jul @ 2:04pm
I've paid once for gold and premium, but am totally happy continuing it for free after that.

Sure occassionally there appears a player using gold, but its rare and even when they joined a game, others are more likely to confront and contain that gold user unless its a whale spending vast amounts.

Might as well ask people why they play mobile games, most of which are far worse with the monetization and the gameplay.
I don't pay to win. Sounds like a skill issue.
Paust 15 Aug @ 2:10am 
As Sareseras wrote : It is theroratically PTW, but in 99% of the games you won´t meet a whale. And when newbs think they need to use a little gold it´s not PTW, it´s unimportant.

The Sec-Council is it really worth and cost 40€ per year. But CON has a very active community and very active devs.
And one does not really need Sec-Council, it´s just nice.

But the question was NOT if it is PTW and what you think about PTW.

I really would like to hear from Poo-Beer which better, compentive games he means and has...
I like defeating Golders
CoN is pay to win, but i have never encountered a person that uses obscene amounts of gold to win the game. A majority of all games have normal people with a few that use a little bit of gold here and there.

If CoN did not have the gold system, the game would be paid, probably at around 40 dollars, which you would also criticize.
usually golders are pretty easy to beat as they're reliant on stupidity and a credit card. When they spam missiles you're boned but it's funny to make them spend the few hundread to do it lmfao and play the game? I don't anymore at 5,000 played I find it hard to even log in once a day to check on games plus changes since the start of the elite units have been incrementally ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this game into the dirt. It's really down to just make air and infantry now. Pointless.
I'm playing this game for the first time without a tutorial, I just watched it for 10 minutes. I've been playing Poland since the second day, and I've been leading it until today. I have 2x as many points as the second player, Greece, on gold, and 3x as many points as the third player, USA. So, judging by how badly people play this game with gold, you can win without gold without a tutorial. And now, knowing what I know, I see how many mistakes I made.

Well, honestly, the game takes too much time, there are some flaws, but the premise itself is cool. It would also be useful to refresh the map and balance the countries with some negative modifiers at the start for larger ones and not to forcefully increase the number of provinces in small ones, and those unplayable by players such as Belgium, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic have one city each again, Bermuda, the Falkland Islands, New Caledonia as independent countries. sic. Playing with units and types is great, but there are no mechanics in diplomacy, trade, or a developed economy, this news is great, but they could put the less important ones in a less important bag somewhere. This is adorable

So I don't know if I will play again because once I started the game it takes too much time. But if there are updates to the map, economy, trade, diploma, and apk, I will probably play.

They could give 2-4 different types of gameplay with breaks such as from 24-6 in the morning, London time, the game is paused, there is a break in another 8-14 for the Americas, for East Asia 16-22 and such mixed ones, such as two breaks of 4-6 hours during the day . However, this game is a bit overwhelming because it happens 24 hours a day, so there is always a temptation to enter to catch up on something at the expense of sleep or a temporary disconnection.
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