La-Mulana 2

La-Mulana 2

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cheru 9 Aug, 2018 @ 4:52am
La-Mulana 2 FAQ/Bug Status (updated 5.9)
Welcome to the La-Mulana 2 FAQ, please check here to see if you question has already been answered before heading to the Bug Reporting Thread.

Warning, some of the bug reports may contain unmarked spoilers!

Backer Questions

I am a Kickstarter backer, and I haven't received my reward.
    All Kickstarter emails were sent out on July 27th. Please check your Spam and Promotions folders to see if your email landed there. If you cannot locate your email, please email support[at] and let them know that you can't find it anywhere (including spam).

I am a Playism backer, and I haven't received my reward/didn't get an email.
    Playism backers had their rewards automatically generate in their Playism libraries. Please check the Add-Ons section of your Playism Library to get your reward.

I only have the game, where are the rest of my rewards.
    With all the focus on getting the game released, some rewards are not ready yet. We will be releasing the other rewards as they become available.

I want my DRM-Free version!
    For Playism backers, this should already be in your account. For Kickstarter backers, email us at support[at] from the email you use on Kickstarter, and we will add it to your Playism Account.

When will the Physical Rewards be ready? Will you contact me?
    The physical rewards aren’t ready yet, and we can’t say when they will be yet. We WILL contact you when we need info from you though!

Where is my Steam key in Playism?
    Please click on the “Download” button in your Playism Game Library. Your key should appear then.

My shipping address is wrong / I want to confirm my shipping address.
    We haven’t collected any shipping addresses since the physical rewards are not ready to be sent. We WILL contact you for your shipping address when those rewards are ready.

I made a Playism Account, why is my Kickstarter reward not automatically appearing there?
    I'm afraid that this is not automatic. All Kickstarter rewards are emailed out. If you would like your DRM-free copy, you have to email Playism and ask them for it. We are handling these manually because there is no automatic system in place.

I'm a backer, and I want a PS4/Xbox One/Switch Copy instead of my PC Copy
    I'm afraid that Kickstarter and Playism backers are only entitled to the PC version of the game. We have been listing that very clearly on the Kickstarter and Playism pages since day one. We have been working really hard to get all the rewards that were promised to backers to the backers, and are working to get the currently unavailable rewards ready. These rewards do not include the console versions, as the stretch goal was not achieved.We thank you for your understanding.

Where is my copy of the OST?
    All Backers who are eligible for the La-Mulana 2 OST should have had an email with a key for it (Kickstarter Backers) or had it automatically generate in their Playism Game Library (Playism Backers). This was all done on Sept 19th. If you can't find your email, please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, please email us at

Game Questions

Is there a manual for the game?

What are the controls in the game?

Can I rebind my keys?
    Yes, you can. Please note that the rebinding options span over two different pages. If you have a duplicate on the two menus, you will run into errors.

I'm suffering from game slowdowns / lag / low framerate / etc.
    We have worked hard to get the game to run as smoothly as possible, including areas that are pretty demanding. Please check your PC specs, your CPU strength is pretty important for this game, so if you are on the line with minimum specs, we can't guarentee it will run as smoothly as desired. However, Floatious recently posted a work around
    Originally posted by Floatious:
    I have an 8-core processor. Turns out, if I only allow the game to run on 2-4 cores, it runs flawlessly. 1 core isn't enough processing power, so it has traditional frame drops, choppy music, etc. 2 seems to be the most stable. 3-4 are mostly good but experience a few sluggish moments. 5-8 are all pretty laggy. I don't know if this is a problem with the game or a problem with my computer/processor, but it solved my problem, and it may solve yours.

    To change the amount of cores you're using, open up the task manager (Ctrl+shift+esc), click "More Details" if not expanded, then click the "Details" tab, right-click LaMulana2.exe, then click "set affinity".

My Xbox Controller doesn't work on Mac.
    Sadly due to Apple and Microsoft not supporting each other, we are unable to easily address this. Our best suggestion is to use a 3rd party mapping tool. Have you tried using Steam to configure your controller?

I want Pixel Perfect Scaling/more screen resolutions/etc.
    This game designed "looks like Pixel-perfect" when you choose 960 * 540 resolution. But it's actually made with Unity which is 3D engine, so all pixel arts are technically 3D object and some effects are using real-time rendering. Full screen setting may cause blurry edges. We recommend 1920 * 1080 or 960 * 540 resolution if you want near pixel-perfect scale.

My PS4 controller isn't working with the game

Did I suddenly turn on hard mode without reading the tablet?
    The game will get more difficult the more you progress through it.

Where is my save data located?
    Your save data is saved on your PC, separate from your game files. You should be able to locate your save data in the following folder:
    • Windows: C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\LocalLow\NIGORO\LaMulana2
    • Mac: Macintosh HD\Users\[user_name]\Library\Application Support\unity.NIGORO.LaMulana2\

Other Questions

I am a streamer/youtuber/media/etc. and I want to contact you about La-Mulana 2
    Great, send us an email at support[at] Please make sure you email us from a verifiable email address.

Does buying La-Mulana 2 on Playism change anything?
    No, the build on Playism is the same as on Steam. The only difference is that with Playism, you get both the DRM-Free version and a Steam key.

