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10tons  [developer] 9 Nov, 2020 @ 7:30am
Suggestion Megathread
We have noticed people have a lot of good suggestions regarding how to improve the game and we've spent a good time scouring the discussion threads looking for those very suggestions.

This got us thinking that it would be the easiest to make a general suggestion thread. Do you have a suggestion that would enhance the game or fix some issue you have with the game? Post it here!

We won't be answering to everyone directly, but we will read your suggestions and write them up!

EDIT: Do note that this topic is (for now) only for posting your suggestions, NOT reviewing other people's suggestions.

Thank you for being such a vocal and engaged community!
Last edited by 10tons; 9 Nov, 2020 @ 7:47am
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Showing 1-15 of 646 comments
Sora Frost 9 Nov, 2020 @ 7:41am 
Side quest location markers. I have the side quest to find the garage key, but I did not do it immediately after aquirimg the quest and now I do not remember which town location it belongs with. So a marker indicating which town it goes with would be great.
10tons  [developer] 9 Nov, 2020 @ 7:45am 
Originally posted by Panterich:
Do you want input from players on ideas of other players as well in this discussion?

We think that it would be easiest for people to just post their ideas in, without other people's input at least for now. Although it would enable people to work together to enhance their original ideas, there is a large possibility of long discussions veering into offtopic tangents.
Spyware 9 Nov, 2020 @ 8:24am 
Originally posted by Sora Frost:
Side quest location markers. I have the side quest to find the garage key, but I did not do it immediately after aquirimg the quest and now I do not remember which town location it belongs with. So a marker indicating which town it goes with would be great.
Or a possibility to re-read the "clues" or maps etc.
GladiatorA19 9 Nov, 2020 @ 8:58am 
First, I'd like to say great job on this game! It's probably one of the few EA games that I feel really has something going for it; very enjoyable game play loop. I feel like you really hit a balance between survival game and arcade style destruction.

Some suggestions:

- Mouse aiming option instead of WASD / facing - I think this would make ranged weapons and fighting multiple enemies have a better flow.

- Option to toggle picking up certain materials, i.e., I can choose to never pick up plant fiber, plastic, etc.

- This is personal preference but I prefer ragdolls over death animations, I think it would make the weapons feel more impactful and fun to use.

- Adding blood effects, nothing too crazy but some would be nice.

- Car alarms, security gate alarms, etc. that can cause a horde event or just alert enemies in a huge radius.

- Maybe expanded tooltips on tools that tell you exactly what they can destroy? So rather than "Blunt" it says "Destroys walls, crates" and so forth.

- Add a very slight indicator for charging attacks, maybe like a faint blue shimmer or something. Sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm charging or still recovering from a previous swing.

- Jumping ability that can be used to cross smallish gaps like in the southern areas.

- The ability to pick up or throw destructible decorations based on your level or a perk could be fun.

- An upgrade to the campsites that lets you sleep any time without restriction.

- Very rare, random "champion" enemies that drop additional materials or higher quality materials and have additional attacks... for example a champion puker performing a bull rush attack or exploding on death. Maybe you can craft an additional comm tower upgrade to increase the chance of one spawning?

I'd be curious to know what your philosophy for the game is at the end - you thinking more grounded, survival gameplay or really letting the character get crazy powerful and take on tons of monsters and blow up entire buildings?
aphexplotz 9 Nov, 2020 @ 10:12am 
I would like to see options for windowed mode, or the ability to choose what monitor the game displays on. I keep my laptop screen as my primary, to keep things simple when I unplug and use it separately, but I like to game on my big monitor.
emp456 9 Nov, 2020 @ 10:37am 
->Key rebinds, and mouse button rebinds. I know this is discussed in other threads, also. I mean all that can be configurable: Map, Inventory, System, etc. All.

->A direct shortcut to each weapon or tool equipped instead of a button that have to go over each item before being able to re-select what you need. This limitation contributes to make the gameplay a bit clunky, and i'm aware that it's probably easier with a controller, but with a KB it's a pain to quickly change items and you risk trying to hit a zombie with your shovel, for instance :S

->Related to last point, a direct shortcut for a item we carry (for example to eat food, actually we have to click the hotbar, go to the item we need, right click...that's slow and cumbersome and males the game interface feel clunky imo) Let us press "1", "4" or whatever key we want to use for that (rebinds...)

