La-Mulana 2

La-Mulana 2

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Taku | PLAYISM  [developer] 21 Jul, 2019 @ 8:56pm
Bug Reports ver
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Friendly Reminder:
Please keep this thread for bug reports only. Feel free to answer, reply and discuss with others but please keep it civil and friendly.
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Showing 1-15 of 126 comments
Hugo 22 Jul, 2019 @ 6:10am 
Did the patch somehow alter the way background music plays?

Volume control for individual instruments seem to be way off - some instruments way too loud,
others almost not heard.

This also affects echoes etc .. so that some instruments don't appear to have an echo while some echoes is causing the music to sound unvibrant and false.
TheJDude 22 Jul, 2019 @ 11:09am 
Seconding this, in a way I sort of like it as the tunes aren't drowned in reverb anymore, but something feels wildly off about this in general. It's almost like the songs got reverted to earlier mixes with the latest patch or somesuch. The best way to describe it is it's like everything is on a dry mix before going through a mix and master?
TheJDude 22 Jul, 2019 @ 11:18am 
Doing some comparisons with the ost version and previous builds, this may be intentional? There's melodies that are no longer lost under the wall of instruments, but it does feel like something is also missing as a result.

This is certainly strange, either way if this is how the tracks end up I definitely can't complain, but it's going to be weird if an entire game's soundtrack mysteriously changes it's mixing a year after launch too.
StephanFS 22 Jul, 2019 @ 2:56pm 
About the soundtrack: the console ports that were released weeks ago contains an updated version of the soundtrack. Looks like they updated the PC version today to keep it on par with the console versions.

Also the console versions has new NPCs and shopkeepers (namely from other games such as VA11-HALL-A, Undertale, Owlboy and Momodora). No idea if they were included in the update.
AyorSaeba 22 Jul, 2019 @ 11:17pm 
I hope we can choose the music's style in the future and can go back to the old music.
It really looks like a regression : no bass, no percussion, a music closer to a midi file.
It's a pity if the music stays that way.
Another example : Teleport to Valhalla, the music starts in the middle of the track, it's pretty weird.
gooblet 23 Jul, 2019 @ 12:13am 
-In both Valhalla's and Ancient Chaos's music, the intros have been cut off. The songs now suddenly begin partway through their openings.

-The name of the Mulana Talisman item seems to have been mixed up. At the funeral, Giltoriyo says that the "Mulana Talisman" he gives you was once part of a seal called the "Mulana Jewel", however i am quite sure these two names should actually be switched. The name of the original, intact version of the item in the first game was the Mulana Talisman, so it seems the broken version in this game should be the Mulana Jewel.

I would also appreciate the option to switch between the new and old soundtrack versions, perhaps as an option on the main menu's settings screen.
Last edited by gooblet; 23 Jul, 2019 @ 12:13am
Taku | PLAYISM  [developer] 23 Jul, 2019 @ 1:10am 
Hello all, thanks for the report about the music issue.
We'll talk to NIGORO and see what we can.

As for the new shopkeepers, those only apply to the console version.
Hugo 23 Jul, 2019 @ 3:01am 
Originally posted by AyorSaeba:
I hope we can choose the music's style in the future and can go back to the old music.
It really looks like a regression : no bass, no percussion, a music closer to a midi file.
It's a pity if the music stays that way.
Another example : Teleport to Valhalla, the music starts in the middle of the track, it's pretty weird.

It's not just regression - listen to the music at the village - at the end, it plays false tones!
It's horrible and extremely amateurish.

Edit: I don't know how the new music sounds through a television or speakers ... I'm using headphones, thus all "errors" becomes evident.
Last edited by Hugo; 23 Jul, 2019 @ 3:06am
gooblet 23 Jul, 2019 @ 2:12pm 
-Something seems to be wrong with how the phases advance in the final boss. The Sun and Moon emblems are destroyed when their respective phases are defeated, but the Stars emblem is destroyed a few seconds into the third phase, at what seems to be a completely arbitrary moment totally disconnected from the state of the boss.
-It is possible to reach Spiral Hell without killing Daji. It is a bit strange that Daji's reanimated corpse still appears in Spiral Hell no matter if Daji has actually been killed or not. I think it would be a neat detail if the Zombie-Daji didn't appear if the "real" Daji hasn't been defeated yet.
Spiins 23 Jul, 2019 @ 5:34pm 
The game crashed twice (once after dying and once while entering the blood corridor).

Here are the crash logs:

Windows 10 (64 bits)
Core i5-6500 @3.2GHz
16GB of RAM
pj 24 Jul, 2019 @ 1:15pm 
I would just like to confirm that music definitely sounds way worse, and I can't imagine it's intentional. It's really muffled now, like everything was put through some filter, lead melodies are way quieter etc.... These weird voices from "The Will" are straight up gone now!
Rine 24 Jul, 2019 @ 8:22pm 
If nothing else, please add an option to return the music to the originals.
Mercury 25 Jul, 2019 @ 10:00am 
No Russian :'(
gooblet 25 Jul, 2019 @ 10:38am 
-Echidna's difficulty scaling is almost certainly broken. Echidna has 5 possible forms: Child 1 and 2, Adult 1 and 2, and Decayed. I just fought her twice, first as my 5th guardian on normal mode, followed by fighting her as my 9th guardian on hard mode. As far as i know these two scenarios should make her be the easiest and hardest she can possibly be, respectively. Both times she used only her Child 2, Adult 1, and Adult 2 forms, with Child 1 and Decayed completely unused.
StephanFS 25 Jul, 2019 @ 1:32pm 
I decided to replay the game aftter 1 year (I uninstalled the game and found out about cloud saving being added, had no problems replaying it), but I can no longer get the skeleton keys. I've tried getting one of the keys by visiting ♥♥♥♥♥ 40 times, but nothing popped up on the title screen.
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