Prison Simulator

Prison Simulator

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Icedfate 3 Feb, 2024 @ 6:03am
play as the prisoner
there should be an option to play as a prisoner.

and then make it multiplayer with some players as the guards and some as the prisoners.

then you could call it The Stanford Prison Experiment : The Video Game
Last edited by Icedfate; 24 Nov, 2024 @ 8:14pm
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Cypher  [developer] 5 Feb, 2024 @ 7:56am 
Originally posted by Icedfate:
there should be an option to play as a prisoner.

and then make it multiplayer with some players as the guards and some asmthe prisoners.

then you could call it The Stanford Prison Experiment : The Video Game
Interesting idea about experiment :D
We are making a game about playing as prisoner. Check this out:
GrandRiser 5 Feb, 2024 @ 6:54pm 
Shouldn't this game be called... Prison Guard Simulator?
Icedfate 7 Feb, 2024 @ 10:42am 
for clarity, i wasn't being sarcastic.
i mean, i'm not really interested in this type of game, but i saw it in my discovery queue and felt compelled to make this suggestion.

seeing as the player plays as the guards.
i was thinking they could make a game like one of those multiplayer asymmetrical horror games that has a group of survivors against 1 big bad slasher/killer

except it's like . . a large group of prisoners vs a small group of guards
and obviously, the guard have to be much more well equipped than the prisoners and the guards can go around abusing the prisoners and beating them up

but then the players playing the prisoners have a lot more prisoners on their side and maybe some a.i. to control extra prisoners. like the prisoners would outnumber guards 10:1 but be much less well equipped. having to wear the prison jumpsuits and then craft their own shivs, while the guards have nightsticks and shock batons and can handcuff the prisoners

and then the prisoners can riot and fight the guards in an all out multiplayer brawl.

but then , since it's a simulator, they could simulate real prison likfe, having the guards herd the prisoners into cells and lock them in and when they log out and back in, they are still in their cells until the guards let them out.
but then the guard, i guess they guards could just lock them in and never let them out..

maybe have some way that the prisoners could get out though, so they can fight the guards again in a neverending cycle. .

it would be like a social experiment to see what the players do.

i dunno. I'm not a game developer, and like i said, this type of game doesn't really interest me, it was just an idea i thought of.
Zvitatzki 24 Nov, 2024 @ 5:11pm 
is the prisoner game canceled? i can no more find it in the store aswell as the link above says error not found
Cypher  [developer] 25 Nov, 2024 @ 5:38am 
Originally posted by Zvitatzki:
is the prisoner game canceled? i can no more find it in the store aswell as the link above says error not found
No, its in development. Check newest devlogs!
Zvitatzki 25 Nov, 2024 @ 5:44am 
Originally posted by Cypher:
Originally posted by Zvitatzki:
is the prisoner game canceled? i can no more find it in the store aswell as the link above says error not found
No, its in development. Check newest devlogs!

i would if i can find :) but i seem to no more find the game at the steam store

the link u have posted on top says this

Unable to load information about this item.
Zvitatzki 29 Nov, 2024 @ 5:19am 
yea its got removed to my country im living in

i saw when i exit prison guard simulator the prison survival on the hot links ingame but when i click it the steam store opens and says this

An error was encountered while processing your request:

This item is currently unavailable in your region

typical the same drama in this poor country
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