Prison Simulator

Prison Simulator

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Баг на задании с казню на электрическом стуле (Bug on a mission with execution in the electric chair)
На задании "Казнить осужденного", не работают кнопки переключения напряжения и в итоге не могу подать ток к стулу для казни... Ноль на датчике не меняет значение и на этом моменте невозможно отменить действие или выйти из игры. В чем может быть проблема?

On the task "To execute a convict", the voltage switching buttons do not work and as a result I cannot supply current to the chair for execution... Zero on the sensor does not change the value and at this point it is impossible to cancel the action or exit the game. What could be the problem?
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Czestter 24 Nov, 2021 @ 5:07pm 
Hey! Please sign this form if you still have any issue with your game
Nevaellend 11 Jul, 2024 @ 7:18am 
Originally posted by Czestter:
Hey! Please sign this form if you still have any issue with your game
The bag isn't fixed and the form doesn't seem to work.
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