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10tons  [developer] 28 Oct, 2020 @ 5:37am
Streamer Copyright Claims, Whitelisting and Streamer Mode
If you are a streamer that has received a copyright claim from a video done on DYSMANTLE and are thus unable to monetise the video, please send an e-mail to dysmantle@10tons.com with the title "Dysmantle Video Copyright Claim" and include a link to your video. We will work with the copyright holder to Whitelist your video as soon as possible.

Do note that we recently added an option for a "streamer mode" which is accessible in the options. This makes it so copyrighted music tracks will not play in the game. While you lose some sweet tunes, you are able to monetise your video immediately without sending us a whitelist request
Last edited by 10tons; 11 Mar, 2021 @ 12:10am
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
radenchikplay 21 Dec, 2020 @ 7:37am 
Good afternoon. Please tell me, I'm a beginner streamer and I can't understand a little. I shoot a video about your game without turning off the music and upload it to YouTube. Then when I receive a notification about the restriction of monetization of this video, I write to you by email and you remove these facets? Do I understand correctly?
10tons  [developer] 15 Jan, 2021 @ 12:17am 
Originally posted by radenchikplay:
Good afternoon. Please tell me, I'm a beginner streamer and I can't understand a little. I shoot a video about your game without turning off the music and upload it to YouTube. Then when I receive a notification about the restriction of monetization of this video, I write to you by email and you remove these facets? Do I understand correctly?

7thsojurn 26 Sep, 2021 @ 9:31am 
Why did you change the view point to a lot closer and the camera view will not change the angle seems to be lock now this game is junk now do to before you could see the zeds before they got to close WHATEVER!:BEgloomy:
luca1981 17 Nov, 2021 @ 11:07pm 
Originally posted by 10tons:
Originally posted by radenchikplay:
Good afternoon. Please tell me, I'm a beginner streamer and I can't understand a little. I shoot a video about your game without turning off the music and upload it to YouTube. Then when I receive a notification about the restriction of monetization of this video, I write to you by email and you remove these facets? Do I understand correctly?


Dear Luca Puzio,

After a manual review, a copyright owner claimed material in your video.

The video is published and is still subject to the visibility settings you have selected. However, it is now monetized by the copyright owner or the copyright owner has decided to receive the relevant data and analytics.

This is not a copyright notice. This complaint does not affect the status of your account.

Video title: DYSMANTLE Gameplay (PC) # 1
Copyright protected content: Vatican Mystery
Claimed by: Epidemic Sound
Next steps
If there is no problem, you don't need to do anything and you don't need to delete your video.
If something went wrong and a mistake was made by the copyright owner or our system, you can resort to the dispute procedure. Use it only if you are sure you have the rights to use all the content in your video. Further information
You can also remove claimed content using Studio's editing tools.

did they report the video to me? my channel


Gentile Luca Puzio,

Dopo una revisione manuale, un titolare del copyright ha rivendicato del materiale presente nel tuo video.

Il video è pubblicato ed è tuttora soggetto alle impostazioni di visibilità che hai selezionato. Tuttavia, ora viene monetizzato dal titolare del copyright oppure quest'ultimo ha deciso di ricevere i dati e le analisi in merito.

Questo non è un avvertimento sul copyright. Questo reclamo non incide sullo stato del tuo account.

Titolo del video: DYSMANTLE Gameplay (PC) #1
Contenuti protetti da copyright: Vatican Mystery
Rivendicato da: Epidemic Sound
Passaggi successivi
Se non ci sono problemi, non devi eseguire alcuna operazione e non è necessario eliminare il tuo video.
Se qualcosa non ha funzionato ed è stato commesso un errore dal titolare del copyright o dal nostro sistema, puoi ricorrere alla procedura di contestazione. Utilizzala solo se sei hai la certezza di disporre dei diritti per l'utilizzo di tutti i contenuti del tuo video. Ulteriori informazioni
Puoi anche rimuovere i contenuti rivendicati utilizzando gli strumenti di editing di Studio.

mi hanno segnalato il video? il mio canale

Last edited by luca1981; 17 Nov, 2021 @ 11:08pm
Hazamuth  [developer] 18 Nov, 2021 @ 1:30am 
Hi, I have sent a request for the copyright holder to whitelist your channel. If you have trouble in the future with the same issue, please send us an email at address "dysmantle@10tons.com". This is better than posting on Steam Discussions as more people will notice it.
luca1981 18 Nov, 2021 @ 3:07am 
Originally posted by Hazamuth:
Hi, I have sent a request for the copyright holder to whitelist your channel. If you have trouble in the future with the same issue, please send us an email at address "dysmantle@10tons.com". This is better than posting on Steam Discussions as more people will notice it.
thanks dev you were kind I hope they take away the problem from me
luca1981 18 Nov, 2021 @ 10:15pm 
Originally posted by Hazamuth:
Hi, I have sent a request for the copyright holder to whitelist your channel. If you have trouble in the future with the same issue, please send us an email at address "dysmantle@10tons.com". This is better than posting on Steam Discussions as more people will notice it.

I am writing it here to show that it is all true thanks to the developer who made me remove copyright

lo scrivo qui per fare vedere che e tutto vero grazie allo sviluppatore che mi ha fatto togliere copyright

Dear Luca Puzio,

Good news. The copyright infringement claim on your video has been dropped.

Video Title: "DYSMANTLE Gameplay (PC) # 1"

- The YouTube team

Gentile Luca Puzio,

Buone notizie. Il reclamo per violazione del copyright sul tuo video è stato ritirato.

Titolo del video: "DYSMANTLE Gameplay (PC) #1"

- Il team di YouTube
samuray 11 Feb, 2022 @ 8:54am 
Как добывать камни?
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