Reported Bugs / Known Issues

Upcoming fixes:

Fixed Bugs
  • Warping out of a battle without defeating the boss causes the boss to not reappear later. (fixed in
  • Clipping through platforms. (fixed in
  • Daji is gone, but the trap is still active. (fixed in
  • Fenrir's weird invisible boxes above his head. (fixed in
  • Tried to warp away from the boss in Annfwn and hung myself. (fixed in
  • Doppleganger glossary cards keep reappearing. (fixed in
  • When entering the controller bind input without a controller there is no way to exit. (fixed in
  • Nidhogg's glossary entry spacing. (fixed in
  • Starting music doesn't scale with audio settings. (fixed in
  • Stuck in falling animation on the edge of a button/switch/hole/etc. (fixed in
  • Father's journal Xelputter text was odd. (fixed in
  • Forcing your way through ramps using Gale Force. (fixed in
  • A wall seal with a 1 on it, but its scan says it's a 2. (fixed in
  • Collision error in Corridor of Blood. (fixed in
  • The weapon fairy destroys bosses before the fight starts. (fixed in
  • Codices didn't use it's effect a second time. (fixed in
  • Suit of Clay makes strange noises. (fixed in
  • Unable to record text via TextTrax 2. Deleting text freezes the game. (fixed in but we are not sure all existing save data can be recovered in this case. Sorry for the incovenience...)
  • There is weird layering issues with the Kosugi Notes and enemies. (fixed
  • Aten-Ra's hitbox is strange. (adjusted in
  • The Alert App lists Freezing Water as "Flammable Gas". (fixed in
  • Certain pots became unbreakable after leaving the room. (fixed in
  • Can see Bia dying multiple times. (fixed in
  • Wall blocks projectiles when it is no longer there. (fixed in
  • Falling through the floor of the ship. (fixed in
  • Seem to be stuck in Nibiru when I go up there. (fixed in
  • Clay Doll Outfit is glitchy underwater. (fixed in
  • Leaving a certain area caused the door to lock behind you, cutting off a shortcut. (fixed in
  • No statue, but if you whip the space, you get zapped. (fixed in
  • A certain guardian door wouldn't open even with the right number of bosses defeated. (fixed in
  • Dark Lord's Mausoleum: Garden of Stars, the miniboss clipped through the floor and disappeared (fixed in
  • Unloaded room in Heaven's Labyrinth (fixed in
  • Typos and text issues (fixed in
  • Can't get glossary entries #3 (fixed in
  • 99-100% CPU on Start Up (fixed in
  • Game freezing or crashing at Nigoro Logo (fixed in
  • A certain Pillar in Valhalla won't open (fixed in
  • Fairy found an empty sigil, breaking it showed another empty sigil (fixed in
  • Miracle Witch Software disappears if you don't pick it up. (fixed in
  • Defeating the Griffin won't unlock the Perfume Chest (fixed in
  • Fenrir keeps coming back to life (fixed in
  • Kami-musubi isn't being added to the glossary (fixed in
  • Thoth's glossary entry (fixed in
  • Alfr Seeress unlocks Kujata's Ankh more than once. (fixed in
  • Mimir is missing/Mimir Fountain bugged (fixed in
  • Disappearing health bar in Fenrir's fight (fixed in
  • Spaulder and Flame Torc aren't initially active if you load or continue a game where you're using an alternate costume. (fixed in
  • Samaranta never leaves her first spot. (fixed in
  • Rolling Shuriken bug in Gate of Dead. (fixed in
  • Hel's Disonance Reappeared (fixed in
  • Bug causing gates to not open (fixed in
  • Bug preventing shield update after buying a new shield (fixed in
  • I warped after summoning a fairy, and now everything is frozen. (fixed in
  • Blue fairy crashing the game (fixed in
  • Some text issues and fixes. (fixed in
  • Deactivating music when entering+leaving a guardian room (fixed in
  • Vritra stomping sound glitch (fixed in
  • Issue with certain songs not looping properly (fixed in
  • Breaking through the Heaven's Labyrinth Glasya Labolas' room wall with Gale Force (fixed in
  • Jumping through the wall in the blood corridor (fixed in
  • Running off the moving platform in the final boss traps you (fixed in
  • Invisible Wall in the final area (fixed in
  • Falling during the escape sequence bug. (fixed in
  • Caltrops movement glitch (fixed in
  • Boss stuck in dying animation (fixed in
  • Elevator Softlock (fixed in
  • More Gale Fibula issues (fixed in
  • Soft lock in the final boss (fixed in
  • Chimera hitboxes (fixed in
  • Processing Issues (fixed in
  • Gamepad compatibility and behavior. (fixed in
  • CPU running at 99-100% while launching the application. (fixed in
  • Certain events were prevented when equipping Gale Fibula. (fixed in
  • Stuck when releasing Ankh while using Lamp of Time. (fixed in
  • Impossible to fight certain Room Guardians again after warping during battle. (fixed in
  • Sound and graphic effects. (fixed in
  • Shield issues (fixed in
  • Platform in certain Room Guardian/Guardian’s fields has issues (fixed in
  • Text issues (fixed in
  • Tag information for the OST. (fixed in
  • Bug preventing player from leaving area after fighting Hel (fixed in
  • Various text adjustments (fixed in
  • Various rendering issues (fixed in
  • Various game balance issues (fixed in
  • Fixed some collision issues (fixed in
  • Fixed bug missing an Ankh Jewel by updating from 1.4.4.x to 1.5.5.x. (fixed in
  • Fixed other small bugs (fixed in

More updates will be coming to this list soon.
Last edited by cheru; 9 May, 2019 @ 1:02am