La-Mulana 2

La-Mulana 2

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So what did YOU get stuck on the worst?
After over 30 hours I'd say I'm in quite late game (six Guardians defeated, etc.) but it hasn't been easy, even with occasionally consulting some community hint guides. And in most cases when I finally get unstuck on a puzzle it turns out the clues were already there and I just hadn't put them together to make the solution yet.

For example, I got stuck in Annwfn early on because I didn't realize you could climb the statue, despite the clear hint nearby AND receiving a message from Fobos that not all ladders actually look like ladders. I also got stuck in Valhalla chasing the Trickster around, and somehow failing to notice his latest hiding spot (literally one or two steps away from unlocking the Ankh to fight the boss with), I didn't figure out how to properly navigate the Corridor of Blood (and in hindsight, the clue was RIGHT THERE on the tablet by the door). Got stuck on the Griffin puzzle, because when I saw that falling Griffin-shaped pushblock I thought it was another Lamp of Time puzzle, not a Gale Fibula puzzle (and the hint I looked up gave an impression that you could softlock the puzzle if you did it wrong -- not true, the puzzle can be reset). That's another one that I actually had to look up the solution, then sort of facepalm because I felt so certain assuming the solution was something I was missing, I didn't try experimenting with literally any tool I had (and yes, I did read the tablet that hinted at the puzzle -- I just didn't match it to the puzzle nor arrive at the correct answer). (And the Gale Fibula is not something you can just keep active during your general explorations, unlike basically everything else in your inventory....)

But so far I think the worst thing I've gotten stuck on is the "Song of Paradise" puzzle, because I was sitting at approximately 0G (thanks, Charon) needing to farm out over 1,000G to acquire the song. I'd already collected gold from almost all pots I knew had money in them. And yes, I had unlocked all four Fairies but don't have the ability to summon specific ones, implying my only option was to spend hours upon hours grinding coins from random enemy drops. Ugh! Why?

I found Anubis but he wouldn't talk to me, Ammit was blocking the entrance to the Room of Judgment, Fenrir and Vidofnir are immune to normal damage (though I finally found Balor, why did I never check up on that one room after melting the ice?), don't even think about fighting Anzu yet, it seemed like absolutely all my progress was at a brick wall named either "Cog of Antiquity" or "Lamp of Time". At least I had a rough idea where to start looking for the former, given a few of the available hints and one miniboss room in a peculiar room that zaps you if you try to chant just any Mantra (but I didn't want to spoil myself on looking up the solution, I wanted to find the proper clue first!). I also knew of at least two puzzles involving a Key Fairy but wasn't sure if they'd provide main or lateral progression at this point...

But once I actually got the 1000G together, turns out I was right because a whole lot of things started falling into place one after another! What really broke it wide open was me (re?)-discovering the fairy exploit:
Much like when you summon a fairy in the first game, if you leave the screen before the animation finishes and the Fairy actually appears it cancels the summon, and you can try again immediately. The summoning spot in the Shrine of the Frost Giants is conveniently near the edge of the screen, so I could trigger it repeatedly until receiving the green money Fairy. Then I warped over to that room in Icefire Treetops with that long row of pots to smash, and by the time the Fairy despawned I had collected about 300G. Repeat two more times and now I can go purchase that one item from that one shop, talk to this one NPC about the Song of Paradise, go purchase a different (but still relevant) item from a shop, then finally go solve that dang puzzle and be on my way. (And, hey, there's the clue I refused to look up a guide for!)

I'm making the Hall of Malice my next target for now, since it's alive and hopping with minibosses (and a great new BGM to rock along with). Not exactly sure what I should do after that but I'll worry about it as I make progress.

So that's me. What about you guys?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Blind 11 Nov, 2022 @ 3:17am 
I beat this game like 4 years ago...


I can't remember where the Moon mantra and it's walling pretty much everything I have left

EDIT: Ok, moon mantra was in the room I thought it was, but I thought I needed Moon to get something else in that room :/
Last edited by Blind; 13 Nov, 2022 @ 1:16am
Taisetsu na Miko 11 Feb, 2023 @ 9:37am 
I got stuck on a lot of those parts and I feel like they were poorly designed. However, the music puzzle was something I was ready to solve hours before I found where to use it. I think that I found out how to use the Corridor of Blood by watching a little bit of a video or maybe reading a discussion post here. I got really stuck in the Mausoleum because I thought I did not have the tools to solve it for a long time and I feel like that area was the worst designed. Even Valhalla tricked me into thinking I was not ready, but I managed to face the boss there first anyway. I got really stuck in that one room in Valhalla because it uses a new mechanic that is also a bit finnicky and it was also designed to hide that you could use it. I also got really stuck trying to get to the Buried Fortress because it sounded like it was meant to be another area of the world.
strata_ranger 26 Feb, 2023 @ 7:58pm 
I haven't played this in a bit but at least my last progress was getting stuck only on the final area (Spiral Hell). I cleared the other major roadblock where, apparently, you have to summon then fight Ammat in the Mausoleum (again the clue tablets are literally right there, but I guess I just needed a fresh mind to do the correct thing!) before you can properly access the Room of Judgement to solve that puzzle, then go meet with Anubis (and see Osiris, unlock Surtr's room, obtain the "power of fire", etc etc etc etc ETC because this was roadblocking almost literally everything forward).

