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Wragon 2 May, 2023 @ 3:44pm
vultures are bs, and the devs know it.
devs decide to have a kill quota for a flying creature, that you cant aim up at, have to be on a hill that they never fly close enough too, and not enough camera control to level for aiming. all because they ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate us. sure they dropped the requirement count, but didnt change anything else to make it any more plosable. having to shoot 30 rounds to kill a creature that takes one shot is dumb.
Originally posted by Hazamuth:
They were originally supposed to be invulnerable, just window dressing. Due to a small mistake on our part, the players during EA managed to down them (and actually took time hunting them), so we thought eh why not just give the players the ability to kill them and add the descriptions to collections. Now sure, this doesn't make your critique any less valid, just merely pointing out the process that led to the current state.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
HereIsPlenty 2 May, 2023 @ 3:45pm 
I dunno, I got him fairly fast. You do not need to kill one anyway, that is just the OCD.
Wragon 2 May, 2023 @ 4:13pm 
i know its the ocd, and i have 1 left to get the drops to show. its the fact that the devs seem to think people with OCD of any form need to suffer.
N'fol 2 May, 2023 @ 6:43pm 
I got my vultures fairly quickly by going to the gated community's campfire in the first desert area. Leave town and follow the road and go up one of the nearby hills. A vulture circles nearby which is easy to hit with the hunting rifle (don't just fire; press and hold the fire button so you can aim and view further away). You may need to wait a bit for the vulture to circle around. The target over the bird appears when you'll probably hit it. Release the fire button to shoot, then get the eggs and return to the campfire to respawn the vulture. Repeat as needed.
There may be a few other campfire/hill/vulture locations you can do something similar.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Hazamuth  [developer] 3 May, 2023 @ 1:15am 
They were originally supposed to be invulnerable, just window dressing. Due to a small mistake on our part, the players during EA managed to down them (and actually took time hunting them), so we thought eh why not just give the players the ability to kill them and add the descriptions to collections. Now sure, this doesn't make your critique any less valid, just merely pointing out the process that led to the current state.
Wragon 3 May, 2023 @ 8:05am 
i did manage to finaly get it, took 2 hours to get the last one. tried placing a turret to see if they could shoot vultures like they do deer. didnt work, but i did shoot the last one down. overall game is still fun, but man did this tick me off more then it should have XD
Poltergeist 18 May, 2024 @ 3:17pm 
I found this post on Google. Glad you guys ran into this issue, sure saved me time trying to figure that out! Thanks Wragon.
Poltergeist 18 May, 2024 @ 3:17pm 
I just bought this game the other day, I've been enjoying it a lot.
Blaze1961 18 May, 2024 @ 6:13pm 
I've played through the game multiple times. I've never once had an issue getting the vultures. Maybe I'm just that lucky.
Just discovered that it becomes easy to do if you build a platform on the tops of the hills. I managed to shoot down 4 vultures using 3 reloads of 8 rounds.
Mariner 10 Jan @ 6:14am 
A hint: Khopesh is your friend with this issue... Just get a good orientation on the minimap (the white dot and you have to be very close, and you facing it) and spam hits
Last edited by Mariner; 10 Jan @ 6:16am
Thanks for the hint, never thought of the Khopesh. I'll hope to remember it the next time I start a run through of the game ( I believe that I'm doing my fifth at this time )
Mariner 11 Jan @ 3:12am 
Tell me about it... have more than 1400h and still forgeting more things that I learned from day 1 lol
Last edited by Mariner; 11 Jan @ 3:12am
I have you beat by a little bit, I have a bit more than 1,800 hours in the game and also still learning. I'm using this game as practice for their next game which may ( my speculation ) be using similar game play mechanics. Hoping to hear more good news from the devs!
Thank you for this chat!
Mariner 11 Jan @ 3:24pm 
Yeah let's hope 10tons next one will be a very good one too. Thanks!
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