->A true fullscreen option and a windowed mode if possible, pls.

->Not losing the lock on because you run. I don't even know if this is a bug, because it's really weird but if you sprint, you lose the lock on the enemies, and i can't see a reason for this to be a design decision but in case it's not a bug, i make the suggestion. This is another element a bit infuriating imo, and also contributes to make gameplay a bit clunky when trying to hunt anything (a zombie or a deer, whatever)

->A log for all the quests, radio messages, etc. Complete, i mean, with all the text we found in game.

->An option to add custom markers on the map. Related to this, maybe the option to add complete coordinates in the map (latitude, longitude or maybe just a unique number to mark each exact location on the whole grid/map)->there are coordinates already :S

->Make what we cook to be portable and eaten when/where we want. Imo the actual system makes the cooking (and also farming) very limited.

->Related to the last point, let us pick up items from our collection if we want (for example, raw food, but there are other uses, see next point)

->Also related to inventory is the need to have the items we need for a wishing well, for instance, when we have plenty of those items already collected so it's a bit absurd. Either let us pick up the items we need from the nearest camp (and add to that log i talked about the materials for that well) so we can go back to it and use it, or let the well take the materials from our collection.

->Let us switch the Transmitters so we can undo a "deadly transimission" if we want to repopulate zombies in a zone.

->Add some more perks to gather more than 1 item each time (maybe specialization for metal, organic, food...) When you have to click 280 times to pick up 150 leaves that are gone in just 7 farm tilled squares, imo that's too grindy. Even more when your char is high level and you still pick up items 1 by 1. I know there's a perk that add a 25%, 50% of gathering 1 more item, but still feels grindy. After a lot of tries testing that, the 25% chance seems to be more like a 10% or even less, for whatever reason, because 9/10 times at least you never get another item. In the 50% case, it seems a bit better, but i wonder if that perk is working as intented.

-Make the shrubbery passable without blocking movement. There are already too many things that block your char movement and the actual camera doesn't help too much to avoid being blocked with everything, specially in the forest.

BTW, as a new player that was a bit unsure about your game (apparently it seems like a mobile game or maybe a casual little console game) i think it's much more than what it seems. I ended up playing much more than the 2 hours refunding limit in my first time, and that was not your fault (i mean, apart from creating a fun game). You just need some QOL changes, a bit of polish and you almost have the game done (plus the new content to unlock, ofc) No bugs until now, also. Good work, devs, congrats.
Last edited by emp456; 10 Nov, 2020 @ 11:35am
skysong01 9 Nov, 2020 @ 12:02pm 
A quality of life feature I'd like to see is an option to invert Y axis, loving the game so far, thanks devs :)
zombie.NATION 9 Nov, 2020 @ 12:53pm 
I’m really enjoying the game so far, so thank you for all your hard work.

Some things I was going to suggest have already been mentioned (adding the option to pull items from storage for the wishing wells and adding the ability to uninstall transmitters).

I would also like to suggest:

・ including a warning that Deadly Transmission also affects non-monsters (and can't be reversed)

・ the addition of PlayStation button prompts for controller users

Also, I think it might be nice to be able to add more than one marker to the map
Thorn. 9 Nov, 2020 @ 1:59pm 
rickOshay 9 Nov, 2020 @ 3:27pm 
Craftable recipe for Bait for deer and cariboo, so they will stand still long enough to get 2 knives thrown at them
Lajcik 9 Nov, 2020 @ 4:03pm 
Here's a few QoL suggestions:

* Have trees become transparent in a radius around the player character. Currently fighting in a forested area is a bit of a pain

* As previously mentioned - allow adding custom markers to the map - a way to remember that there's something to check out later. the map does a good way of marking the important stuff by itself, but not everything.

* Make traveling to already visited areas less annoying, currently it's kinda boring to have to slog through terrain trying to avoind zombies just to revisit something or look for specific materials. Making campfires fast travel points would welcome, having some sort of a simple mount (like a scooter or a bike or sth) could work too.

* More of a bug probably - target locking (both manual and auto) feels wonky. It seems to only work when stationary which makes locking to an enemy while trying to avoind having your face sliced off not fun.

* Being able to check quest requirements by hovering on a discovered quest marker on the map - huge help without backtracking to it for nothing.