The natural hazard of any (every?) Metroidvania is that dreaded feeling of being hopelessly stuck, usually because you found something earlier than you "should" have. I wouldn't strictly call it bad design, but being able to fall into that trap (sometimes very easily) always always feels bad.
Lostedge 8 Mar, 2023 @ 9:07am 
So far I got stuck on finding the MOON mantra. Which is kind of progression stopper. Had to check the guide where it was :( . I think more hints would been nice for finding the actual room
Last edited by Lostedge; 8 Mar, 2023 @ 9:09am
Blind 8 Mar, 2023 @ 11:37am 
Originally posted by Lostedge:
So far I got stuck on finding the MOON mantra. Which is kind of progression stopper. Had to check the guide where it was :( . I think more hints would been nice for finding the actual room

ya, on my most recent play I got stuck there for a different reason... I knew where the room was alright, but I thought it was a different mantra there and that I needed Moon to get it :p
HousePet 7 Apr, 2023 @ 5:21am 
I might have failed to notice how snow works.
As a result, found where the Life Sigil was before I'd got the Birth Sigil, but couldn't get it.
Had located the Grapple Claw (possible via a backdoor) and the Anchor (I looked that one up, is there even a hint for that?) but they lead to dead ends when you are that far back on Sigils. XD
Chain Whip was acquired without lava protection.
I can also ask Mulbruk to check out the Takamagahara Shrine, despite having not seen this name yet. XD
BKo 10 Apr, 2023 @ 11:39am 
Replaying this, I can say the biggest piece of garbage in the entire game is Anubis's puzzles, one of which is simple and the other of which aren't even mistranslated, they're just idiotic. I'd forgotten how stupid that was.

Not even going to bother finishing this this replay or even try the DLC. Wish I could refund it now but it's just $5 I guess.

How can you take the game seriously or have any kind of faith in it when it throws ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like that at you? Why bother to try when in the end it's just dumb luck, and whipping every single thing in the game, and jumping into every pit you've jumped into already but this time it's somehow a puzzle solution.
Last edited by BKo; 10 Apr, 2023 @ 11:52am
AlluMan96 21 Apr, 2023 @ 5:56am 
For both this and the first one, one of the biggest problems I run into with puzzle solving is not knowing whether I even have the means of solving a puzzle. Because of the metroidvania design, the difference between whether this is a puzzle I need to solve now or something I have to come back to later with the correct upgrade is a thin line and alot of times, I've taken to consulting tips on where to go and then finding out it was something I had already basically figured out, but didn't know I could do yet.

In my first 8 hours of the game, the one that got me was simply getting the Gloves at Annwfn. I knew the room had a puzzle and I had an idea of how to solve it. It's just that I figured I didn't have the means of solving it yet. I had the impression that I was supposed to find a way to move towards the chest while looking the other way, not literally turn my back to it for a few seconds. The funny part was that I thought I had even tried it, but I guess I just didn't try it for long enough or the puzzle glitched or something.

Because of this minor hickup, I spent alot of my exploration feeling confused at all the block puzzles, thinking to myself "Is block-pushing supposed to be late game or did I miss something?" All I needed was for someone to tell me "It's in this room" and I immediately solved it. It felt stupidly simple, but because of my assumptions that there was more to it, I didn't even try and thus wasted time fumbling around without a necessary tool to even traverse the areas.

This one is admittedly more my fault, because I should've been thinking horses and not zebras with the solution, but it's indicative of the kind of issues I've continually had during these games. I remember in the first game, it took me literal hours into the game to solve a pretty basic "Smash these things in the correct order" puzzle in the first area, because I didn't know resetting the puzzle required quitting out of the game and loading back in, so I just assumed I needed a special tool to even try it, only to realize later that I could've done it immediately.
Light 13 Jan @ 12:49am 
Most of my difficulty was overthinking puzzles earlier on until adapting with a specific mindset to approaching them. The game was smooth sailing once I switched into the 'Mulana' mind... and using a notebook.

I'd say the White Pedestals were the first annoyance, only to solve it by trying everything. In fact, I'd try using the few mantras early on and hoping to get lucky with puzzles if I didn't have the clue yet; it was surprisingly effective in some areas, including the footprint puzzle which I didn't even identify the room as being until later.

Embarrassingly, the golden rock frustrated me constantly. I felt clever in using the Holy Grail after breaking the pillar, but no... I'd simply refuse to leave the damn thing alone, thinking I could somehow brute force that one too. It just taunted me and I couldn't let it go, only to obtain such a disappointing reward to add salt to my wound.
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