Control Ultimate Edition

Control Ultimate Edition

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WeebSlayer 29 Aug, 2019 @ 9:13am
Game often goes black
While playing the game with DLSS off, but with full RTX on, (the "high" setting) The game will often get super dark as if all the lights went out in the game and the Ray tracing is tracing exactly 0 light sources from anywhere.

Switching DLSS on then off again usually fixes this. If not it just Crashes.

Running on a i5 9600k overclocked to 4.9ghz and a overclocked RTX 2070 Super.
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Showing 1-15 of 49 comments
riffwave 27 Mar, 2020 @ 6:23am 
Getting this fade to black screen after the last update, never had it before. Only sky, object outlines and 2d elements are visible. Looks like a lighting bug indeed.
Space Potato 27 Aug, 2020 @ 1:13pm 
yep happened to me. i solved with rtx on medium and dlss off.
2022 and the game still has the same bug (gog ultimate edition)
Lazaar 25 Sep, 2022 @ 8:29pm 
Originally posted by 🏳️‍🌈CamiRock17⚧:
2022 and the game still has the same bug (gog ultimate edition)
Same issue
Christizzz 2 Nov, 2022 @ 9:20am 
same issue on steam
riffwave 2 Nov, 2022 @ 2:19pm 
I guess this issue is long forgotten
Christizzz 3 Nov, 2022 @ 3:39pm 
Originally posted by f1ac:
I guess this issue is long forgotten
so ypu dont think its hardware related ?
MagnusMcKay 7 Nov, 2022 @ 8:01pm 
Originally posted by Christizzz:
Originally posted by f1ac:
I guess this issue is long forgotten
so ypu dont think its hardware related ?
It isn't, I have a brand new computer and its doing the same to me
cardboardkungfu 22 Jan, 2023 @ 2:50am 
Happened to me in the middle of the Shum mission. Thought it was part of the game at first, but realized it was a glitch. Surprised it happened so far into the game.
Lucathegreat 22 Jan, 2023 @ 12:07pm 
Originally posted by oldmanstyl3:
Happened to me in the middle of the Shum mission. Thought it was part of the game at first, but realized it was a glitch. Surprised it happened so far into the game.

Lol yeah I thought it was a feature too the first time, it happened like twice in the game.
Turning off one of the RT lighting options seems to fix it.
2Much Fuego ™ 11 Feb, 2023 @ 7:51am 
I had this issue twice already. It started look like a small astral spikein on the screen and as you move it covers the whole screen. Restarting the game fixes for now.
Holografix 11 Feb, 2023 @ 10:39am 
happened to me as well. all black screen, with just the warp points visible (the icons). i was on RTX high, so i set it to RTX medium and it went back to normal.

Does anyone know the actual cause of this? Would love to have a hard fix for this black screen issue.
Originally posted by Holografix:
happened to me as well. all black screen, with just the warp points visible (the icons). i was on RTX high, so i set it to RTX medium and it went back to normal.

Does anyone know the actual cause of this? Would love to have a hard fix for this black screen issue.
I think it was the shadows rt and ambient occlusion RT but even if you disable those, after 10 or more minutes you still have another bug: brightness 1000%

It only happens on ultimate, the older versions doesn't have it.
Holografix 12 Feb, 2023 @ 10:26am 
Originally posted by 🏳️‍🌈CamiRock17⚧:
Originally posted by Holografix:
happened to me as well. all black screen, with just the warp points visible (the icons). i was on RTX high, so i set it to RTX medium and it went back to normal.

Does anyone know the actual cause of this? Would love to have a hard fix for this black screen issue.
I think it was the shadows rt and ambient occlusion RT but even if you disable those, after 10 or more minutes you still have another bug: brightness 1000%

It only happens on ultimate, the older versions doesn't have it.
that sux. i guess i'll have to keep toggling settings for temp fixes. oh well.
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