* I would also suggest trying to put in more optional stuff that is fun to discover. Little things that would make the zones a bit more interesting. As it stands the houses and enviroments feel mostly samey. The hidden treasures you can dig out are a good example of this - looking for places that could contain those actually makes the exploration fun rather than a resource grabbing routine. Another one are the messages you can read here and there about the previous inhabitants.

Overall really liking the game right now - ideal for long evenings :) Great work!
hero_dragon_fang 9 Nov, 2020 @ 6:49pm 
I don't know if anyone else suggested this, but an interesting flavor for the minimap and enemies (or creatures like deer) could be to show what direction they're facing, to facilitate sneaking up on them even before you see them on screen. it could be an upgrade or perk, or just something added in normally.
Astragaad 9 Nov, 2020 @ 8:15pm 
Here's a few things that I think would improve the experience although they might be repeated suggestions.

1.) The ability to withdraw items from your collection, or as far as wishing wells go, the option to use what you have in your collection. This would be rather helpful for those who have already cleared loot from most of - if not all of the map that is currently available. Certain resources such as rubber, are limited so having to find some for a wishing well after you've collected everything from the map currently available can be problematic unless you luck out and get some from a well but that seems to be RNG and not a reliable source.

2.) The option to rebind keys for certain in-game functions such as hotkeys for your map, inventory, etc. would be useful especially for those of us who use a controller. Perhaps add a secondary slot for keybindings as well.

3.) Slow the movement speed of deer just slightly or the option craft bait or a snare. They move around at rocket speed and are extremely annoying to kill at the moment, which makes getting hide difficult to get even for well-equipped players, unless of course you can kill ex wolves easily (not something a starting player could do). I would rather farm more hides from slower deer for upgrades than to experience the frustration of chasing a rocket-powered deer around the map.

4. The option to cycle power for deadly transmissions. Turning it off could be free but to restore function you would need certain materials such as a handful of mana beads, electronic parts, etc.

The game is pretty good so far in any case, looking forward to future content/improvements!
grandpa 9 Nov, 2020 @ 10:32pm 
Originally posted by Arbogeezy:
Here's a few things that I think would improve the experience although they might be repeated suggestions.

1.) The ability to withdraw items from your collection, or as far as wishing wells go, the option to use what you have in your collection. This would be rather helpful for those who have already cleared loot from most of - if not all of the map that is currently available. Certain resources such as rubber, are limited so having to find some for a wishing well after you've collected everything from the map currently available can be problematic unless you luck out and get some from a well but that seems to be RNG and not a reliable source.

2.) The option to rebind keys for certain in-game functions such as hotkeys for your map, inventory, etc. would be useful especially for those of us who use a controller. Perhaps add a secondary slot for keybindings as well.

3.) Slow the movement speed of deer just slightly or the option craft bait or a snare. They move around at rocket speed and are extremely annoying to kill at the moment, which makes getting hide difficult to get even for well-equipped players, unless of course you can kill ex wolves easily (not something a starting player could do). I would rather farm more hides from slower deer for upgrades than to experience the frustration of chasing a rocket-powered deer around the map.

4. The option to cycle power for deadly transmissions. Turning it off could be free but to restore function you would need certain materials such as a handful of mana beads, electronic parts, etc.

The game is pretty good so far in any case, looking forward to future content/improvements!

In all points +1

Cognitive 10 Nov, 2020 @ 5:29am 
1) Loot filter. Those plant materials tend to steal slots.
2) Adding personal notes on the map, and more than 1 marker.
3) Some item that lets you climb cliffs
4) More clothing types, like boots and gloves, and upgrades on clothing
5) Something that can save you from drowning, when you try to fish and fall in. A life vest?
6) Rare spawns. Maybe 1 at a time in each area. After you kill it there's a hidden spawn timer before a new rare will spawn somewhere else in the region
7) Update the map when something on it is destroyed.
8) Something that makes deer easier to kill. Maybe a level perk that makes them slightly less scared of you?
9) A trade post where you can trade excessive things to more needed materials.
10) Have the good fishing spots refresh
11) Let us dismantle the fuel cell automatons for some kind of reward.
12) Let us put fuel cells in the storage, or make them use no inventory space
Last edited by Cognitive; 10 Nov, 2020 @ 12:25pm
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