Tick Tock: A Tale for Two

Tick Tock: A Tale for Two

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Tick Tock: A Tale for Two co-op and cross-play FAQ
Tick Tock: A Tale for Two is a co-op game where you don’t require an internet connection to play, and you can play across multiple different devices. Communication is key, so you may need to use online services to communicate with your partner. Because there’s nothing quite like this game, we’ve put together a handy FAQ to answer any questions you might have.

This FAQ will be updated periodically.

Find players and dedicated 2-player chat rooms in our Discord: {HIVATKOZÁS TÖRÖLVE}

What platforms can I play on?
You can play Tick Tock: A Tale for Two on PC, iOS, Android or Mac. Cross-play can be used across any of these devices. We will be releasing on Nintendo Switch in Q2 2019.

How does that work without an internet connection?
To start a game of Tick Tock: A Tale for Two, you simply need to load up the game and select whether you want to be player one or player two. The game will immediately start, and you will see that side of the story. However, when you come to the first puzzle, you will be unable to complete it without the input of another player who has selected the other option at the start. The other player’s world houses key information for your progression and vice versa.

So we need to use voice chat?
If you’re in the same room, no. If you’re not, yes! Tick Tock: A Tale for Two was built with two players communicating at its core. Not only do you need to use voice comms to talk each other through puzzles, you both also get only snippets of the story and need to read aloud to each other to get the full picture.

But the Steam page says online co-op and it’s not online?
Steam only allows developers to select certain badges and nothing quite fit Tick Tock’s unique setup. If we didn’t select the online co-op badge, we wouldn’t be able to easily communicate the fact that you can play this game with someone who is located anywhere in the world. Therefore, it’s not online, but it’s also not restricted to couch co-op.

So how do I chat with my co-op partner?
We’ve purposely left this open so players can experience the game however they want. If you want to jump on Discord, you can. Want to call them on Whatsapp? Go ahead. You could even communicate via text if you’re somewhere where talking isn’t an option, though that’s not the optimal way to experience the game. We just want you to have as much choice as possible.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Other Tales Interactive; 2019. febr. 21., 6:54
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112/12 megjegyzés mutatása
how does couch co op work here? can the second player login and launch the same game from the same steam account on a laptop or split screen enabled?
it doesn't. The label is wrong. There is no couch co-op unless you get two copies, two devices and sit on the same couch.
You can play with anyone in the world without an internet connection?... What is this black magic?... (Seriously, I don't understand what they're saying.)
MicHaeL MonStaR eredeti hozzászólása:
You can play with anyone in the world without an internet connection?... What is this black magic?... (Seriously, I don't understand what they're saying.)
This Game contains two games literally,
if you select player 1... you will see different screen, different things and if you select player 2 then again different things from player 1.
and there is no such thing as personal profile or personal stats.
so you have to finish the whole game in a single session.

To sum up, you just need this game on 2 PCs, and start the game and select player 1 on first PC and player 2 on the other. ENJOY!
Remove the fraudulent tags from this game. I do not care if you think it should be ok it is false advertisement. This game DOES NOT feature online co-op or Local/Splitscreen co-op. Just because you came up with a way to force people to buy 2 games in order to play your game does not allow you to lie. Remove the tags! I have reported you for fraud.
Do both of the players have to buy the game or c1 buys it and share it with the 2nd player? Thanks
So can you play this with only one copy?
No, you can't. This game does not have a local-coop where two people can play with the same copy via split-screen or someting.
Ferseth the 1 eredeti hozzászólása:
Remove the fraudulent tags from this game. I do not care if you think it should be ok it is false advertisement. This game DOES NOT feature online co-op or Local/Splitscreen co-op. Just because you came up with a way to force people to buy 2 games in order to play your game does not allow you to lie. Remove the tags! I have reported you for fraud.
i think you misunderstand the concept of online co-op, and the concept of co-op games in general
Ferseth the 1 eredeti hozzászólása:
And if you don't like how they tag their game, don't buy it? Not the devs fault you can't be bothered to read more about the game before buying it.
Ferseth the 1 eredeti hozzászólása:
Remove the fraudulent tags from this game. I do not care if you think it should be ok it is false advertisement. This game DOES NOT feature online co-op or Local/Splitscreen co-op. Just because you came up with a way to force people to buy 2 games in order to play your game does not allow you to lie. Remove the tags! I have reported you for fraud.
Why are you so angry? fraud? This is actually a co-op game. And you can actually communicate on-line to solve it, although it is not required. This is a kind of game I wanna find when seaching for a co-op on-line game. I can play with a friend who is in other place in the world if we both have an on-line connection (and even if not)... What's the problem with you to release so much anger?
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112/12 megjegyzés mutatása
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