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10tons  [developer] 7 Nov, 2020 @ 4:21am
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does the game have COOP or MP?

The game has local shared screen coop on a single machine. To access it, go into the 'System' menu ingame and select 'COOP'. You should be able to play coop "online" with Steam Remote Play or other third party programs such as Parsec. Do note that we are unable to provide technical support on these programs.

The game will not have a dedicated online component, or 'online multiplayer'.

2. What is the beta branch?

Beta branch contains the newest development additions to the game, but features and changes in it are still work-in-progress, so they might have an impact on the gameplay experience. As a ground rule, the main branch is more stable, than the beta branch.

In addition to "beta branch" there is also a "pre_beta branch". Pre_beta is an even more experimental work-in-progress branch that is mostly meant for internal testing. You are still able to play it, but there are no guarantees that you won't encounter bugs or problems there.

1) Go to LIBRARY - top of your screen.
2) Right click Dysmantle
3) After right clicking Dysmantle, a menu should pop up, at the bottom of the menu you'll notice the word "Properties".
4) After clicking Properties a new screen opens. At the top of the screen on the right you'll see the word "BETAS". Click this.
5) After clicking BETAS you'll see a small drop down menu with a down arrow. Click the drop down arrow and you'll see "- beta" among the other options.
6) After clicking Beta you version of Dysmantle should automatically update to the current version of Dysmantle Beta Branch.
7) To make sure the game is updated, please restart Steam.

We recommend backing up your saves before playing betas.

Windows Saves can be found in

Proton Saves can be found in
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/<STEAMAPP ID>/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Application Data/10tons/<GAME>/save

Numbered folders found within correspond to your save slots.

You might need to enable "show hidden folders" from Windows folder options to be able to see Appdata.

3. Game won't start at all
There's a known issue with MSI Afterburner's RivaTuner Statistics Server, which can cause some games to fail at launch. Quitting Afterburner, or setting Dysmantle's detection level to "None" in Afterburner's settings should resolve the issue.

If this does not fix your issue, you could try to send us your game logs for further examination:

1) Open game install folder (right click DYSMANTLE in Steam Library, select Manage -> Browse local files.
2) Rename the file _developer.xml to developer.xml. This will enable logging.
3) Attempt to launch the game as you normally would.
4) Email us (dysmantle at 10tons dot com) the logs that were generated to Windows Roaming AppData folder. This folder is usually located at C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\10tons\DYSMANTLE\logs.

4. Bad performance, visual bugs, or random crashes
You should always try updating your graphics drivers and operating system first - old software can cause all kinds of weird bugs. If that doesn't help, look for threads of similar issues, or post a new thread.

5. Do we have a Discord?
Last edited by 10tons; 20 Sep, 2022 @ 1:19am
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
10tons  [developer] 10 Nov, 2020 @ 1:24am 
Last edited by 10tons; 12 Nov, 2020 @ 2:07am
Hazamuth  [developer] 22 Oct, 2021 @ 4:05am 
We have recently received some bug reports with issues that might stem from using third party cheat software with the game. It seems like one popular cheat has not been updated in a while and some changes we have made to the game since then have broken the cheat functionality. We are unable to fix any issues that stem from running a third party software on top of the game. In the same vein, when reporting any issues please check first whether the third party software might be causing the issue.

While it is completely your own business what you do with your single player experience, we can't vouch that any such software is safe to use and won't contain malicious code or other security threats.
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